All Stories

  1. Metaphor as a resemblance phenomenon
  2. Irony and Cognitive Operations
  3. Structural similarity in figurative language: A preliminary cognitive analysis
  4. Figuring out Figuration
  5. Modeling Irony
  6. On the cognitive grounding of agent-deprofiling constructions as a case of pretense constructions
  7. Unraveling Irony: from Linguistics to Literary Criticism and Back
  8. Chapter 8. Cognitive modeling and irony
  9. The meaning impact of combinations of cognitive models like metaphor and metonymy
  10. Constructing Families of Constructions
  11. Language and communication
  12. Time and Cognition in Marvell’s “To his Coy Mistress”
  13. Argument structure constructions in a Natural Language Processing environment
  14. Motion in resultative constructions
  15. Mapping concepts
  16. Cognitive Modeling
  17. The Functional Perspective on Language and Discourse
  18. Theory and Practice in Functional-Cognitive Space
  19. Constructing discourse and discourse constructions
  20. Low-level situational cognitive models within the Lexical Constructional Model and their computational implementation in FunGramKB
  21. Lexical class and perspectivization constraints on subsumption in the Lexical Constructional Model: the case of say verbs in English
  22. A defense of the power of Lakoff's Conceptual Metaphor Theory
  23. Defining Metonymy in Cognitive Linguistics
  24. Annual Review of Cognitive Linguistics
  25. Creativity and Convention: The Pragmatics of Everyday Figurative Speech
  26. Annual Review of Cognitive Linguistics
  27. Levels of description in meaning representation
  28. Annual Review of Cognitive Linguistics
  29. Annual Review of Cognitive Linguistics
  30. Annual Review of Cognitive Linguistics
  31. Annual Review of Cognitive Linguistics
  32. Annual Review of Cognitive Linguistics
  33. Grounding, semantic motivation, and conceptual interaction in indirect directive speech acts
  34. Metonymy and the grammar