All Stories

  1. Therapeutic Potential of Ultrasound Neuromodulation in Decreasing Neuropathic Pain: Clinical and Experimental Evidence
  2. Taurine and aneurysmal subarachnoid hemorrhage prognosis
  3. Establishment and maintenance of an R6/1 transgenic mouse colony and validation of its progressive neurological phenotype to study Huntington’s disease
  4. Pathophysiology and Treatment of Peritumoral Brain Edema: Possible Effect of Lidocaine
  5. Neurosurgical position causes peripheral nerve injuries?
  6. ¿La posición neuroquirúrgica ocasiona lesión de nervio periférico?
  7. La deshidroepiandrosterona inhibe a monoamino oxidasa: implicaciones para la depresión y el Parkinson
  8. Las concentraciones de glutamina y citrulina reflejan la síntesis del óxido nítrico en el sistema nervioso humano
  9. Sub-Chronic Copper Pretreatment Reduces Oxidative Damage in an Experimental Huntington’s Disease Model
  10. Stroke associated with pituitary apoplexy in a giant prolactinoma: A case report
  11. Taurine seems to be related to mortality in critically ill patients
  12. Protective effect of N,N′-dialkylated analogs of 4,4′-diaminodiphenylsulfone in a model of intrastriatal quinolinic acid induced-excitotoxicity
  13. Peripheral pulsed electromagnetic fields may reduce the placebo effect in migraine patients that do not respond to the sham intervention in a randomized, placebo-controlled, double-blind, cross-over clinical trial
  14. The Role of DHEA in Mental Disorders
  15. Imbalance Between Nitric Oxide and Dopamine May Underly Aggression in Acute Neurological Patients
  16. The transition metals copper and iron in neurodegenerative diseases
  17. Inhibitory effect of dehydroepiandrosterone on brain monoamine oxidase activity: In vivo and in vitro studies
  18. Miller Fisher Syndrome: 10 Years’ Experience in a Third-Level Center
  19. Antioxidant, antiinflammatory and antiapoptotic effects of dapsone in a model of brain ischemia/reperfusion in rats
  20. Acute dehydroepiandrosterone treatment exerts different effects on dopamine and serotonin turnover ratios in the rat corpus striatum and nucleus accumbens
  21. Cerebrospinal fluid homovanillic acid is correlated to psychotic features in neurological patients with delirium
  22. Modulation of neurotransmitter systems by dehydroepiandrosterone and dehydroepiandrosterone sulfate: Mechanism of action and relevance to psychiatric disorders
  23. Arginine, citrulline and nitrate concentrations in the cerebrospinal fluid from patients with acute hydrocephalus
  24. Possible Mechanisms of Neurodegeneration in Schizophrenia
  25. Reply to comment on: “Assessment of nitric oxide biosynthesis and peroxynitrite formation within the central nervous system by measuring l-citrulline in the cerebrospinal fluid?”
  26. Liquid chromatographic–fluorimetric method for the estimation of nitric oxide biosynthesis in the central nervous system