All Stories

  1. Suicidal Thoughts and Behaviors in Anti-NMDA Receptor Encephalitis: Psychopathological Features and Clinical Outcomes
  2. Clinical Significance of Delirium With Catatonic Signs in Patients With Neurological Disorders
  3. Psicosis autoinmune
  4. Aspectos neuropsiquiátricos de la encefalitis por anticuerpos contra el receptor NMDA
  5. White Matter Abnormalities in Late Onset First Episode Mania: A Diffusion Tensor Imaging Study
  6. Brain MRI volumetric changes in the follow-up of patients with anti-NMDAr encephalitis
  7. Neuropsiquiatría del síndrome de Susac: a propósito de un caso
  8. Cotard syndrome in anti-NMDAR encephalitis: two patients and insights from molecular imaging
  9. Involuntary Emotional Expression Disorder in a Patient With Toluene Leukoencephalopathy
  10. Capgras delusion in anti-NMDAR encephalitis: A case of autoimmune psychosis
  11. Delirious mania as a frequent and recognizable neuropsychiatric syndrome in patients with anti-NMDAR encephalitis
  12. Glutamine and citrulline concentrations reflect nitric oxide synthesis in the human nervous system
  13. Characterisation and outcome of neuropsychiatric symptoms in patients with anti-NMDAR encephalitis
  14. A Metabolic Brain Pattern Associated With Anti-N-Methyl-D-Aspartate Receptor Encephalitis
  15. Delirious Mania as a Neuropsychiatric Presentation in Patients With Anti–N-methyl-D-aspartate Receptor Encephalitis
  16. Memantine as Adjuntive Therapy in a Patient With Anti–N-Methyl-d-Aspartate Receptor Encephalitis
  17. Dopaminergic Hyperactivity in Neurological Patients with Delirium
  18. FDG-PET in Cotard syndrome before and after treatment: can functional brain imaging support a two-factor hypothesis of nihilistic delusions?
  19. Clozapine and desmethylclozapine: correlation with neutrophils and leucocytes counting in Mexican patients with schizophrenia
  20. Catatonia in patients with anti‐NMDA receptor encephalitis
  21. The Last Witness to Creation: A Case of Charles Bonnet Syndrome
  22. Frequency of neuropsychiatric disturbances in anti-NMDA receptor encephalitis
  23. Time until relapse after augmentation with single-dose ketamine in treatment-resistant depression
  24. Valproate-induced Hyperammonemic Encephalopathy Presenting as Catatonia
  25. El reverso creativo de la alexitimia
  26. IL-6 levels in bipolar patients with manic episode
  27. White matter abnormalities in late onset mania: do they predict outcome?
  28. Catatonia y delírium: síndromes que pueden confluir en el paciente neuropsiquiátrico
  29. Neuropsychiatry: Towards a Philosophy of Praxis
  30. Las concentraciones de glutamina y citrulina reflejan la síntesis del óxido nítrico en el sistema nervioso humano
  31. Clozapine Treatment for Cabergoline-Induced Psychosis in a Patient With a Giant Prolactinoma
  32. Niños en cuerpos de adultos
  33. Neuropsychiatric disorders in patients with neurocysticercosis
  34. Catatonia in Neurologic and Psychiatric Patients at a Tertiary Neurological Center
  35. Electroconvulsive therapy in Parkinson´s disease
  36. Alucinaciones visuales en pacientes con privación sensorial: ¿síndrome de Charles Bonnet?
  37. Catatonia and Klüver-Bucy Syndrome in a Patient With Acute Disseminated Encephalomyelitis
  38. Visual hallucinations of autobiographic memory and asomatognosia: a case of epilepsy due to brain cysticercosis
  39. Falta de sentido de vida y suicidio: ¿en qué circunstancias el paternalismo médico puede estar justificado?
  40. Structural connectivity in late-onset mania
  41. Glutamate Levels in the Associative Striatum Before and After 4 Weeks of Antipsychotic Treatment in First-Episode Psychosis
  42. Schizophrenia-like psychosis associated with right lacunar thalamic infarct
  43. Alzheimer's Disease: Critical Notes on the History of a Medical Concept
  44. Cognitive-behavioral therapy for depression in patients with temporal lobe epilepsy: A pilot study
  45. Westphal Variant Huntington Disease and Refractory Catatonia
  46. Plasma levels of clozapine and norclozapine in Mexican schizophrenia patients
  47. Cotard Syndrome in Semantic Dementia
  48. Higher Levels of Glutamate in the Associative-Striatum of Subjects with Prodromal Symptoms of Schizophrenia and Patients with First-Episode Psychosis
  49. A Proper Name for Chronic Tic Disorder
  50. Cotard Syndrome in Neurological and Psychiatric Patients
  51. Imbalance Between Nitric Oxide and Dopamine May Underly Aggression in Acute Neurological Patients
  52. P.2.a.032 Amantadine: a treatment for major depressive disorder
  53. On acute viral encephalitis and prominent psychotic symptoms
  54. Delusional parasitosis in neurological patients
  55. Mental Disorders in Mexican Patients With Multiple Sclerosis
  56. Epilepsy and multiple sclerosis: Increased risk among progressive forms
  57. Association of a history of varicella virus infection with multiple sclerosis
  58. Clinical presentation of anxiety among patients with epilepsy
  59. Cerebrospinal fluid homovanillic acid is correlated to psychotic features in neurological patients with delirium
  60. Modulation of neurotransmitter systems by dehydroepiandrosterone and dehydroepiandrosterone sulfate: Mechanism of action and relevance to psychiatric disorders
  61. Baja frecuencia clínica de la demencia por cuerpos de Lewy en el Instituto de Neurología de México
  62. Pathological Hyperfamiliarity for Others From a Left Anterior Cingulate Lesion
  63. Pregnancy and malignant catatonia
  64. Fluoxetine-Mirtazapine Interaction May Induce Restless Legs Syndrome
  65. Possible Mechanisms of Neurodegeneration in Schizophrenia
  66. Frequency of Delirium in a Neurological Emergency Room
  67. Severe impulsiveness as the primary manifestation of multiple sclerosis in a young female
  68. Aripiprazole in Psychosis Associated With Parkinson’s Disease
  69. Is dementia reversible in patients with neurocysticercosis?
  70. Reply to comment on: “Assessment of nitric oxide biosynthesis and peroxynitrite formation within the central nervous system by measuring l-citrulline in the cerebrospinal fluid?”
  71. Primidone is associated with interictal depression in patients with epilepsy
  72. Utilidad del análisis cuantitativo del electroencefalograma en el estudio de las demencias
  73. Liquid chromatographic–fluorimetric method for the estimation of nitric oxide biosynthesis in the central nervous system
  74. Low concentration of nitrite and nitrate in the cerebrospinal fluid from schizophrenic patients: a pilot study