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  1. Cover Image
  2. Renal Mitochondrial ATP Transporter Ablation Ameliorates Obesity-Induced Chronic Kidney Disease
  3. Renal Endocannabinoid Dysregulation in Obesity-Induced Chronic Kidney Disease in Humans
  4. Systemic Changes in Endocannabinoids and Endocannabinoid-like Molecules in Response to Partial Nephrectomy-Induced Ischemia in Humans
  5. Kidney Proximal Tubule GLUT2—More than Meets the Eye
  6. Salivary Endocannabinoid Profiles in Chronic Orofacial Pain and Headache Disorders: An Observational Study Using a Novel Tool for Diagnosis and Management
  7. Herbal Cannabis Use Is Not Associated with Changes in Levels of Endocannabinoids and Metabolic Profile Alterations among Older Adults
  8. Blood RNA Sequencing Indicates Upregulated BATF2 and LY6E and Downregulated ISG15 and MT2A Expression in Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder
  9. Reduced Endocannabinoid Tone in Saliva of Chronic Orofacial Pain Patients
  10. Osteogenic growth peptide is a potent anti-inflammatory and bone preserving hormone via cannabinoid receptor type 2
  11. The Metabolic Efficacy of a Cannabidiolic Acid (CBDA) Derivative in Treating Diet- and Genetic-Induced Obesity
  12. Effects of Environmental Heat Load on Endocannabinoid System Components in Adipose Tissue of High Yielding Dairy Cows
  13. Placental colonization by Fusobacterium nucleatum is mediated by binding of the Fap2 lectin to placentally displayed Gal-GalNAc
  14. Fenchone Derivatives as a Novel Class of CB2 Selective Ligands: Design, Synthesis, X-ray Structure and Therapeutic Potential
  15. Do endocannabinoids acting via hepatic CB-1 contribute to NAFLD and hepatic insulin resistance?
  16. Grape pomace reduces the severity of non-alcoholic hepatic steatosis and the development of steatohepatitis by improving insulin sensitivity and reducing ectopic fat deposition in mice
  17. Pathogenesis of diabesity‐induced kidney disease: role of kidney nutrient sensing
  18. Renal Proximal Tubule Cell Cannabinoid-1 Receptor Regulates Bone Remodeling and Mass via a Kidney-to-Bone Axis
  19. Peripheral sgp130-mediated trans-signaling blockade induces obesity and insulin resistance in mice via PPARα suppression
  20. Dual inhibition of cannabinoid CB 1 receptor and inducible NOS attenuates obesity‐induced chronic kidney disease
  21. HU-671, a Novel Oleoyl Serine Derivative, Exhibits Enhanced Efficacy in Reversing Ovariectomy-Induced Osteoporosis and Bone Marrow Adiposity
  22. Cannabis: From a Plant That Modulates Feeding Behaviors toward Developing Selective Inhibitors of the Peripheral Endocannabinoid System for the Treatment of Obesity and Metabolic Syndrome
  23. WWOX somatic ablation in skeletal muscles alters glucose metabolism
  24. Cannabinoid‐1 receptor regulates mitochondrial dynamics and function in renal proximal tubular cells
  25. Age-related regulation of bone formation by the sympathetic cannabinoid CB1 receptor
  26. The therapeutic potential of targeting the peripheral endocannabinoid/CB 1 receptor system
  27. Metabolic Circuit Involving Free Fatty Acids, microRNA 122, and Triglyceride Synthesis in Liver and Muscle Tissues
  28. Peripheral cannabinoid-1 receptor blockade restores hypothalamic leptin signaling
  29. Metabolic Profiling of CB1 Neutral Antagonists
  30. CB1 cannabinoid receptors mediate endochondral skeletal growth attenuation by Δ9-tetrahydrocannabinol
  31. Peripheral CB1 cannabinoid receptor blockade improves cardiometabolic risk in mouse models of obesity
  32. Peripheral CB1 cannabinoid receptor blockade improves cardiometabolic risk in mouse models of obesity
  33. The cannabinoid CB1 receptor regulates bone formation by modulating adrenergic signaling
  34. Involvement of Neuronal Cannabinoid Receptor CB1 in Regulation of Bone Mass and Bone Remodeling