All Stories

  1. Long-distance movements during the Last Glacial Maximum in the Pyrenean mountain Range: Fresh insights for Montlleó archaeological site (Prats i Sansor, Cerdanya, Spain)
  2. High-precision 40Ar/39Ar dating of Australasian tektites associated with bifacial tools in the Bose Basin (Xiaomei and Fengshudao sites), South China and in Vietnam (Go Da and Roc Tung 1 sites)
  3. Provenance Studies of a Set of Pick-Up Glass Fragments Found in Portugal and Dated to the 17th Century
  4. Archaeometric analysis of the obsidian assemblage from Hodoni/Hodony (Banat, Romania)
  5. The role of sulphur in the early production of copper red stained glass
  6. New data on different patterns of obsidian procurement in Georgia (Southern Caucasus) during the Chalcolithic, Bronze and Iron Age Periods
  7. Geochemical Study of Chert Artefacts from Xicotó Rockshelter (NE Iberia) Archaeological Site. New Data on Neolithic and Mesolithic Human Occupations
  8. Origins and manufacture of the glass mosaic tesserae from the great Umayyad Mosque in Damascus
  9. Compositions of early Islamic glass along the Iranian Silk Road
  10. The Making of Bikini Glass in Bida, Nigeria: Ethnography, Chemical Composition, and Archaeology
  11. Glass ingots from the Uluburun shipwreck: Addition of glass cullet during manufacture and evidence for the changing context of New Kingdom Egyptian glass production in the late 18th Dynasty
  12. Garnet Trade in Early Medieval Europe: The Italian Network
  13. Glass ingots from the Uluburun shipwreck: Glass by the batch in the Late Bronze Age
  14. Depositional Practices at the Natural Sanctuary of Veshnaveh, Central Iran. Jewellery and Watery Caves: Mining Archaeology in Iran 1
  15. Sand and Pebbles: The Study of Portuguese Raw Materials for Provenance Archaeological Glass
  16. Production or Consumption? Glass Beads from the Roman Villa of Aiano, Tuscany
  17. New data and perspectives on the early stages of the Neolithic in the Middle Kura River Valley (South Caucasus). The 2017–2019 excavations at Kiçik Tepe, Western Azerbaijan
  18. First 40Ar/39Ar analyses of Australasian tektites in close association with bifacially worked artifacts at Nalai site in Bose Basin, South China: The question of the early Chinese Acheulean
  19. Chemical and Mechanical Characterisation of White Earthenware Glazes from the Johnston‐Vieillard Manufactory (France, 19th Century)
  20. Extending the scale of obsidian studies: Towards a high‐resolution investigation of obsidian prehistoric circulation patterns in the southern Caucasus and north‐western Iran
  21. Glass in the Middle East and Western Europe at the End of the First Millennium CE, Transition from Natron to Plant Ash Soda or Forest Glasses
  22. Indian Glass Beads in Western and North Europe in Early Middle Age
  23. L’habitat et les sépultures du haut Moyen Âge (vie-ixe siècle) de Soulages (Saint-Maurice-Navacelles, Hérault)
  24. Document sans titre
  25. Compositional and provenance study of glass beads from archaeological sites in Mali and Senegal at the time of the first Sahelian states
  26. Comparison of pXRF and LA-ICP-MS analysis of lead-rich glass mosaic tesserae
  27. Chapitre 9 : Les verres mosaïqués : la palette de couleurs du verrier égyptien
  28. Characterizing the lithic raw materials from Fuente del Trucho (Asque‐Colungo, Huesca): New data about Palaeolithic human mobility in north‐east Iberia
  29. Composition, microstructure and corrosion mechanisms of Catalan Modernist enamelled glass
  30. Forts and Fortification in Wallacea: Archaeological and Ethnohistoric Investigations
  32. Tracing Palaeolithic human routes through the geochemical characterisation of chert tools from Caune de Belvis (Aude, France)
  33. Lithic raw material procurement at the Chaves cave (Huesca, Spain): A geochemical approach to defining Palaeolithic human mobility
  34. Modernist enamels: Composition, microstructure and stability
