All Stories

  1. A Brief Guide to Evaluate Replications
  2. A Unified Framework to Quantify the Credibility of Scientific Findings
  3. Falsifiability is not optional.
  4. Registered Replication Report
  5. A New Replication Norm for Psychology
  6. Estimating the reproducibility of psychological science
  7. Making sense of the noise: Replication difficulties of Correll’s (2008) modulation of 1/f noise in a racial bias task
  8. Enhancing transparency of the research process to increase accuracy of findings: A guide for relationship researchers
  9. Big secrets do not necessarily cause hills to appear steeper
  10. Heightened Sensitivity to Temperature Cues in Individuals With High Anxious Attachment
  12. An Open, Large-Scale, Collaborative Effort to Estimate the Reproducibility of Psychological Science
  13. The Interactive Role of Implicit and Explicit Partner Evaluations on Ongoing Affective and Behavioral Romantic Realities
  14. Name-Letter Preferences for New Last Name and Abandoned Birth Name Initials in the Context of Name-Change via Marriage
  15. Socially desirable responding and its elusive effects on the validity of personality assessments.
  16. Fearing the Future of Empirical Psychology: Bem's (2011) Evidence of Psi as a Case Study of Deficiencies in Modal Research Practice
  17. Sexy But Often Unreliable: The Impact of Unreliability on the Replicability of Experimental Findings With Implicit Measures
  18. Attentional influences on affective priming: Does categorisation influence spontaneous evaluations of multiply categorisable objects?
  19. Attitude Accessibility as a Moderator of Implicit and Explicit Self-esteem Correspondence
  20. Implicit partner affect, relationship satisfaction, and the prediction of romantic breakup
  21. Methodological issues in the validation of implicit measures: Comment on De Houwer, Teige-Mocigemba, Spruyt, and Moors (2009).
  22. How to find what's in a name: Scrutinizing the optimality of five scoring algorithms for the name‐letter task
  23. Understanding patterns of attitude change: When implicit measures show change, but explicit measures do not
  24. Response Interference as a Mechanism Underlying Implicit Measures