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  1. Primary care-based mindfulness intervention for posttraumatic stress disorder and depression symptoms among Black adults: A pilot feasibility and acceptability randomized controlled trial.
  2. When (passive) acceptance hurts: Race-based coping moderates the association between racial discrimination and mental health outcomes among Black Americans.
  3. DSM–5 alternative model for personality disorders trait domains and PTSD symptoms in a sample of highly traumatized African American women and a prospective sample of trauma center patients.
  4. Psychometric properties of the Connor-Davidson Resilience Scale 10 in a community sample of African American adults: Exploring the role of gender.
  5. Adverse childhood experiences in African Americans: Framework, practice, and policy.
  6. Intergenerational transmission of risk for PTSD symptoms in African American children: The roles of maternal and child emotion dysregulation.
  7. Trauma, psychiatric disorders, and treatment history among pregnant African American women.
  8. Attention bias toward threatening faces in women with PTSD: eye tracking correlates by symptom cluster
  9. Gene × Environment Determinants of Stress- and Anxiety-Related Disorders