  35. Diachronic variability in obsidian procurement patterns and the role of the cave-sheepfold of Getahovit-2 (NE Armenia) during the Chalcolithic period
  36. Eastward expansion of the Neolithic from the Zagros: Obsidian provenience from Sang-e Chakhmaq, a late 8th-early 7th millennia BCE Neolithic site in northeast Iran
  37. Le verre du VIIIe au XVIe siècle en Europe occidentale
  38. Le verre creux du VIIIe au XIe siècle dans la vallée de la Loire moyenne et de la basse vallée de la Vienne. Essai typo-chronologique et archéométrique
  39. Les ateliers-maisons des argentières du Colombier (Ardèche)
  40. Crossing the Pyrenees during the Late Glacial Maximum. The use of geochemistry to trace past human mobility
  41. Long-distance mobility in the North-Western Mediterranean during the Neolithic transition using high resolution pottery sourcing
  42. Risk and reward: Explosive eruptions and obsidian lithic resource at Nabro volcano (Eritrea)
  43. From beams to glass: determining compositions to study provenance and production techniques
  44. The lithic landscape around Kharaneh IV (Azraq Basin, Jordan): Petrographical and geochemical characterization of geological cherts
  45. Glass and other vitreous materials through history
  46. Chronology of early Islamic glass compositions from Egypt
  47. A Phoenician glass eye bead from 7th–5th c. cal BCE Nin-Bèrè 3, Mali: Compositional characterisation by LA–ICP–MS
  48. Shanidar Cave and the Baradostian, a Zagros Aurignacian industry
  49. On the making, mixing and trading of glass from the Roman military fort at Oudenburg (Belgium)
  50. Abstract
  51. Annexes
  52. Changes in the Signature of Cobalt Colorants in Late Antique and Early Islamic Glass Production
  53. How much is known about glassy materials in Bronze and Iron Age Italy? New data and general overview
  54. Correction to: The trade of glass beads in early medieval Illyricum: towards an Islamic monopoly
  55. HIMT, glass composition and commodity branding in the primary glass industry
  56. Chemical compositional analysis of glass from the north cemetery of ancient Demetrias (Thessaly)
  57. Provenance d’artefacts en rhyolite corse : évaluation des méthodes d’analyse géochimique
  58. An archaeometric study of some pre-Roman glass beads from Son Mas (Mallorca, Spain)
  59. The procurement of obsidian at Arslantepe (Eastern Anatolia) during the Chalcolithic and Early Bronze Age: Connections with Anatolia and Caucasus
  60. The trade of glass beads in early medieval Illyricum: towards an Islamic monopoly
  61. Reconsidering prehistoric chert catchment sources: new data from the Central Pyrenees (Western Europe)
  62. Compositional observations for Islamic Glass from Sīrāf, Iran, in the Corning Museum of Glass collection
  63. Between cooking and knapping in the southern Caucasus: Obsidian-tempered ceramics from Aratashen (Armenia) and Mentesh Tepe (Azerbaijan)
  64. The geochemical characterization of two long distance chert tracers by ED-XRF and LA-ICP-MS. Implications for Magdalenian human mobility in the Pyrenees (SW Europe)
  65. Lisht as a New Kingdom Glass-Making Site with Its Own Chemical Signature
  66. Applying ED-XRF and LA-ICP-MS to geochemically characterize chert. The case of the Central-Eastern Pre-Pyrenean lacustrine cherts and their presence in the Magdalenian of NE Iberia
  67. Provenance studies of 18th century potassium-rich archaeological glass from Portugal
  68. Discovery of obsidian mines on Mount Chikiani in the Lesser Caucasus of Georgia
  69. Dating the mosaics of the Durres amphitheatre through interdisciplinary analysis
  70. Wine Bottles From Lisbon: Archaeometric Studies Of Two Archaeological Sites Dated From The 17th To The 19th Century
  71. Stéphane Rottier, Jacques Piette und Claude Mordant (dir.): Archéologie funéraire du Bronze final dans les vallées de l’Yonne et de la haute Seine: Les nécropoles de Barbey, Barbuise et La Saulsotte. Mit Beiträgen von Bernard Gratuze, Rachael Leahy, Pa...
