All Stories

  1. Non-invasive analyze by PIGE of boron and lithium in 18th century Chinese porcelain enamel and glaze
  2. Focus point on scientific research in cultural heritage: articles from the 4th international conference on innovation in art research and technology (inArt 2020)
  3. Short-term modifications in the chemical structure of wood charcoals
  4. Obsidian in the Caribbean islands? Mysterious Ceramic Age glass artefacts in the Lesser Antilles
  5. Raman identification of pigments and opacifiers: II. Arsenic‐based opacifiers/relation with Co ores
  6. Plant-based red colouration of shell beads 15,000 years ago in Kebara Cave, Mount Carmel
  7. Raman identification of pigments and opacifiers: I. Lead‐tin and Naples Yellow
  8. Non-invasive on-site pXRF analysis of coloring agents of under- and over-glazes
  9. Investigating five totalizing counters manufactured by the A. Darras company of the CNAM collections
  10. Thermal relaxation of silica phases densified under electron irradiation
  11. Raman and ATR-FTIR analyses of medieval wall paintings from al-Qarawiyyin in Fez (Morocco)
  12. Chemical characterization of inks in skin reactions to tattoo
  13. Assessing the carbonisation temperatures recorded by ancient charcoals for δ13C-based palaeoclimate reconstruction
  14. Multi-analytical strategy to assess the presence of fossil hydrocarbons in a mummification balm
  15. ATR-FTIR pre-screening analyses for determining radiocarbon datable bone samples
  16. Service, expertise et archéométrie : état d’une réflexion collégiale
  17. First Identification of Sudoite in Caribbean Ceramic-Age Lapidary Craftsmanship
  18. On-site contactless surface analysis of modern paintings by reflectance FTIR and Raman
  19. Early anthropogenic use of hematite on Aurignacian ivory personal ornaments from Germany
  20. Characterisation of Justicia spicigera plant extract on the Codex Borbonicus
  21. The interaction of sediments with the archaeological iron remains from a shipwreck
  22. Inside black pearls
  23. Direct evidence of Neanderthal fibre technology and its cognitive and behavioral implications
  24. The glaze production technology of an early Ottoman pottery: The case of ‘Miletus Ware’
  25. The first bronze metallurgists of Western Europe: use-wear analysis and XRF synchrotron spectroscopy
  26. From archeological layers to schematic rock art?
  27. Characterization of pigments and ochres from Doi Pha Kan site (Thailand, Hoabinhian context)
  28. Procurement of beads and pendants in an early Saladoid settlement of Guadeloupe (French West Indies)
  29. Solutrean laurel-leaf points of Volgu: heat-treated or not?
  30. Conversion of steel by polyphenolic model molecules: Corrosion inhibition mechanism
  31. XRF and UV-Vis-NIR analyses of medieval wall paintings of al-Qarawiyyin Mosque (Morocco)
  32. Rediscovering Ducos du Hauron's Color Photography: His Three-Color Printing Processes
  33. Rediscovering Ducos du Hauron's Color Photography through a Review of His Three-Color Printing Processes and Synchrotron Microanalysis of His Prints
  34. FTIR spectroscopic semi-quantification of iron phases: A new method to evaluate the protection ability index (PAI) of archaeological artefacts corrosion systems
  35. Obsidian economy on the Cauria Plateau (South Corsica, Middle Neolithic)
  36. Structure and composition of Unio pictorum shell: arguments for the diversity of the nacroprismatic arrangement in molluscs
  37. Tempering-residue on heat-treated silcrete: an experimental perspective and a potential analytical protocol
  38. Nanoscale modifications in the early heating stages of bone are heterogeneous at the microstructural scale
  39. On sourcing obsidian assemblages from the Mediterranean area: analytical strategies for their exhaustive geochemical characterisation
  40. Divergence in the evolution of Paleolithic symbolic and technological systems: The shining bull and engraved tablets of Rocher de l'Impératrice
  41. Raman and NMR kinetics study of the formation of amidoamines containing N-hydroxyethyl groups and investigations on their Cu(II) complexes in water
  42. Étude de provenance et implications économico-culturelles des parures vitreuses et résineuses du Bronze moyen de l’abri 1 de Campu Stefanu (Sollacaro, Corse-du-Sud)
