All Stories

  1. Theoretical Study on the Solvent-Dependent Optical Properties of 2-Aryl-3H–1,3-benzazaphosphole Oxide
  2. Ligand-enabled enantio- and site-selective remote C–H arylation of 2-(2-phenpropyl)pyridine derivatives
  3. Nonorthogonal basis adapted parameter-free complex absorbing potential and its application to open-boundary cluster model
  4. Nonfullerene Acceptors Bearing Spiro‐Substituted Bithiophene Units in Organic Solar Cells: Tuning the Frontier Molecular Orbital Distribution to Reduce Exciton Binding Energy
  5. Nonfullerene Acceptors Bearing Spiro‐Substituted Bithiophene Units in Organic Solar Cells: Tuning the Frontier Molecular Orbital Distribution to Reduce Exciton Binding Energy
  6. Rational design of metal–organic cages to increase the number of components via dihedral angle control
  7. Spin–Spin Coupling Constant Based on Reference Interaction Site Model Self-Consistent Field with Constrained Spatial Electron Density
  8. A coarse-grained analysis on coordination self-assembly of a caged dinuclear palladium complex
  9. Synthesis of All-Peptide-Based Rotaxane from a Proline-Containing Cyclic Peptide
  10. Computational dielectric spectroscopy on solid–solution interface by time-dependent voltage applied molecular dynamics simulation
  11. Recent developments and applications of reference interaction site model self-consistent field with constrained spatial electron density (RISM-SCF-cSED): A hybrid model of quantum chemistry and integral equation theory of molecular liquids
  12. Open-boundary cluster model with a parameter-free complex absorbing potential
  13. Boosting charge separation in organic photovoltaics: unveiling dipole moment variations in excited non-fullerene acceptor layers
  14. Pathway selection in the self-assembly of Rh4L4 coordination squares under kinetic control
  15. Iterative constant voltage molecular dynamics simulation on electrochemical interface at desired electrode potential
  16. Theoretical analysis of the coordination-state dependency of the excited-state properties and ultrafast relaxation dynamics of bacteriochlorophyll a
  17. Unique solvent effect of water in radical cyclization reaction
  18. (Invited) Observation of Free Carriers in Non-Fullerene Acceptors with Broadband Mid-Infrared Transient Absorption Spectroscopy
  19. Computational Analysis of Excited-State Properties of MoS2 Nanosheet Modified with a Pyrene Derivative
  20. Theoretical study on counter anion- and solvent-dependent fluorescence quenching mechanism of 2-phenylbenzo[b]phospholium salts
  21. A geminal theory based on the generalized electron pairing
  22. A Geminal Method Based on the Generalized Electron Pairing Applied to the Heisenberg Model of Hydrocarbons
  23. Extended Curtin-Hammett principle: Origin of pathway selection in reversible reaction networks under kinetic control
  24. Raman Spectroscopic and DFT Study of COA-Cl and Its Analogues
  25. Theoretical and computational methodologies for understanding coordination self-assembly complexes
  26. An emissive charge-transfer excited-state at the well-defined hetero-nanostructure interface of an organic conjugated molecule and two-dimensional inorganic nanosheet
  27. Accelerated constant-voltage quantum mechanical/molecular mechanical method for molecular systems at electrochemical interfaces
  28. Reference interaction site model self-consistent field with constrained spatial electron density approach for nuclear magnetic shielding in solution
  29. Unified polarizable electrode models for open and closed circuits: Revisiting the effects of electrode polarization and different circuit conditions on electrode–electrolyte interfaces
  30. Extraction of local spin-coupled states by second quantized operators
  31. (Invited) Titanium-Catalyzed Intermolecular Radical Addition to Ketones Via Sp 3 C-H Bond Activation
  32. Free Energy and Solvation Structure Analysis for Adsorption of Aromatic Molecules at Pt(111)/Water Interface by 3D-RISM Theory
  33. A Catalytic Alkylation of Ketones via sp3 C–H Bond Activation