  72. Nîmes (Gard). Un ensemble funéraire de l’Antiquité tardive et du haut Moyen Âge au 12 rue Saint-Gilles
  73. Étude de provenance et implications économico-culturelles des parures vitreuses et résineuses du Bronze moyen de l’abri 1 de Campu Stefanu (Sollacaro, Corse-du-Sud)
  74. Comprehensive Chemical Characterisation of Byzantine Glass Weights
  75. Erratum - Unravelling the Iron Age glass trade in southern Italy: the first trace-element analyses
  76. Natron glass production and supply in the late antique and early medieval Near East: The effect of the Byzantine-Islamic transition
  77. Mesopotamian glass from Late Bronze Age Egypt, Romania, Germany, and Denmark
  78. The growth of early social networks: New geochemical results of obsidian from the Ubaid to Chalcolithic Period in Syria, Iraq and the Gulf
  79. Identification and characterization of two new obsidian sub-sources in the Nemrut volcano (Eastern Anatolia, Turkey): The Sıcaksu and Kayacık obsidian
  80. Characterization and origin of steatite beads made by Northern Iroquoians in the St. Lawrence Valley during the 15th and 16th centuries
  81. Unravelling the Iron Age glass trade in southern Italy: the first trace-element analyses
  82. Lead it be! Identifying the construction phases of gothic cathedrals using lead analysis by LA-ICP-MS
  83. Gilding on glass: New evidence from a 17th century flask found in Portugal
  84. Provenance studies on façon-de-Venise glass excavated in Portugal
  85. Indo-Pacific glass beads from the Indian subcontinent in Early Merovingian graves (5th–6th century AD)
  86. Scientific Analysis of Ancient Glass: Answering the Questions and Questioning the Answers
  87. Quatre siècles d’artisanat verrier forestier en Languedoc méditerranéen : l’atelier du mas de Baumes Ferrières-les-Verreries, Hérault, XIVe-XVIIIe s
  88. Analysis of Vitreous Archaeological Materials by LA-ICP-MS
  89. Application of LA-ICP-MS to Black Stone Objects Used During the Iron Age in Celtic Europe
  90. Characterization of Slag Inclusions in Iron Objects
  91. Glass Characterization Using Laser Ablation-Inductively Coupled Plasma-Mass Spectrometry Methods
  92. LA-ICP-MS Analysis of Ancient Silver Coins Using Concentration Profiles
  93. Recent Advances in Laser Ablation ICP-MS for Archaeology
  94. Les affleurements d’obsidiennes du Nemrut (Anatolie orientale) : mise en évidence d’une source exploitable, premiers résultats
  95. Bronze Age vitreous materials from Punta di Zambrone (southern Italy)
  96. Sembiran and Pacung on the north coast of Bali: a strategic crossroads for early trans-Asiatic exchange
  97. Between Egypt, Mesopotamia and Scandinavia: Late Bronze Age glass beads found in Denmark
  98. 4. Developing an Adaptive Field Methodology for Challenging Landscapes
  99. Reflections on Bronze Age travels
  100. Trace element quantification of lead based roof sheets of historical monuments by Laser Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy
  101. Application de la spectrométrie de masse à plasma
  102. Obsidian-tempered pottery in the Southern Caucasus: a new approach to obsidian as a ceramic-temper
  103. Neolithic diffusion of obsidian in the western Mediterranean: new data from Iberia
  104. The Neolithic Obsidians From Southeastern Ukraine First Characterization and Provenance Determination
  105. Oculi des baies hautes du chœur. Étude archéologique et archéométrique des éléments métalliques
  106. Analysis of glass from the post-Roman settlement Tonovcov grad (Slovenia) by PIXE–PIGE and LA-ICP-MS
  107. Middle Palaeolithic and Neolithic Occupations around Mundafan Palaeolake, Saudi Arabia: Implications for Climate Change and Human Dispersals
  108. Considering the Arabian Neolithic through a reconstitution of interregional obsidian distribution patterns in the region
  109. Le verre aventurine (« avventurina ») : son histoire, les recettes, les analyses, sa fabrication
  110. Provenance Analysis of Glass Artefacts
  111. Glass in South Asia
  112. Glass Characterisation Using Laser Ablation Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometry Methods
  113. Obsidian Sources in the Regions of Erzurum and Kars (North-East Turkey): New Data
  114. New Data on the Exploitation of Obsidian in the Southern Caucasus (Armenia, Georgia) and Eastern Turkey, Part 1: Source Characterization
  115. New Data on the Exploitation of Obsidian in the Southern Caucasus (Armenia, Georgia) and Eastern Turkey, Part 2: Obsidian Procurement from the Upper Palaeolithic to the Late Bronze Age
  116. Obsidian Exchange Networks in Prehistoric Anatolia: New Data from the Black Sea Region
  117. Prendre la mesure du faux-monnayage : réflexions sur les chaînes opératoires et la productivité des faux-monnayeurs de la grotte de La Catette (Aude)
