All Stories

  1. Evaluating Typing Performance in Different Mixed Reality Manifestations using Physiological Features
  2. Desk2Desk: Optimization-based Mixed Reality Workspace Integration for Remote Side-by-side Collaboration
  3. GazeSwitch: Automatic Eye-Head Mode Switching for Optimised Hands-Free Pointing
  4. PhoneInVR: An Evaluation of Spatial Anchoring and Interaction Techniques for Smartphone Usage in Virtual Reality
  5. Gaze on the Go: Effect of Spatial Reference Frame on Visual Target Acquisition During Physical Locomotion in Extended Reality
  6. Snap, Pursuit and Gain: Virtual Reality Viewport Control by Gaze
  7. PalmGazer: Unimanual Eye-hand Menus in Augmented Reality
  8. GE-Simulator: An Open-Source Tool for Simulating Real-Time Errors for HMD-based Eye Trackers
  9. Vergence Matching: Inferring Attention to Objects in 3D Environments for Gaze-Assisted Selection
  10. Speech-Augmented Cone-of-Vision for Exploratory Data Analysis
  11. Classifying Head Movements to Separate Head-Gaze and Head Gestures as Distinct Modes of Input
  12. Real-time head-based deep-learning model for gaze probability regions in collaborative VR
  13. Gaze+Hold: Eyes-only Direct Manipulation with Continuous Gaze Modulated by Closure of One Eye
  14. Radi-Eye: Hands-Free Radial Interfaces for 3D Interaction using Gaze-Activated Head-Crossing
  15. BimodalGaze: Seamlessly Refined Pointing with Gaze and Filtered Gestural Head Movement
  16. Outline Pursuits: Gaze-assisted Selection of Occluded Objects in Virtual Reality
  17. Eye, Head and Torso Coordination During Gaze Shifts in Virtual Reality
  18. Eye&Head
  19. Gaze behaviour on interacted objects during hand interaction in virtual reality for eye tracking calibration