All Stories

  1. Digital mapping of soil salinity at various depths using an EM38
  2. Quantitative mapping of soil salinity using the DUALEM-21S instrument and EM inversion software
  3. Identifying soil management zones in a sugarcane field using proximal sensed electromagnetic induction and gamma-ray spectrometry data
  4. Potential to predict depth-specific soil-water content beneath an olive tree using electromagnetic conductivity imaging
  5. terra GIS - a web GIS for delivery of digital soil maps in cotton-growing areas of Australia
  6. Mapping soil salinity in 3-dimensions using an EM38 and EM4Soil inversion modelling at the reconnaissance scale in central Morocco
  7. Scope to map soil management units at the district level from remotely sensed γ -ray spectrometry and proximal sensed EM induction data
  8. Field level digital mapping of soil mineralogy using proximal and remote-sensed data
  9. 3D soil water nowcasting using electromagnetic conductivity imaging and the ensemble Kalman filter
  10. Utilizing a DUALEM-421 and inversion modelling to map baseline soil salinity along toposequences in the Hunter Valley Wine district
  11. An error budget for digital soil mapping of cation exchange capacity using proximally sensed electromagnetic induction and remotely sensed γ -ray spectrometer data
  12. Characterization of field-scale dryland salinity with depth by quasi-3d inversion of DUALEM-1 data
  13. Monitoring and modelling soil water dynamics using electromagnetic conductivity imaging and the ensemble Kalman filter
  14. Mapping soil water dynamics and a moving wetting front by spatiotemporal inversion of electromagnetic induction data
  15. Salinity risk assessment using fuzzy multiple criteria evaluation
  16. Identifying soil landscape units at the district scale by numerically clustering remote and proximal sensed data
  17. Probabilistic inversion of EM38 data for 3D soil mapping in central Iran
  18. Monitoring scale-specific and temporal variation in electromagnetic conductivity images
  19. Modelling soil salinity across a gilgai landscape by inversion of EM38 and EM31 data
  20. Assessing the Australian Soil Classification using cladistic analysis
  21. Modeling Coastal Salinity in Quasi 2D and 3D Using a DUALEM-421 and Inversion Software
  22. Mapping soil salinity and pH across an estuarine and alluvial plain using electromagnetic and digital elevation model data
  23. Spatial prediction of the exchangeable sodium percentage at multiple depths using electromagnetic inversion modelling
  24. Digital soil mapping of a coastal acid sulfate soil landscape
  25. Digital soil mapping of available water content using proximal and remotely sensed data
  26. Pedometrics Research in the Vadose Zone—Review and Perspectives
  27. Digital soil pattern recognition in the lower Namoi valley using numerical clustering of gamma-ray spectrometry data
  28. Digital soil mapping of compositional particle-size fractions using proximal and remotely sensed ancillary data
  29. Modeling the electrical conductivity of hydrogeological strata using joint-inversion of loop-loop electromagnetic data
  30. Mapping estimated deep drainage in the lower Namoi Valley using a chloride mass balance model and EM34 data
  31. A spatially constrained 1D inversion algorithm for quasi-3D conductivity imaging: Application to DUALEM-421 data collected in a riverine plain
  32. Digital Soil Class Mapping at the Regional Level Using Gamma‐Ray Spectrometry and a Numerical Clustering Algorithm
  33. Digital Soil Mapping of Available Water Content in the Lower Macquarie Valley, Australia
  34. Mapping the spatial distribution of subsurface saline material in the Darling River valley
  35. Digital Soil-Class Mapping from Proximal and Remotely Sensed Data at the Field Level
  36. Mapping Water Table Depth Using Geophysical and Environmental Variables
  38. Fuzzy Soil Layer, Profile and Suitability Classification in the Lower Manoi Valley, New South Wales, Australia