  118. Mesure et histoire médiévale
  119. L’or de la vallée de la Somme : recherches sur le monnayage d’or ambien (IIIe-Ier siècle av. J.-C.)
  120. Physicochemical changes in Miscanthus ash on agglomeration with fluidized bed material
  121. The medieval iron market in Ariège (France). Multidisciplinary analytical approach and multivariate analyses
  122. Les bracelets protohistoriques en verre de Bretagne
  123. New investigations of the Göllüdağ obsidian lava flows system: a multi-disciplinary approach
  124. La production monétaire romaine en orichalque : caractérisation du monnayage et approche du processus d’élaboration par l’expérimentation
  125. Melian obsidian in NW Turkey: Evidence for early Neolithic trade
  126. The Dating of a Sixteenth Century Settlement in the Vicinity of Quebec City (Canada) by Means of Elemental Analysis of Glass Beads Through Thermal and Fast Neutron Activation Analyses
  127. Obsidian sources in highland Yemen and their relevance to archaeological research in the Red Sea region
  128. Mineral soda alumina glass: occurence and meaning
  129. L’artisanat des alliages cuivreux à l’époque romaine : témoignages d’une production métallurgique à Javols-Anderitum (Lozère)
  131. Does it come from the Pays de Bray? Examination of an origin hypothesis for the ferrous reinforcements used in French medieval churches using major and trace element analyses
  132. Nouveaux résultats sur l’origine des obsidiennes de Peiro Signado à Portiragnes (Hérault)
  134. Les objets de parure en black shales à l’Âge du Fer en Europe celtique : recherche de provenance par l’analyse élémentaire (LA-ICP/MS)
  135. Le mobilier en verre du site de la Grotta Piatta (Aregno, Haute-Corse) : composition chimique et chronotypologie
  136. Application of laser ablation inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (LA-ICP-MS) for the investigation of ancient silver coins
  137. Paire de fibules en or du Ier s. av. J.-C. : autour d’une découverte de l’oppidum de Corent (Puy-de-Dôme)
  138. La composition des verres de Xanthos
  139. Dietary patterns during the late prehistoric/historic period in Cikobia island (Fiji): insights from stable isotopes and dental pathologies
  140. Comparative geochemical studies of obsidian samples from various localities
  141. Les éléments de parure en verre du site de Lumaca (Âge du Fer, Centuri, Haute-Corse) : compositions et typochronologie
  142. Glass from Khao Sam Kaeo: Transferred technology for an early Southeast Asian exchange network
  143. Chapter 15 Provenance analysis of glass artefacts
  144. Origine et diffusion du verre dans le monde indien et en Asie du Sud-Est : l'importance du dosage des éléments-traces.
  145. Verres et céramiques glaçurées archéologiques : complémentarité entre les textes et les résultats d'analyses
  146. Manganese Black Pigments in Prehistoric Paintings: the Case of the Black Frieze of Pech Merle (France)
  147. Analyse quantitative de fragments de verre provenant de Begram
  148. Nouvelles recherches sur l'Obsidienne de Cheikh Hassan (Vallée de l'Euphrate, Syrie) au néolithique : PPNA et PPNB Ancien
  149. Contribution of PIGE technique to the study of obsidian glasses
  150. Analysis of medieval glass by X-ray spectrometric methods
  151. Annexe : Étude chimique des verres de l'atelier de Beyrouth
  152. Essais de caractérisation des silex bédouliens provençaux par analyse chimique élémentaire.
  153. Obsidian Characterization by Laser Ablation ICP-MS and its Application to Prehistoric Trade in the Mediterranean and the Near East: Sources and Distribution of Obsidian within the Aegean and Anatolia
  154. L’obsidienne au Proche et Moyen Orient: Du volcan à l’outil
  155. Archaeological Ceramic Glazes Characterization by Laser Ablation - Inductively Coupled Plasma - Mass Spectrometry (LA-ICP-MS)
  156. Obsidiennes du site néolithique précéramique de Shillourokambos (Chypre).
  157. Caractérisation de boules de bleu égyptien : analyse par absorption visible et par activation avec des neutrons rapides de cyclotron
  158. De l'origine du cobalt : du verre à la céramique
  159. Contribution à l'analyse d'outils provenant du site archéologique de Magzalia
  160. Le verre : les éléments de réponses que peuvent proposer les méthodes de caractérisation physico-chimiques aux problématiques archéologiques posées par ce matériau
  162. Apport de la méthode ICP-MS couplée à l'ablation laser pour la caractérisation des archéomatériaux
  163. Ancient glassy materials analyses: a new bulk nondestructive method based on fast neutron activation analysis with a cyclotron
  164. De l'origine du cobalt dans les verres
  166. Les collyres
  167. Utilisation par l’industrie verrière des sels d’aluns des oasis égyptiennes au début du premier millénaire avant notre ère