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  1. Learnability of L2 collocations and L1 influence on L2 collocational representations of Japanese learners of English
  2. Rule-based or efficiency-driven processing of expletive there in English as a foreign language
  3. Pitfalls of production data analysis for investigating L2 cognitive mechanism
  4. The Complex Relationship Between Conscious/Unconscious Learning and Conscious/Unconscious Knowledge
  5. Written languaging with indirect feedback in writing revision: is feedback always effective?
  6. Japanese EFL learners’ sentence processing of conceptual plurality: An analysis focusing on reciprocal verbs
  7. Effects of cognitive demands on attention orientation in L2 oral production
  8. Potential Methodological Biases in Research on Learning without Awareness: Table 1:
  9. Effects of task repetition on learners’ attention orientation in L2 oral production