All Stories

  1. Theory of frequency fluctuation of intramolecular vibration in solution phase: Application to C–N stretching mode of organic compounds
  2. Lagrangian of extended multiconfigurational self-consistent field second-order quasidegenerate perturbation theory combined with reference interaction site model self-consistent field constraint spatial electron density
  3. Recent developments and applications of reference interaction site model self-consistent field with constrained spatial electron density (RISM-SCF-cSED): A hybrid model of quantum chemistry and integral equation theory of molecular liquids
  4. Hyper-Raman spectroscopy of benzene and pyridine revisited
  5. Analytical second derivatives of the free energy in solution by the reference interaction site model self-consistent field explicitly including constrained spatial electron density distribution
  6. Analytical energy gradient for the second-order Møller–Plesset perturbation theory coupled with the reference interaction site model self-consistent field explicitly including spatial electron density distribution