All Stories

  1. Open Access of COVID-19-related publications of PubMed
  2. Conversión normalizada (SKOS) de sistemas de organización del conocimiento interoperables en la web
  3. RDA, la otra RDA: la Research Data alliance. Cuando ‘FAIR’ es algo más que ‘justo’
  4. Análisis y categorización de los datos abiertos de las bibliotecas municipales españolas: metadatos, interoperabilidad y propuesta para la apertura y reutilización
  5. 27 pawns ready for action
  6. Data and metadata research in the social sciences and humanities: An approach from data repositories in these disciplines
  7. Mobile Web Adoption in Top Ranked University Libraries: A Preliminary Study
  8. Cultura abierta: conocimiento compartido
  10. Linking and opening vocabulariesLHTspecial issue: Editorial
  11. Linked data for open vocabularies and HIVE's global framework
  12. Study on the Use of Metadata for Digital Learning Objects in University Institutional Repositories (MODERI)
  13. Knitting the Semantic Web
  14. Assessing information professionals in Dominican Republic: Are they prepared to deal with the new democratic libraries?
  15. Assessing information professionals in Dominican Republic: Are they prepared to deal with the new democratic libraries?
  16. The Birth of the New Web: A Foucauldian Reading of the Semantic Web
  17. Library of Congress Controlled Vocabularies and Their Application to the Semantic Web
  18. Introduction: Toward a More Library-Like Web via Semantic Knitting
  19. Library Cards for the 21st Century
  20. Microformatos: web 2.0 para el Dublin Core
  21. Dublin Core, metadatos y vocabularios
  22. Information Policies in Spain: Towards the New “Information Society”
  23. Metadata in web information services and systems