All Stories

  1. Effects of maturity status on the rate of torque development in young male soccer players
  2. Muscle architecture of the rectus femoris and vastus lateralis in cyclists, runners, triathletes, and physically active individuals
  3. Career planning in academia: embracing flexibility, failure, and personal growth
  4. Aligning research on thermal physiology and biometeorology to mitigate heat-related illnesses in elite athletes
  5. Juçara (Euterpe edulis Martius) improves time-to-exhaustion cycling performance and increased reduced glutathione: a randomized, placebo-controlled, crossover, and triple-blind study
  6. Effects of Manual and Instrumental Therapy on the Treatment of Myofascial Pain Syndrome in Descending Trapezius of Women: A Blind Randomized Clinical Study
  7. Morphological characteristics of the patellar tendon in runners, cyclists, triathletes, and physically active individuals
  8. Reliability of the mobile App to measure aerobic training parameters during maximum incremental treadmill test
  9. Effects of Photobiomodulation Therapy on Performance in Successive Time-to-Exhaustion Cycling Tests: A Randomized Double-Blinded Placebo-Controlled Trial
  10. Rehabilitation Improves Persistent Symptoms of COVID-19
  11. The use of mobile solutions for biomechanical assessment in combat sports: A narrative review
  12. Reliability of a special device for measuring the cross-sectional area of the patellar tendon by ultrasonography
  13. Effects of lower and upper body fatigue in striking response time of amateur karate athletes
  14. Quadriceps Muscle Morphology Is an Important Determinant of Maximal Isometric and Crank Torques of Cyclists
  15. Editorial: Structural and mechanistic determinants of endurance performance
  16. Rehabilitation in Survivors of COVID-19 (RE2SCUE): a non-randomized, controlled and open study
  17. Manipulation of Stroke Rate in Swimming: Effects on Oxygen Uptake Kinetics
  18. Does static stretching change uniformly the quadriceps elasticity in physically actives subjects?
  19. Rectus femoris activation is modified by training status and correlates with endurance performance in cycling
  20. Validity of a mobile-based specific test to estimate metabolic thresholds in boxers
  21. Physiotherapeutic approach in seamstresses with neck pain: A single-blind, randomized clinical trial
  22. Fruit-Derived Anthocyanins: Effects on Cycling-Induced Responses and Cycling Performance
  23. Pressure on the Electrode to Reduce Discomfort During Neuromuscular Electrical Stimulation in Individuals With Different Subcutaneous-Fat Thickness: Is the Procedure Effective and Reliable?
  24. Effects of Euterpe edulis Martius on inflammatory responses to high-intensity intermittent exercise: Crossover randomized trial
  25. Muscle function and muscle balance in lower limbs are not impaired in individuals with general joint hypermobility
  26. Effects of 6-weeks of detraining on functional capacity and rapid torque production in older women
  27. Effects of a power training program in the functional capacity, on body balance and lower limb muscle strength of elderly with type 2 diabetes mellitus
  28. Influence of subcutaneous adipose thickness and dominance on reliability of quadriceps muscle quality in healthy young individuals
  29. The Effect of a Pace Training Session on Internal Load and Neuromuscular Parameters in Taekwondo Athletes
  30. Acute effects of myofascial release with portable electric massager at different frequencies: A randomized pilot study
  31. Combined and isolated effects of alcohol consumption and sleep deprivation on maximal strength, muscle endurance and aerobic exercise performance in healthy men: a cross-over randomized controlled trial
  32. Plyometric exercise enhances twitch contractile properties but fails to improve voluntary rate of torque development in highly trained sprint athletes
  33. Continuous Jumps Enhance Twitch Peak Torque and Sprint Performance in Highly Trained Sprint Athletes
  34. Dry Needling and Photobiomodulation Decreases Myofascial Pain in Trapezius of Women: Randomized Blind Clinical Trial
  35. Dose–Response Effect of Photobiomodulation Therapy on Muscle Performance and Fatigue During a Multiple-Set Knee Extension Exercise: A Randomized, Crossover, Double-Blind Placebo-Controlled Trial
  36. Effect of Photobiomodulation Therapy in the 1500 m Run: An Analysis of Performance and Individual Responsiveness
  37. Effect of during of tapering on anaerobic power and capacity in road cyclists
  38. Photobiomodulation Therapy Effects on Resistance Training Volume and Discomfort in Well-Trained Adults: A Randomized, Double-Blind, Placebo-Controlled Trial
  39. Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu fighters present greatest rapid and maximal strength imbalances at extreme elbow angles
