All Stories

  1. Exploring Motives and Perceived Barriers for Voice Modification: The Views of Transgender and Gender-Diverse Voice Clients
  2. Speech Function Following Deep Brain Stimulation of the Caudal Zona Incerta: Effects of Habitual and High-Amplitude Stimulation
  3. The Effects of Deep Brain Stimulation on Speech Intelligibility in Persons With Essential Tremor
  4. Voice Tremor in Patients With Essential Tremor: Effects of Deep Brain Stimulation of Caudal Zona Incerta
  5. Speech intelligibility in P arkinson's disease patients with zona incerta deep brain stimulation
  6. Perceived articulatory precision in patients with Parkinson’s disease after deep brain stimulation of subthalamic nucleus and caudal zona incerta
  7. Effects of deep brain stimulation on the production of /p/, /t/ and /k/
  8. Word-level intelligibility after caudal zona incerta stimulation for Parkinson's disease
  9. Pitch Variability in Patients With Parkinson’s Disease: Effects of Deep Brain Stimulation of Caudal Zona Incerta and Subthalamic Nucleus
  10. Vowel formant dispersion as a measure of articulation proficiency
  11. Letter to the Editor
  12. Control of phonatory onset and offset in Parkinson patients following deep brain stimulation of the subthalamic nucleus and caudal zona incerta
  13. Deep Brain Stimulation of Caudal Zona Incerta and Subthalamic Nucleus in Patients with Parkinson's Disease: Effects on Diadochokinetic Rate
  14. Deep Brain Stimulation of Caudal Zona Incerta and Subthalamic Nucleus in Patients with Parkinson's Disease: Effects on Voice Intensity