  34. Chemical Shift of Solvated Hydride Ion: Comparative Study with Solvated Fluoride Ion
  35. Self-consistent construction of grand potential functional with hierarchical integral equations and its application to solvation thermodynamics
  36. A catalyzed E/Z isomerization mechanism of stilbene using para-benzoquinone as a triplet sensitizer
  37. Cyclization or bridging: which occurs faster is the key to the self-assembly mechanism of Pd6L3 coordination prisms
  38. Solvation in nitration of benzene and the valence electronic structure of the Wheland intermediate
  39. Theoretical study on isomerization of α-acids: A DFT calculation
  40. Unexpected Self-Assembly Pathway to a Pd(II) Coordination Square-Based Pyramid and Its Preferential Formation beyond the Boltzmann Distribution
  41. Distance as coordinate: A distance geometry study on isomerizations of small Lennard-Jones and Au
  42. An analysis of valence electronic structure from a viewpoint of resonance theory: Tautomerization of formamide and diazadiboretidine
  43. Experimental and theoretical study on p-aminophenylthyil radical geminate recombination in ionic liquids; analysis using the Smoluchowski–Collins–Kimball equation
  44. Controlling potential difference between electrodes based on self-consistent-charge density functional tight binding
  45. Self-consistent construction of bridge functional based on the weighted density approximation
  46. Evaluation of redox potentials of cathode materials of alkali-ion batteries using extended DFT+U+U↑↓ method: The role of interactions between the electrons with opposite spins
  47. Redox, Magnetic, and Structural Properties of α-NaMnO2 Cathode Material Analyzed by Fitting-Free DFT+U Calculations, Parameterized by the Linear Response Approach
  48. A quantum chemical model for a series of self-assembled nanocages: the origin of stability behind the coordination-driven formation of transition metal complexes up to [M12L24]24+
  49. Experimental observation of the unique solvation process along multiple solvation coordinates of photodissociated products
  50. Phase evolution of electrochemically potassium intercalated graphite
  51. Theoretical study of the mechanism of the solvent dependency of ESIPT in HBT
  52. A Theoretical Study of Product Selectivity in Rhodium Catalyzed Oxidative Coupling Reaction Caused by the Solvation Effect
  53. Coordination Self‐Assembly Processes Revealed by Collaboration of Experiment and Theory: Toward Kinetic Control of Molecular Self‐Assembly
  54. Density functional theory for molecular liquids based on interaction site model and self-consistent integral equations for site–site pair correlation functions
  55. Publisher’s Note: “A polarizable molecular dynamics method for electrode–electrolyte interfacial electron transfer under the constant chemical-potential-difference condition on the electrode electrons” [J. Chem. Phys. 153, 054126 (2020)]
  56. A polarizable molecular dynamics method for electrode–electrolyte interfacial electron transfer under the constant chemical-potential-difference condition on the electrode electrons
  57. Energy landscape study of water splitting and H 2 evolution at a ruthenium( II ) pincer complex
  58. Uniform potential difference scheme to evaluate effective electronic couplings for superexchange electron transfer in donor–bridge–acceptor systems
  59. Nuclear magnetic shielding of molecule in solution based on reference interaction site model self-consistent field with spatial electron density distribution
  60. Coarse-grained modeling of nanocube self-assembly system and transition network analyses
  61. Pseudo-Jahn-Teller effect on the lowest triplet state of para-benzoquinone involving inequivalent carbonyl bonds
  62. Towards kinetic control of coordination self-assembly: a case study of a Pd3L6 double-walled triangle to predict the outcomes by a reaction network model
  63. Navigated Self-Assembly of a Pd2L4 Cage by Modulation of an Energy Landscape under Kinetic Control
  64. Bifurcation of self-assembly pathways to sheet or cage controlled by kinetic template effect
