All Stories

  1. Measuring cognitive complexity in parametric design
  2. A Justified Plan Graph (JPG) grammar approach to identifying spatial design patterns in an architectural style
  3. The language of design
  4. A syntactical and grammatical approach to architectural configuration, analysis and generation
  5. Using a JPG Grammar to Explore the Syntax of a Style: An Application to the Architecture of Glenn Murcutt
  6. Health Smart Home Services incorporating a MAR-based Energy Consumption Awareness System
  7. Parametric Design Strategies for the Generation of Creative Designs
  8. Creativity and parametric design? Comparing designer's cognitive approaches with assessed levels of creativity
  9. Context-aware inference in ubiquitous residential environments
  10. Evaluating Creativity in Parametric Design Processes and Products: A Pilot Study
  11. Comparing Designers' Behavior in Responding to Unexpected Discoveries in Parametric Design Environments and Geometry Modeling Environments
  12. Information lifecycle management with RFID for material control on construction sites
  13. Designing for interactive and collective mobile creativity
  14. Understanding Cognitive Activities in Parametric Design