  43. Comparison of semiquantification experimental methodologies using micro-Raman spectroscopy:palmesoftware as an alternative tool for the study of salt efflorescence
  44. Early Evidence for the Extensive Heat Treatment of Silcrete in the Howiesons Poort at Klipdrift Shelter (Layer PBD, 65 ka), South Africa
  45. Raman Spectroscopy of cultural heritage Materials: Overview of Applications and New Frontiers in Instrumentation, Sampling Modalities, and Data Processing
  46. Raman Investigations to Identify Corallium rubrum in Iron Age Jewelry and Ornaments
  47. Rapid Quantification of Bone Collagen Content by ATR-FTIR Spectroscopy
  48. Nanoscience and Cultural Heritage
  49. From Archaeological Sites to Nanoscale: The Quest of Tailored Analytical Strategy and Modelling
  50. The role of marine aerosol in the formation of (double) sulfate/nitrate salts in plasters
  51. Bioimpact on weathering steel surfaces: Oxalates formation and the elucidation of their origin
  52. A previously undescribed organic residue sheds light on heat treatment in the Middle Stone Age
  53. The investment in time needed for heat treatment of flint and chert
  54. On-Site Identification of Early Böttger Red Stoneware Using Portable XRF/Raman Instruments: 2, Glaze & Gilding Analysis
  55. Analyses non destructives par spectroscopies infrarouge et Raman
  56. Archéométrie de l’obsidienne : déchiffrer la circulation d’une matière première
  57. Objectif et actions du réseau Cai-rn
  58. Embalming as a Source of Contamination for Radiocarbon dating of Egyptian Mummies: On a New Chemical Protocol to Extract Bitumen
  59. Towards a non-invasive quantitative analysis of the organic components in museum objects varnishes by vibrational spectroscopies: Methodological approach
  60. Erratum to: Obsidians artefacts from Renaghju (Corsica Island) and the Early Neolithic circulation of obsidian in the Western Mediterranean
  61. Circulation et provenance des matériaux dans les sociétés anciennes
  62. Caractérisation et circulation de l’obsidienne
  63. Obsidians artefacts from Renaghju (Corsica Island) and the Early Neolithic circulation of obsidian in the Western Mediterranean
  64. Combined approach of FT-Raman, SERS and IR micro-ATR spectroscopies to enlighten ancient technologies of painted and varnished works of art
  65. Protective ability index measurement through Raman quantification imaging to diagnose the conservation state of weathering steel structures
  66. Long term study of passive corrosion of steel rebars in Portland mortar in context of nuclear waste disposal
  67. On-Site Identification of Early BÖTTGER Red Stoneware Made at Meissen Using Portable XRF: 1, Body Analysis
  68. First Sculpted Human Face in the Western Mediterranean Early Neolithic
  69. Moganite detection in silica rocks using Raman and infrared spectroscopy
  70. Advanced discriminating criteria for natural organic substances of Cultural Heritage interest: Spectral decomposition and multivariate analyses of FT-Raman and FT-IR signatures
  71. Heat treatment in the South African Middle Stone Age: temperature induced transformations of silcrete and their technological implications
  72. Non-destructive characterization of archaeological resins: seeking alteration criteria through vibrational signatures
  73. Alteration of Asian lacquer: in-depth insight using a physico-chemical multiscale approach
  74. A hitherto unrecognised band in the Raman spectra of silica rocks: influence of hydroxylated Si–O bonds (silanole) on the Raman moganite band in chalcedony and flint (SiO2)
  75. Characterisation of the steel concrete interface submitted to chloride-induced-corrosion
  76. Raman Mapping for the Investigation of Nano-phased Materials
  77. New data and provenance of obsidian blocks from Middle Neolithic contexts on Corsica (western Mediterranean)
  78. Application des micro-spectrométries infrarouge et Raman à l’étude des processus diagénétiques altérant les ossements paléolithiques
  79. Passive corrosion of steel in concrete in context of nuclear waste disposal
  80. Raman study of a deuterated iron hydroxycarbonate to assess long-term corrosion mechanisms in anoxic soils
