All Stories

  1. Creating Personas of Parents of Young Children Based on Balancing Priorities
  2. Understanding Adult Stakeholder Perspectives on the Ethics of Extended Reality Technologies with a Focus on Young Children and Children in Rural Areas
  3. Opportunities and Challenges in Using Tangible, Teleoperated Voice Agents in Kid-Driven Moments in Play Among Families with Neurodivergent Children
  4. Ethics of Emerging Communication and Collaboration Technologies for Children
  5. Designing Stories to Inspire Preschoolers’ Creative, Collaborative Roleplay
  6. The 4Cs for Young Children's Technology: Create, Connect, Communicate, and Control
  7. Stories and Voice Agents to Inspire Preschool Children's Social Play: An Experience with StoryCarnival
  8. Developing Participatory Methods to Consider the Ethics of Emerging Technologies for Children
  9. Supporting Shy & Neurodivergent Children in Social Play
  10. Supporting Shy Preschool Children in Joining Social Play