All Stories

  1. Divergence and contact in Southern Bantu language and population history
  2. Erratic velars in West-Coastal Bantu
  3. Final Vowel Loss in Lower Kasai Bantu (drc) as a Contact-Induced Change
  4. A diachronic corpus-driven study of the expression of possibility in Luganda (Bantu, JE15)
  5. Kisikongo (Bantu, H16a) present-future isomorphism
  6. Progressive vowel height harmony in Proto-Kikongo and Proto-Bantu
  7. Valency-decreasing derivations and quasi-middles in Bantu: A typological perspective
  8. On the origins of passive allomorphy in Cuwabo (Bantu P34)
  9. The middle as a voice category in Bantu: Setting the stage for further research
  10. Prehistoric Bantu-Khoisan language contact
  11. 14. The conjoint/disjoint alternation in Kirundi (JD62): A case for its abolition
  12. Combined Spectroscopic Analysis of Beads from the Tombs of Kindoki, Lower Congo Province (Democratic Republic of the Congo)
  13. Entre verbe et adverbe : Grammaticalisation et dégrammaticalisation du marqueur épistémique umeengo/umeenga en kirundi (bantou, JD62)
  14. Linguistic innovation, political centralization and economic integration in the Kongo kingdom
  15. Bantu expansion shows that habitat alters the route and pace of human dispersals
  16. The Elusive Archaeology of Kongo Urbanism: the Case of Kindoki, Mbanza Nsundi (Lower Congo, DRC)
  17. Antipassive/associative polysemy in Cilubà (Bantu, L31a)
  18. African-European Contacts in the Kongo Kingdom (Sixteenth-Eighteenth Centuries): New Archaeological Insights from Ngongo Mbata (Lower Congo, DRC)
  19. Middle to Late Holocene Paleoclimatic Change and the Early Bantu Expansion in the Rain Forests of Western Central Africa
  20. Event-centrality and the pragmatics–semantics interface in Kikongo: From predication focus to progressive aspect and vice versa
  21. Prehistoric language contact in the Kavango-Zambezi transfrontier area: Khoisan influence on southwestern Bantu languages
  22. The antipassive in Bantu
  23. Migration and Interaction in a Contact Zone: mtDNA Variation among Bantu-Speakers in Southern Africa
  24. Diachronic semantics of the modal verb -sóból- in Luganda
  25. Migration and interaction in a contact zone: mtDNA variation among Bantu-speakers in southern Africa
  26. Bantu-Ubangi language contact and the origin of labial-velar stops in Lingombe (Bantu, C41, DRC)
  27. Umlaut in the Bantu B80 Languages of the Kwilu (DRC)
  28. Archaeological charcoals as archives for firewood preferences and vegetation composition during the late Holocene in the southern Mayumbe, Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC)
  29. Climate-induced vegetation dynamics and the Bantu Expansion: Evidence from Bantu names for pioneer trees (Elaeis guineensis, Canarium schweinfurthii, and Musanga cecropioides)
  30. Pushing Back the Origin of Bantu Lexicography: The Vocabularium Congense of 1652, 1928, 2012
  31. Genetic perspectives on the origin of clicks in Bantu languages from southwestern Zambia
  32. Subject marking, object-verb order and focus in Mbuun (Bantu, B87)
  33. The applicative in ciLubà grammar and discourse: A semantic goal analysis
  34. First farmers in the Central African rainforest: A view from southern Cameroon
  35. Vowel split in Hungan (Bantu H42, Kwilu, DRC): A contact-induced language-internal change
  36. Passiveness and inversion in Mbuun (Bantu B87, DRC)
  37. Molecular Perspectives on the Bantu Expansion: A Synthesis
  38. The causative/applicative syncretism in Mbuun (Bantu B87, DRC): Semantic split or phonemic merger?
  39. Un recueil de proverbes nsong (R.D. Congo, Bantu B85d)
  40. Un recueil de proverbes mbuun d’Imbongo (RD Congo, bantu B87)
  41. On how “middle” plus “associative/reciprocal” became “passive” in the Bantu A70 languages
  42. Early Plant Cultivation in the Central African Rain Forest: First Millennium BC Pearl Millet from South Cameroon
  43. Bantu Spirantization
  44. Bantu Spirantization<BR> Morphologization, lexicalization and historical classification
  46. Research Mate in African Linguistics: Focus on Cameroon, edited by Ngessimo M. Mutaka and Sammy B. Chumbow