All Stories

  1. Mitigating Cognitive Bias to Improve Organizational Decisions: An Integrative Review, Framework, and Research Agenda
  2. The impact of competition on moral behavior
  3. Training Can Improve Decision Making
  4. A creative destruction approach to replication: Implicit work and sex morality across cultures
  5. Decision making can be improved through observational learning
  6. Insight versus effort. Communicating the creative process leading to new products
  7. Exerting Self‐Control ≠ Sacrificing Pleasure
  8. Response to Commentaries on the Exerting Self‐Control ≠ Sacrificing Pleasure Research Dialogue
  9. Effects of packaging colors
  10. Debiasing Training Improves Decision Making in the Field
  11. Registered Replication Report on Srull and Wyer (1979)
  12. Registered Replication Report on Mazar, Amir, and Ariely (2008)
  13. Individual Differences in Correspondence Bias: Measurement, Consequences, and Correction of Biased Interpersonal Attributions
  14. "Measurement, Consequences, and Debiasing of Correspondent Inference Making"
  15. Bias Blind Spot: Structure, Measurement, and Consequences
  16. Debiasing Decisions
  17. You Call It “Self-Exuberance”; I Call It “Bragging”
  18. Miscalibrated Predictions of Emotional Responses to Self-Promotion
  19. Breaking Through Complexity: Visual and Conceptual Dimensions in Logo Evaluation across Exposures
  20. How Do Financial Constraints Affect Creativity?
  21. You Call it Self-Exuberance,, I Call it Bragging.. Miscalibration in Predicted Emotional Responses to Self-Promotion
  22. The Effects of Mastery on Subjective Utility
  23. Exposure to High Mastery and Perceived Self-Efficacy
  24. Exaggeration and Structural Alignment in a New Design Launch