  65. A chemical potential equalization approach to constant potential polarizable electrodes for electrochemical-cell simulations
  66. SCC-DFTB-PIMD Method To Evaluate a Multidimensional Quantum Free-Energy Surface for a Proton-Transfer Reaction
  67. DFT+U in Dudarev’s formulation with corrected interactions between the electrons with opposite spins: The form of Hamiltonian, calculation of forces, and bandgap adjustments
  68. Self-Assembly Processes of Octahedron-Shaped Pd6L4 Cages
  69. A stochastic model study on the self-assembly process of a Pd2L4 cage consisting of rigid ditopic ligands
  70. Classical Molecular Dynamics Simulation of Metal Electrodes-Electrolyte Interface
  71. Theoretical Analysis of Materials, used in Energy Storage Applications: the Quest for Robust and Accurate Computational Methodologies
  72. A simple model of planar membrane: An integral equation investigation
  73. A kinetics study of ligand substitution reaction on dinuclear platinum complexes: Stochastic versus deterministic approach
  74. Self-Assembly of Nanocubic Molecular Capsules via Solvent-Guided Formation of Rectangular Blocks
  75. An Integral Equation Theory for Two Dimensional Molecular Fluids
  76. Time-dependent pair distribution functions based on Smoluchowski equation and application to an electrolyte solution
  77. Solvation Structure of LiClO4/Ethylene Carbonate Solution near a Graphite Electrode in Lithium-ion Batteries: 3D-RISM Study
  78. Unraveling the Role of Doping in Selective Stabilization of NaMnO2 Polymorphs: Combined Theoretical and Experimental Study
  79. Theoretical approaches for dynamical ordering of biomolecular systems
  80. A model electronic Hamiltonian for the self-assembly of an octahedron-shaped coordination capsule
  81. Chiral effects on the final step of an octahedron-shaped coordination capsule self-assembly
  82. ‟Computer Chemistry in Dynamical Ordering of Biomolecular Systems for Creation of Integrated Functions”
  83. Erratum: Challenges in computational evaluation of redox and magnetic properties of Fe-based sulfate cathode materials of Li- and Na-ion batteries (2017 J. Phys.: Condens. Matter 29 215701)
  84. Ab Initio Study of Stability of Na2Fe2(SO4)3, a High Potential Na-Ion Battery Cathode Material
  85. Constant-potential molecular dynamics simulations on an electrode-electrolyte system: Calculation of static quantities and comparison of two polarizable metal electrode models
  86. A theoretical study on the optical absorption of green fluorescent protein chromophore in solutions
  87. Theoretical Study of the Solvation Effect on the Reductive Reaction of Vinylene Carbonate in the Electrolyte Solution of Lithium Ion Batteries
  88. Challenges in computational evaluation of redox and magnetic properties of Fe-based sulfate cathode materials of Li- and Na-ion batteries
  89. Introducing the mean field approximation to CDFT/MMpol method: Statistically converged equilibrium and nonequilibrium free energy calculation for electron transfer reactions in condensed phases
  90. Photo absorption of ‐coumaric acid in aqueous solution: RISM‐SCF‐SEDD theory approach
  91. Regularized regression analysis of digitized molecular structures in organic reactions for quantification of steric effects
  92. A reaction model on the self-assembly process of octahedron-shaped coordination capsules
  93. Dynamics theory for molecular liquids based on an interaction site model
  94. A theory of diffusion controlled reactions in polyatomic molecule system
  95. Potential energy landscapes of tetragonal pyramid molecules
  96. Solvent structure of ionic liquid with carbon dioxide
  97. Self-consistent parametrization of DFT +Uframework using linear response approach: Application to evaluation of redox potentials of battery cathodes
  98. An Ab Initio QM/MM-Based Approach to Efficiently Evaluate Vertical Excitation Energies in Condensed Phases Including the Nonequilibrium Solvation Effect
  99. A hybrid framework of first principles molecular orbital calculations and a three-dimensional integral equation theory for molecular liquids: Multi-center molecular Ornstein–Zernike self-consistent field approach
