All Stories

  1. Making Video News Visible: Identifying the Optimization Strategies of the Cybermedia on YouTube Using Web Metrics
  2. Google Scholar, Web of Science, and Scopus: A systematic comparison of citations in 252 subject categories
  3. Classic papers: using Google Scholar to detect the highly-cited documents
  4. Google Scholar, Web of Science, and Scopus: a systematic comparison of citations in 252 subject categories
  5. Has Robert Parker lost his hegemony as a prescriptor in the wine World? A preliminar inquiry through Twitter
  6. Coverage of highly-cited documents in Google Scholar, Web of Science, and Scopus: a multidisciplinary comparison
  7. Scholar Mirrors: Integrating evidence of impact from multiple sources into one platform to expedite researcher evaluation
  8. Author-level metrics in the new academic profile platforms: The online behaviour of the Bibliometrics community
  9. ¡Viva la competencia! Nuevas dimensiones para la búsqueda y evaluación de la información científica
  10. Coverage of highly-cited documents in Google Scholar, Web of Science, and Scopus: a multidisciplinary comparison
  11. Dimensions: redescubriendo el ecosistema de la información científica
  12. Hit count estimate variability for website-specific queries in search engines
  13. [Supplementary material to book chapter] Google Scholar as a data source for research assessment
  14. A novel method for depicting academic disciplines through Google Scholar Citations: The case of Bibliometrics
  15. Google Scholar como una fuente de evaluación científica: una revisión bibliográfica sobre errores de la base de datos
  16. The lost academic home: institutional affiliation links in Google Scholar Citations
  17. Journal Scholar Metrics: building an Arts, Humanities, and Social Sciences journal ranking with Google Scholar data
  18. Web citations in patents: Evidence of technological impact?
  19. Do ResearchGate Scores create ghost academic reputations?
  20. The role of ego in academic profile services: Comparing Google Scholar, ResearchGate, Mendeley, and ResearcherID
  21. Can we use Google Scholar to identify highly-cited documents?
  22. Un panorama académico de dos caras: retrato de los documentos altamente citados en Google Scholar (1950-2013)
  23. Redes de conectividad entre empresas tecnológicas a través de un análisis métrico longitudinal de menciones de usuario en Twitter
  24. Mobile Web Adoption in Top Ranked University Libraries: A Preliminary Study
  25. The next bibliometrics: ALMetrics (Author Level Metrics) and the multiple faces of author impact
  26. ResearchGate como fuente de evaluación científica: desvelando sus aplicaciones bibliométricas
  27. Back to the past: on the shoulders of an academic search engine giant
  28. Identifying institutional relationships in a geographically distributed public health system using interlinking and co-authorship methods
  29. Nature's top 100 Re-revisited
  30. Disclosing the network structure of private companies on the web
  31. Web Metrics for Library and Information Professionals edited by DavidStuart. London: Facet, 2014, 208 pp. (Paperback 78.00USD). (paperback). (ISBN: 9781856048743).
  32. Methods for estimating the size of Google Scholar
  33. Revealing the online network between university and industry: the case of Turkey
  34. Hyperlinks embedded in twitter as a proxy for total external in-links to international university websites
  35. The silent fading of an academic search engine: the case of Microsoft Academic Search
  36. The dark side of open access in Google and Google Scholar: the case of Latin-American repositories
  37. Influence of language and file type on the web visibility of top European universities
  38. Are web mentions accurate substitutes for inlinks for Spanish universities?
  39. H Index Scholar: el índice h de los profesores de las universidades públicas españolas en humanidades y ciencias sociales
  40. Google Scholar Metrics evolution: an analysis according to languages
  41. Spanish university space on the Web (2010): descriptive study of academic institutions and products through the analysis of subdomains and folders
  42. Marcado semántico automático en gestores de contenidos: integración y cuantificación
  43. Aggregation of the web performance of internal university units as a method of quantitative analysis of a university system: The case of Spain
  44. U.S. academic libraries: understanding their web presence and their relationship with economic indicators
  45. Building World-Class Universities
  46. Proposal for a multilevel university cybermetric analysis model
  47. Selective linking from social platforms to university websites: a case study of the Spanish academic system
  48. Proposal of a Goal-Oriented Shared Catalog Model
  49. Presencia y visibilidad web de las universidades públicas españolas
  50. Análisis de la variabilidad de nombres de autores españoles en depósitos digitales universitarios de acceso abierto: un estudio por áreas de conocimiento
  51. Las universidades públicas españolas en Google Scholar: presencia y evolución de su publicación académica web
  52. El proyecto visado arquitectónico: descripción, caracterización y normalización documental
  53. Presencia de la prensa digital española en la Web social: análisis de Menéame
  54. Directorio de expertos en el tratamiento de la información (EXIT). Análisis de uso
  55. From Universities to Private Companies