  40. Reliability in ultrasound measurements of plantar aponeurosis thickness
  41. One-year cessation following resistance training differently affects neuromuscular, body composition, and functional capacity in older adults
  42. Inter-Individual Rapid Force Improvements after Mixed Session and Traditional Periodization in Aging Adults: A Randomized Trial
  43. Neuromuscular determinants of explosive torque: Differences among strength‐trained and untrained young and older men
  44. Influence of Muscle Strength Gains on Functional Capacity Improvements following Resistance Training in Older Adults: A Linear Mixed Model Approach
  45. Lean, fast and strong: Determinants of functional performance in the elderly
  46. Effect of mate tea consumption on rapid force production after eccentric exercise: a randomized, controlled, crossover study
  47. Effects of stretch-shortening cycle fatigue protocol on lower limb asymmetry and muscle soreness in judo athletes
  48. Dissimilar Perceptual Response Between Trained Women And Men In Resistance Training To Concentric Failure: A Quasi-Experimental Study
  49. Validity of different EMG analysis methods to identify aerobic and anaerobic thresholds in speed skaters
  50. Acute effect of juçara juice (Euterpe edulis Martius) on oxidative stress biomarkers and fatigue in a high-intensity interval training session: A single-blind cross-over randomized study
  51. Is responsiveness of elderly individuals to resistance training related to habitual nutritional intake? An exploratory analysis of a randomized controlled trial
  52. Perfil das teses do PPGEF/UFSC no período de 2009-2019: uma análise a partir das áreas de concentração
  53. Relationship between lower limb asymmetry and judo-specific test performance
  54. Virtual cycling effort is dependent on power update rate
  55. Validity of a Taekwondo-Specific Test to Measure VO2peak and the Heart Rate Deflection Point
  56. Effects of different strength training volumes and subsequent detraining on strength performance in aging adults
  57. The relation between force production at different hip angles and functional capacity in older women
  58. Photobiomodulation Therapy Does Not Attenuate Fatigue and Muscle Damage in Judo Athletes: A Randomized, Triple-Blind, Placebo-Controlled Trial
  59. Effects Of Photobiomodulation Therapy On Fatigue And Muscle Damage In Judo Athletes
  60. Development of a Smartphone App for Measuring Striking Response Time in Combat Sports: A Cross-Sectional Validation Study (Preprint)
  61. Development of a Smartphone App for Measuring Striking Response Time in Combat Sports: A Cross-Sectional Validation Study (Preprint)
  62. Can the Combination of Acute Alcohol Intake and One Night of Sleep Deprivation Affect Neuromuscular Performance in Healthy Male Adults? A Cross-over Randomized Controlled Trial
  63. Can mat Pilates intervention increase lower limb rate of force development in overweight physically active older women?
  64. The mechanical and biochemical properties of tail tendon in a rat model of obesity: Effect of moderate exercise and prebiotic fibre supplementation
  65. Neuromuscular and postural control in visually and nonvisually impaired judo athletes: case study
  66. Why Fast Velocity Resistance Training Should Be Prioritized for Elderly People
  67. Analysis of Elasticity Index of a Bovine Beef by Quasi Static Elastography
  68. Neural and musculotendinous mechanisms underpinning age-related force reductions
  69. Estimation equation of maximum oxygen uptake in taekwondo specific test
  70. Photobiomodulation therapy is beneficial in reducing muscle fatigue in Brazilian jiu-jitsu athletes and physically active men
  71. Saddle Height and Cadence Effects on the Physiological, Perceptual, and Affective Responses of Recreational Cyclists
  72. Oxygen Uptake and Muscle Deoxygenation Kinetics During Skating: Comparison Between Slide-Board and Treadmill Skating
  73. Leg press exercise can reduce functional hamstring:quadriceps ratio in the elderly
  74. Estimating bone mineral content based on different types of muscle strength tests
  75. Effects of resistance training, detraining, and retraining on strength and functional capacity in elderly
  76. Preservation Of Explosive Force In Long-term Strength Trained Elders Is Determined By Neural Adaptations
  77. Influence of strength training intensity on subsequent recovery in elderly
  78. Photobiomodulation Therapy on Physiological and Performance Parameters During Running Tests
  79. Time Response of Photobiomodulation Therapy on Muscular Fatigue in Humans
  80. Validation of a Maximal Incremental Skating Test Performed on a Slide Board: Comparison With Treadmill Skating
  81. Functional capacity improves in-line with neuromuscular performance after 12 weeks of non-linear periodization strength training in the elderly
