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  1. Why is it important to use normative criteria when you manipulate argument quality in a study?
  2. How Brands Highlight Country of Origin in Magazine Advertising: A Content Analysis
  3. Het belang van taalbeheersing in onderzoek naar digitale communicatie
  4. Cultural values adapted to individualism–collectivism in advertising in Western Europe: An experimental and meta-analytical approach
  5. Non-nativeness in communication
  6. The curiosity-evoking capacity of foreign languages in advertising
  7. Hedendaags theoretisch en empirisch onderzoek naar argumentatieschema's
  8. Het effect van evidentiekwaliteit op de beoordeling van standpunten - De rol van toegevoegde tekst
  9. The SAGE Handbook of persuasion
  10. Een Bayesiaans perspectief op argumentkwaliteit - Het ad populum-argument onder de loep
  11. Writing Assessment in Higher Education
  12. De effecten van other-benefit appeals, self-benefit appeals en exemplars bij het werven van vrijwilligers voor charitatieve organisaties
  13. The Effectiveness of Foreign-Language Display in Advertising for Congruent versus Incongruent Products
  14. Occupational safety in multicultural teams and organizations: A research agenda
  15. Evidence Quality and Persuasiveness: Germans Are Not Sensitive to the Quality of Statistical Evidence
  16. Reasoning and argumentation: Towards an integrated psychology of argumentation
  17. Chapter 18. The effects of hedges and pledges in advertisements for high and low reputation brands
  18. 2. The influence of scientese on ad credibility and ad liking: a cross-cultural investigation of ads for beauty products
  19. De rol van begrijpelijke taal in een digitale context - Ontwikkelingen op de domeinen Leven Lang Leren, complexe financiële producten, bestuur en politiek, en gezondheid
  20. Conducting Research on International Advertising: The Roles of Cultural Knowledge and International Research Teams
  21. Frans van Eemeren, Bart Garssen and Bert Meuffels. Fallacies and judgments of reasonableness: Empirical research concerning the pragma-dialectical discussion rules
  22. Epistemic authority of professors and researchers: differential perceptions by students from two cultural-educational systems
  23. Is het aanpassen van advertenties aan culturele waarden in West-Europa zinvol?
  24. English or a Local Language in Advertising?: The Appreciation of Easy and Difficult English Slogans in the Netherlands
  25. The Effects of Cultural Adaptation in Fundraising Letters: The Case of Help-Self and Help-Others Appeals in a Feminine Culture
  26. William Benoit and Pamela Benoit. Persuasive messages: The process of influence
  27. Versterkende, afzwakkende en numerieke markeringen in claims over cosmeticaproducten: maken ze claims overtuigender?
  28. Comparing the Actual and Expected Persuasiveness of Evidence Types: How Good are Lay People at Selecting Persuasive Evidence?
  29. Cultural Differences in the Persuasiveness of Evidence Types and Evidence Quality
  30. An Empirical Study of Readers' Associations with Multilingual Advertising: The Case of French, German and Spanish in Dutch Advertising
  31. De Voorkeur Voor Expertevidentie in Nederland en Frankrijk
  32. Welke Associaties Roepen Vreemde Talen in Reclame op?
  33. Frans In Nederlandse Advertenties
  34. Relative occurrence of evidence types in Dutch and French persuasive communication
  35. Review of O’Keefe (2002):
  36. Aufgabenorientierte und lebensstilspezifische Wertpräferenzen in Schlagzeilen niederländischer und deutscher IT-Stellenanzeigen
  37. Measuring the effect of culture in experimental persuasive effects research
  38. Measuring the effect of culture in experimental persuasive effects research
  39. English loanwords and their counterparts in Dutch job advertisements: An experimental study in association overlap