  100. An integral equation theory for solvation effects on the molecular structural fluctuation
  101. Theoretical Studies on the Electronic States and Liquid Structures of Ferrocenium-Based Ionic Liquids
  102. Heterolytic Activation of Dihydrogen Molecule by Hydroxo-/Sulfido-Bridged Ruthenium–Germanium Dinuclear Complex. Theoretical Insights
  103. Solvatochromic Shift of Brooker’s Merocyanine: Hartree–Fock Exchange in Time Dependent Density Functional Calculation and Hydrogen Bonding Effect
  104. A molecular level study of selective cation capture by a host–guest mechanism for 25,26,27,28-tetramethoxycalix[4]arene in MClO4solution (M = Na, K)
  105. Development of three-dimensional site-site Smoluchowski-Vlasov equation and application to electrolyte solutions
  106. Excitation Wavelength Dependence of Excited State Intramolecular Proton Transfer Reaction of 4′-N,N-Diethylamino-3-hydroxyflavone in Room Temperature Ionic Liquids Studied by Optical Kerr Gate Fluorescence Measurement
  107. Theoretical study on the ionization of aniline in aqueous solutions
  108. A theoretical study on the electronic structure of PYP chromophore in low barrier hydrogen bonding model
  109. Ab Initio Study on an Excited-State Intramolecular Proton-Transfer Reaction in Ionic Liquid
  110. A modern solvation theory: quantum chemistry and statistical chemistry
  111. Complicated Electronic Process of C–C σ-Bond Activation of Cyclopropene by Ruthenium and Iridium Complexes: Theoretical Study
  112. An extended formula of site-site Smoluchowski-Vlasov equation for electrolyte solution and infinitely dilute solution
  113. A modified repulsive bridge correction to accurate evaluation of solvation free energy in integral equation theory for molecular liquids
  114. A theory for time-dependent solvation structure near solid-liquid interface
  115. Theoretical study on ultrafast intersystem crossing of chromium(III) acetylacetonate
  116. Theoretical study on ionization process in aqueous solution
  117. The development of a revised version of multi-center molecular Ornstein–Zernike equation
  118. Oscillator Strength of Symmetry-Forbidden d-d Absorption of Octahedral Transition Metal Complex: Theoretical Evaluation
  119. Proton Transfer Step in the Carbon Dioxide Capture by Monoethanol Amine: A Theoretical Study at the Molecular Level
  120. 3D-RISM-KH molecular theory of solvation and density functional theory investigation of the role of water in the aggregation of model asphaltenes
  121. Coronene-transition metal complex: View from quantum chemistry and statistical mechanics
  122. A two-dimensional-reference interaction site model theory for solvation structure near solid-liquid interface
  123. Theoretical Study of Magnesium Fluoride in Aqueous Solution
  124. Synthesis, Structure, and Bonding Nature of Ethynediyl-Bridged Bis(silylene) Dinuclear Complexes of Tungsten and Molybdenum
  125. Theoretical study on high-spin to low-spin transition of {Fe(pyrazine)[Pt(CN)4]}: Guest-induced entropy decrease
  126. Systematic assessment on aqueous pKa and pKb of an amino acid base on RISM‐SCF‐SEDD method: Toward first principles calculations
  127. Solvent effect on (2,2,6,6-Tetramethylpiperidine-1-yl)oxyl (TEMPO): a RISM-SCF-SEDD study
  128. A resonance theory consistent with Mulliken-population concept
  129. Solvation structure of coronene–transition metal complex: a RISM-SCF study
  130. Theoretical study on aquation reaction of cis-platin complex: RISM–SCF–SEDD, a hybrid approach of accurate quantum chemical method and statistical mechanics
  131. Rhodium-Catalyzed Oxidative 1:1, 1:2, and 1:4 Coupling Reactions of Phenylazoles with Internal Alkynes through the Regioselective Cleavages of Multiple C−H Bonds
  132. Theoretical Study of 1,6-Anhydrosugar Formation from Phenyl d-Glucosides under Basic Condition: Reasons for Higher Reactivity of β-Anomer
  133. Experimental and Theoretical Study of a Tungsten Dihydride Silyl Complex: New Insight into Its Bonding Nature and Fluxional Behavior