  82. Dose-response effect of photobiomodulation therapy on neuromuscular economy during submaximal running
  83. Reducing measurement errors during functional capacity tests in elders
  84. Acute Cardiopulmonary, Metabolic, And Neuromuscular Responses To Severe-Intensity Intermittent Exercises
  85. Is respiratory exchange ratio an alternative to estimate anaerobic threshold in trained runners?
  86. Reproducibility of upper leg EMG frequency content during cycling
  87. Comparison of body adiposity index (BAI) and air displacement plethysmograph with estimations of % body fat in adults with Down’s syndrome
  88. Motor unit firing frequency of lower limb muscles during an incremental slide board skating test
  89. Analysis of elbow muscle strength parameters in Brazilian jiu-jitsu practitioners
  90. Influence of saddle height and exercise intensity on pedalling asymmetries in cyclists
  91. Effect of fatigue on reaction time, response time, performance time, and kick impact in taekwondo roundhouse kick
  92. Desempenho e pacing na prova de 200m nado borboleta: variabilidade e relações dos tempos parciais de 50m com o tempo final
  93. Differences in Pedalling Technique in Cycling: A Cluster Analysis
  94. Effect of pre-exercise phototherapy applied with different cluster probe sizes on elbow flexor muscle fatigue
  95. Effects Of Nonlinear Periodization On Maximum And Explosive Muscular Strength In Elderly People
  96. Effects of mate tea consumption on muscle strength and oxidative stress markers after eccentric exercise
  97. Relação entre testes de resistência de força com o kimono com parâmetros isocinéticos em atletas de jiu jitsu
  98. Benefits of dietary phytochemical supplementation on eccentric exercise-induced muscle damage: Is including antioxidants enough?
  99. Test–retest reliability of second lactate turnpoint using two different criteria in competitive cyclists
  100. Caracterização do posicionamento de ciclistas recreacionais de bicicletas aerodinâmicas: Dados preliminares do Projeto Bike Fit
  101. Critical stroke rate as a parameter for evaluation in swimming
  102. Continuous and intermittent running to exhaustion at maximal lactate steady state: Neuromuscular, biochemical and endocrinal responses
  103. Comparação da composição corporal, desempenho aeróbio e anaeróbio entre ciclistas e triatletas competitivos
  104. Respostas fisiológicas agudas do futebol recreacional em mulheres adultas não treinadas
  105. Análise da técnica de pedalada durante o ciclismo até a exaustão
  106. Preference and torque asymmetry for elbow joint
  107. Análise da ativação muscular durante a pedalada até a exaustão utilizando bandas de frequência
  108. Effects Of A Proprioceptive Neuromuscular Facilitation Stretching Technique Of The Accessory Respiratory Muscles On Patients With And Without COPD
  109. Muscle activity and pedal force profile of triathletes during cycling to exhaustion
  110. Esforço percebido e cinemática em percentuais da velocidade crítica na natação
  111. Influence of leg preference on bilateral muscle activation during cycling
  112. Efeitos da posição dos joelhos no plano frontal sobre as forças aplicadas no ciclismo: estudo preliminar
  113. Estudo comparativo das variáveis antropométricas em bailarinas clássicas e jogadoras de voleibol
  114. Does leg preference affect muscle activation and efficiency?
  115. Kinetics and kinematics analysis of incremental cycling to exhaustion
  116. Adaptações neuromusculares de flexores dorsais e plantares a duas semanas de imobilização após entorse de tornozelo
  117. Effect of Light-Emitting Diodes Therapy (LEDT) on Knee Extensor Muscle Fatigue
  118. Effects of Altering Pedal Frequency on the Slow Component of Pulmonary V˙O 2 Kinetics and EMG Activity
  119. Pedaling cadence effects on joint mechanical work during cycling
  120. Fatigue effects on the coordinative pattern during cycling: Kinetics and kinematics evaluation
  121. Aspectos determinantes do posicionamento corporal no ciclismo: uma revisão sistemática
  122. Two-weeks of elbow immobilization affects torque production but does not change muscle activation
  123. Heliox Improves Oxygen Delivery and Utilization during Dynamic Exercise in Patients with Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease
  124. Changes in Muscle Activity and Kinematics of Highly Trained Cyclists During Fatigue
  125. Aspectos relacionados à fadiga durante o ciclismo: uma abordagem biomecânica
  126. Cadence and Workload Effects on Pedaling Technique of Well-Trained Cyclists
  127. Ativação muscular durante a pedalada em diferentes posições do selim
  128. Physiological and electromyographic responses during 40-km cycling time trial: Relationship to muscle coordination and performance
  129. Proposta metodológica para a avaliação da técnica da pedalada de ciclistas: estudo de caso
  130. Temporomandibular joint dysfunction and trapezius muscle fatigability
  131. Comparação de respostas fisiológicas absolutas e relativas entre ciclistas e triatletas
  132. Assessment of the Effects of Saddle Position on Cyclists?? Pedaling Technique
  133. Cinemática da pedalada de ciclistas de diferentes modalidades