  81. A methodology for Raman structural quantification imaging and its application to iron indoor atmospheric corrosion products
  82. A joint use of Raman and infrared spectroscopies for the identification of natural organic media used in ancient varnishes
  83. A corrosion study of the ferrous medieval reinforcement of the Amiens cathedral. Phase characterisation and localisation by various microprobes techniques
  84. À propos des obsidiennes du palais de Malia
  85. Zusammensetzung und Aufbau des berühmten Stradivari-Lackes
  86. The Nature of the Extraordinary Finish of Stradivari’s Instruments
  87. Titelbild: Zusammensetzung und Aufbau des berühmten Stradivari-Lackes (Angew. Chem. 1/2010)
  88. Cover Picture: The Nature of the Extraordinary Finish of Stradivari’s Instruments (Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 1/2010)
  89. Raman Studies of Corrosion Layers Formed on Archaeological Irons in Various Media
  90. Characterization of long-term corrosion of rebars embedded in concretes sampled on French historical buildings aged from 50 to 80 years
  91. Multisecular corrosion behaviour of low carbon steel in anoxic soils: Characterisation of corrosion system on archaeological artefacts
  92. Détermination de provenance d’une sélection d’obsidiennes du palais minoen de Malia (Crète)
  93. Study of archaeological artefacts to refine the model of iron long-term indoor atmospheric corrosion
  94. Chert and obsidian procurement of three Corsican sites during the 6th and 5th millenniums BC
  95. Obsidian provenance studies in Colombia and Ecuador: obsidian sources revisited
  96. Contribution of iron archaeological artefacts to the estimation of average corrosion rates and the long-term corrosion mechanisms of low-carbon steel buried in soil
  97. Contribution of iron archaeological artefacts to the estimation of average corrosion rates and the long-term corrosion mechanisms of low-carbon steel buried in soil
  98. Deterioration of iron archaeological artefacts: micro-Raman investigation on Cl-containing corrosion products
  99. Raman imaging of ancient rust scales on archaeological iron artefacts for long-term atmospheric corrosion mechanisms study
  100. Raman spectroscopy in art and archaeology
  101. Raman identification of glassy silicates used in ceramics, glass and jewellery: a tentative differentiation guide
  102. Obsidian provenance studies in archaeology: A comparison between PIXE, ICP-AES and ICP-MS
  103. Local and structural characterisation of chlorinated phases formed on ferrous archaeological artefacts by μXRD and μXANES
  104. Corrosion of iron archaeological artefacts in soil: characterisation of the corrosion system
  105. Structural characterization of corrosion products on archaeological iron: an integrated analytical approach to establish corrosion forms
  106. Raman micro-spectroscopy of western Mediterranean obsidian glass: one step towards provenance studies?
  107. Provenance of the Jerf el Ahmar (Middle Euphrates Valley, Syria) obsidians
  108. La micro-spectroscople Raman pour l'étude des obsidiennes : structure, micro-inclusions et études de provenance ?
  109. Nouvelles recherches sur l'Obsidienne de Cheikh Hassan (Vallée de l'Euphrate, Syrie) au néolithique : PPNA et PPNB Ancien
  110. Nouvelles données sur la provenance de l'obsidienne des sites néolithiques du Sud-Est de la France
  111. La fin du Pléistocène supérieur et le début de l'Holocène en Corse : Apports paléontologique et archéologique du site de Castiglione (Oletta, Haute-Corse) [The end of the Late Pleistocene and the Early Holocene in Corsica : new paleontological and arch...
  112. A PIXE/Fission-Track Dating Approach to Sourcing Studies of Obsidian Artefacts in Colombia and Ecuador
  113. The fission-track analysis: An alternative technique for provenance studies of prehistoric obsidian artefacts
  114. PIXE analysis and fission track dating of obsidian from South American prehispanic cultures (Colombia, Ecuador)
  115. Fission Track Dating and Provenience of Archaeological Obsidian Artefacts in Colombia and Ecuador
  116. Trace and rare-earth element characteristics of acidic tuffs from southern Peru and northern Bolivia and a fission-track age for the sillar of Arequipa