  134. RISM-SCF-SEDD Study on the Symmetry Breaking of Carbonate and Nitrate Anions in Aqueous Solution
  135. An Analysis of 3D Solvation Structure in Biomolecules: Application to Coiled Coil Serine and Bacteriorhodopsin
  136. Effective Interaction Energies for Weakly Bound Dimers at Room Temperature: (H2O)2, (N2O)2, (CO2)2, and (HCHO)2
  137. Theoretical and computational studies of organometallic reactions: successful or not?
  138. An integral equation theory for structural fluctuation in molecular liquid
  139. Pd(ii)-promoted direct cross-coupling reaction of arenes via highly regioselective aromatic C–H activation: a theoretical study
  140. CCSD(T)-level study on SN2 reaction in RTIL
  141. Comparison of electronic structures and light-induced excited spin state trapping between [Fe(2-picolylamine)3]2+ and its iron(iii) analogue
  142. Aqueous Solvation of p-Aminobenzonitrile in the Excited States: A Molecular Level Theory on Density Dependence
  143. Analytical energy gradient for reference interaction site model self-consistent field explicitly including spatial electron density distribution
  144. Development of additive isotropic site potential for exchange-repulsion energy, based on intermolecular perturbation theory
  145. {2 + 2} Cycloaddition of Alkyne with Titanium−Imido Complex: Theoretical Study of Determining Factor of Reactivity and Regioselectivity
  146. Theoretical Study of the Iron Sulfur Cluster-free Hydrogenase (Hmd): What is the Active Center of Hmd?
  147. Theoretical prediction of O–H, Si–H, and Si–C σ-bond activation reactions by titanium(IV)–imido complex
  148. Oxygen Atom Transfer Reactions of Iridium and Osmium Complexes: Theoretical Study of Characteristic Features and Significantly Large Differences Between These Two Complexes
  149. Thermal Degradation of Methyl β-d-Glucoside. A Theoretical Study of Plausible Reaction Mechanisms
  150. New Palladium(II) Complex of P,S-Containing Hybrid Calixphyrin. Theoretical Study of Electronic Structure and Reactivity for Oxidative Addition
  151. First Principle Theory for pKa Prediction at Molecular Level: pH Effects Based on Explicit Solvent Model
  152. A theoretical study of the liquid structure of nitromethane with RISM method
  153. The position of water molecules in Bacteriorhodopsin: A three-dimensional distribution function study
  154. Generalization of the New Resonance Theory: Second Quantization Operator, Localization Scheme, and Basis Set
  155. A Theoretical Analysis of a Diels−Alder Reaction in Ionic Liquids
  156. A Theoretical Study of Nickel(0)-Catalyzed Phenylcyanation of Alkynes. Reaction Mechanism and Regioselectivity
  157. Theoretical Study of Dioxygen Binding Process in Iron(III) Catechol Dioxygenase: “Oxygen Activation” vs “Substrate Activation”
  158. Raman Spectroscopic Study on the Solvation of p-Aminobenzonitrile in Supercritical Water and Methanol
  159. A highly parallelizable integral equation theory for three dimensional solvent distribution function: Application to biomolecules
  160. A systematic understanding of orbital energy shift in polar solvent
  161. Carbon dioxide capture at the molecular level
  162. How to Stabilize η3-Silapropargyl/Alkynylsilyl Complex of [CpL2M]+(L = CO, PMe3, or PF3 and M = W or Mo): Theoretical Prediction
  163. Why Does Fluoride Anion Accelerate Transmetalation between Vinylsilane and Palladium(II)−Vinyl Complex? Theoretical Study
  164. Solvation effects in oxidative addition reaction of Methyliodide to Pt(II) complex: A theoretical study with RISM–SCF method
  165. Frontier Orbital Consistent Quantum Capping Potential (FOC-QCP) for Bulky Ligand of Transition Metal Complexes
