All Stories

  1. Metaphors across cultures
  2. Schematic Embodiment of Perseverance in Persian
  3. Effectiveness of One-way and Two-way Tasks in ESP Writing Courses
  4. Gestural Simulation of Motion Verbs
  5. Embodiment and gestural realization of ergative verbs
  6. Are metaphorical classes essentially abstract?
  7. Revisiting the competition model: From formation to pedagogical implications
  8. Motion events in English textbooks: a cross-linguistic analysis of Path
  9. Abstract metaphorical classes: A perspective from distributed models of conceptual representations
  10. Why are Motions Effective in Describing Emotions?
  11. A cognitive perspective on basic generic metaphors and their specific-level realizations
  12. A Review of Studies Supporting Metaphorical Embodiment
  13. Metaphors of time across cultures
  14. Culture in English Language Teaching: A curricular evaluation of English textbooks for foreign language learners
  15. Distributed embodiment of metaphorical hope in hand, head, and eyebrow gestures
  16. How emotions are metaphorically embodied: measuring hand and head action strengths of typical emotional states
  17. Gestural Embodiment of Intensifiers in Iconic, Metaphoric, and Beat Gestures
  18. The Impact of Manner Adverb on the Gestural Embodiment of Actions Described by Literal and Metaphoric Sentences
  19. The challenge of psychological processes in language acquisition: A systematic review
  20. EFL learners' learning styles and their reading performance
  21. Understanding perceptual change as a movement in literal and metaphorical sentences
  22. A Study of the Use of Iconic and Metaphoric Gestures with Motion-Based, Static Space-Based, Static Object-Based, and Static Event-Based Statements
  23. An algebraic perspective on abstract and concrete domains
  24. Types of metaphors and mechanisms of comprehension
  25. Isomorphism: Abstract and Concrete Representations
  26. The Many Smiles Collaboration: A Multi-Lab Test of the Facial Feedback Hypothesis
  27. Suppression in Metaphor Comprehension: A Perspective From Distributed Models of Conceptual Representation
  28. Several Reasons behind Using Metaphor: A Cognitive Perspective on Metaphoric Language
  29. A Neuropsychological Perspective on Deep or Abstract Homogeneity Among Concretely Different Systems
  30. Recasts vs. direct corrective feedback on writing performance of high school EFL learners
  31. Abstract and Concrete Representations in Structure-Mapping and Class-Inclusion
  32. The Role of Motion Concepts in Understanding Non-Motion Concepts
  33. Suppression of semantic features in metaphor comprehension
  34. Learners’ Factors in L2 Reading Comprehension
  35. Metadiscourse Markers in Pure Mathematics Textbooks
  36. Corrective Feedback and Personality Type: A Case Study of Iranian L2 Learners
  37. Critical Evaluation of the New Headway Advanced and the ILI Advanced Series: A Comparison of Curricular Components and CLT Objectives Based on ACTFL