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  1. DSM–5 alternative model for personality disorders trait domains and PTSD symptoms in a sample of highly traumatized African American women and a prospective sample of trauma center patients.
  2. Brain images show several different ways that people initially respond to a traumatic event
  3. Neural contributors to trauma resilience: a review of longitudinal neuroimaging studies
  4. Characterizing Typologies of Polytraumatization: A Replication and Extension Study Examining Internalizing and Externalizing Psychopathology in an Urban Population
  5. Integration of peripheral transcriptomics, genomics, and interactomics following trauma identifies causal genes for symptoms of post-traumatic stress and major depression
  6. Multimodal structural neuroimaging markers of risk and recovery from posttrauma anhedonia: A prospective investigation
  7. Socio-demographic and trauma-related predictors of PTSD within 8 weeks of a motor vehicle collision in the AURORA study
  8. Longitudinal Risk for Posttraumatic Stress Disorder and Chronic Pain: Shared Circuitry in the Midbrain?
  9. Acute Posttraumatic Symptoms Are Associated With Multimodal Neuroimaging Structural Covariance Patterns: A Possible Role for the Neural Substrates of Visual Processing in Posttraumatic Stress Disorder
  10. A validated predictive algorithm of post-traumatic stress course following emergency department admission after a traumatic stressor
  11. Impact of ADCYAP1R1 genotype on longitudinal fear conditioning in children: interaction with trauma and sex
  12. Evaluating the impact of trauma and PTSD on epigenetic prediction of lifespan and neural integrity
  13. Posttraumatic stress disorder and breast cancer: Risk factors and the role of inflammation and endocrine function
  14. Investigation of optimal dose of early intervention to prevent posttraumatic stress disorder: A multiarm randomized trial of one and three sessions of modified prolonged exposure
  15. Intergenerational transmission of risk for PTSD symptoms in African American children: The roles of maternal and child emotion dysregulation.
  16. Association between posttraumatic stress disorder severity and amygdala habituation to fearful stimuli
  17. Childhood Abuse and the Experience of Pain in Adulthood: The Mediating Effects of PTSD and Emotion Dysregulation on Pain Levels and Pain-Related Functional Impairment
  18. PACAP receptor gene polymorphism impacts fear responses in the amygdala and hippocampus
  19. Disrupted amygdala-prefrontal functional connectivity in civilian women with posttraumatic stress disorder
  20. Amygdala-Dependent Fear Is Regulated by Oprl1 in Mice and Humans with PTSD
  21. Sex differences in brain activation to emotional stimuli: A meta-analysis of neuroimaging studies
  22. Electrophysiological indices of emotion processing during retrieval of autobiographical memories by school-age children
  23. Glucose administration enhances fMRI brain activation and connectivity related to episodic memory encoding for neutral and emotional stimuli
  24. Anti-RAGE and A  Immunoglobulin Levels Are Related to Dementia Level and Cognitive Performance
  25. What grabs his attention but not hers? Estrogen correlates with neurophysiological measures of vocal change detection