  166. Chemical Events in Solution Phase. The View from Molecular Level Descriptions
  167. Reply to ‘Comment on ‘A new population analysis: Dipole-moment-conserving charge-set’ by H. Sato and S. Sakaki [Chem. Phys. Lett. 434 (2007) 165]’
  168. Alternative couplings of solute–solvent interaction in RISM–SCF method
  169. Electronic structure and solvation structure of [Ru(CN)6]4−/3− in aqueous solution: A RISM-SCF study
  170. The barrier origin on the reaction of CO2+ OH− in aqueous solution
  171. Theoretical Study of Tungsten η3-Silaallyl/η3-Vinylsilyl and Vinyl Silylene Complexes:  Interesting Bonding Nature and Relative Stability
  172. Theoretical Study of Oxidative Additions of H2 and MeCN to a Nickel(0) Complex:  Significantly Large Correlation Effects and Characteristic Features of the Reaction
  173. Binding Energy of Transition-Metal Complexes with Large π-Conjugate Systems. Density Functional Theory vs Post-Hartree−Fock Methods
  174. New generation of the reference interaction site model self-consistent field method: Introduction of spatial electron density distribution to the solvation theory
  175. Theoretical Study of C−H and N−H σ-Bond Activation Reactions by Titinium(IV)-Imido Complex. Good Understanding Based on Orbital Interaction and Theoretical Proposal for N−H σ-Bond Activation of Ammonia
  176. Oxidation Reaction by Xanthine Oxidase. Theoretical Study of Reaction Mechanism
  177. Theoretical Study of Low-Spin, High-Spin, and Intermediate-Spin States of [FeIII(pap)2]+(pap = N-2-pyridylmethylidene-2-hydroxyphenylaminato). Mechanism of Light-Induced Excited Spin State Trapping
  178. Localization or Delocalization in the Electronic Structure of Creutz−Taube-Type Complexes in Aqueous Solution
  179. A new population analysis: Dipole-moment-conserving charge-set
  180. Binding energies and bonding nature of MX(CO)(PH3)2(C60) (M = Rh or Ir; X = H or Cl): Theoretical study
  181. Solvation effect on the interaction between sodium and chloride ions in aqueous solution: An analysis based on the new resonance theory
  182. Reply to “Comment on ‘Analysis on Solvated Molecules with a New Energy Partitioning Scheme for Intra- and Intermolecular Interactions'”
  183. An integral equation theory for 3D solvation structure: A new procedure free from 3D Fourier transform
  184. Electron Transfer in a Radical Ion Pair:  Quantum Calculations of the Solvent Reorganization Energy
  185. New evaluation of reconstructed spatial distribution function from radial distribution functions
  186. Silapropargyl/Silaallenyl and Silylene Acetylide Complexes of [Cp(CO)2W]+. Theoretical Study of Their Interesting Bonding Nature and Formation Reaction
  187. Theoretical Study of Rhenium Dinuclear Complexes:  Re−Re Bonding Nature and Electronic Structure
  188. A New Analysis of Molecular Orbital Wave Functions Based on Resonance Theory
  189. Ruthenium(II)-Catalyzed Hydrogenation of Carbon Dioxide to Formic Acid. Theoretical Study of Significant Acceleration by Water Molecules
  190. Analysis on Solvated Molecules with a New Energy Partitioning Scheme for Intra- and Intermolecular Interactions
  191. Solvation effect on resonance structure: Extracting valence bond-like character from molecular orbitals
  192. Ab Initio Theoretical Study of Temperature and Density Dependence of Molecular and Thermodynamic Properties of Water in the Entire Fluid Region:  Autoionization Processes
  193. A new method to reconstruct three-dimensional spatial distribution function from radial distribution function in solvation structure
  194. Theoretical Study of M(PH3)2Complexes of C60, Corannulene (C20H10), and Sumanene (C21H12) (M = Pd or Pt). Unexpectedly Large Binding Energy of M(PH3)2(C<...
