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  1. Intervention studies with group design targeting expressive phonology for children with developmental speech and language disorder: A systematic review and meta‐analysis
  2. Rearing a child with a language disorder: parents experiences with speech and language therapy services in 10 countries
  3. “So, I told him to look for friends!” Barriers and protecting factors that may facilitate inclusion for children with Language Disorder in everyday social settings: Cross-cultural qualitative interviews with parents
  4. Exploring Parental Perspectives of Childhood Speech and Language Disorders Across 10 Countries: A Pilot Qualitative Study
  5. Speech Assessment for Multilingual Children
  6. Developmental vowel acquisition data obtained by a band‐filtering analysis method: Results from Hungarian children
  7. The acquisition of vowels in Dutch vs. Hungarian
  8. The role of principal component analysis in vowel acquisition research
  9. Vowel Acquisition in Hungarian: A First Look at Developmental Data