  195. Theoretical Study of Silyl-Bridged Dinuclear Palladium(I) and Platinum(I) Complexes, M2(μ-η2-H···SiH2)2(PH3)2 (M = Pd or Pt). New Insight into the Bonding Nature
  196. Stabilization of Vinylidene-type and Acetylene-type Si2H2 Species by Coordination with Rhodium(I) and Platinum(0) Complexes. Theoretical Proposals
  197. Theoretical Study of Cp2Zr-, (MeO)2Zr-, and M(PH3)-Mediated Coupling Reactions of Acetylenes (M = Ni, Pt). Significant Differences between Early- and Late-Transition-Metal Complexes
  198. Ruthenium(II)-Catalyzed Hydrogenation of Carbon Dioxide to Formic Acid. Theoretical Study of Real Catalyst, Ligand Effects, and Solvation Effects
  199. Bis(μ-silylene)-Bridged Dinuclear Rhodium(0) Complex and Its Palladium(0) and Platinum(0) Analogues. Theoretical Study of Their Electronic Structure, Bonding Nature, and Interconversion between μ-Disilene-Bridged Form and Bis(μ-silylene)-Bridged Form
  200. Theoretical Study on Electronic and Solvent Reorganization Associated with a Charging Process of Organic Compounds. 2. A New Decomposition Procedure into Electrostatic and Nonelectrostatic Responses
  201. Superexchange Electron Tunneling Mediated by Solvent Molecules:  Pulsed Electron Paramagnetic Resonance Study on Electronic Coupling in Solvent-Separated Radical Ion Pairs
  202. Distortion of Electronic Structure in Solvated Molecules:  Tautomeric Equilibrium of 2-Pyridone and 2-Hydroxypridine in Water Studied by the RISM-SCF Method
  203. Comparison of Electronic Structure Theories for Solvated Molecules:  RISM-SCF versus PCM
  204. Iridium-Catalyzed Borylation of Benzene with Diboron. Theoretical Elucidation of Catalytic Cycle Including Unusual Iridium(V) Intermediate
  205. A quantum solute–solvent interaction using spectral representation technique applied to the electronic structure theory in solution
  206. Theoretical study of electronic and solvent reorganization associated with a charging process of organic compounds. I. Molecular and atomic level description of solvent reorganization
  207. Enthalpy and Entropy Decomposition of Free-Energy Changes for Side-Chain Conformations of Aspartic Acid and Asparagine in Acidic, Neutral, and Basic Aqueous Solutions
  208. Equilibrium and Nonequilibrium Solvation Structure of Hexaammineruthenium (II, III) in Aqueous Solution:  Ab Initio RISM-SCF Study
  209. Solvent effect on the nuclear magnetic shielding: ab initio study by the combined reference interaction site model and electronic structure theories
  210. Realization of Three-Dimensional Solvation-Structures from the Site–Site Radial Distribution Functions in Liquids
  211. Theoretical Study on the Structures and Energies of Acetic Acid Dimers in Aqueous Solution
  212. A theoretical study on a Diels–Alder reaction in ambient and supercritical water: viewing solvent effects through frontier orbitals
  213. NMR chemical shifts in solution: a RISM-SCF approach
  214. Which carbon oxide is more soluble? Ab initio study on carbon monoxide and dioxide in aqueous solution
  215. Self-consistent field, ab initio molecular orbital and three-dimensional reference interaction site model study for solvation effect on carbon monoxide in aqueous solution
  216. Solvent Effects on a Diels−Alder Reaction in Supercritical Water:  RISM-SCF Study
  217. The Unexpected Diaxial Orientation of cis-3,5-Difluoropiperidine in Water:  A Potent CF- - -NH Charge-Dipole Effect
  218. Ab initio study of water. II. Liquid structure, electronic and thermodynamic properties over a wide range of temperature and density
  219. Ab Initio Study on Molecular and Thermodynamic Properties of Water:  A Theoretical Prediction of pKw over a Wide Range of Temperature and Density
  220. RISM-SCF study of the free-energy profile of the Menshutkin-type reaction NH 3 +CH 3 Cl→NH 3 CH 3 + +Cl − in aqueous solution
  221. The syn-/anti-conformational equilibrium of acetic acid in water studied by the RISM-SCF/MCSCF method
  222. Revisiting the Acid−Base Equilibrium in Aqueous Solutions of Hydrogen Halides:  Study by the ab Initio Electronic Structure Theory Combined with the Statistical Mechanics of Molecular Liquids
  223. Theoretical Study for Autoionization of Liquid Water:  Temperature Dependence of the Ionic Product (pKw)
  224. Molecular Theory of Solvent Effect on Keto−Enol Tautomers of Formamide in Aprotic Solvents:  RISM-SCF Approach
  225. Theoretical Study of the Solvent Effect on Triiodide Ion in Solutions
  226. Ab initio study of water: self-consistent determination of electronic structure and liquid state properties
  227. Geometries and Energies of Nitrobenzene Studied by CAS-SCF Calculations
  228. Analytical energy gradient for the reference interaction site model multiconfigurational self-consistent-field method: Application to 1,2-difluoroethylene in aqueous solution
  229. Potential surfaces of chemical reactions in solution by the dielectric continuum method