All Stories

  1. Scientific foundations of psychology between person-centered and average-centered methodological approaches
  2. Meta-Analysis: A tool for constructing theories or evaluating interventions or simply proving everyday assumptions?
  3. Error theory of mental test scores without and with a measuring instrument (version 2)
  4. Questionable research methods: One-sample tests have no power
  5. Error theory of mental test scores without and with a measuring instrument
  6. Diagnosis and therapy of psychology by means of systematicity theory
  7. Comment on: Responsible Research Assessment I and Responsible Research Assessment II
  8. The t-test, resource pooling, and psi: why the minimum sample size counts towards theoretical progress in behavioral science
  9. The Statistical, Theoretical, and Practical Significance of an Empirical Effect
  10. How observed effects in behavioral science should (not) be reported
  11. The case for default point-H1-hypotheses in behavioral science: a theory-construction perspective
  12. A simple measure for the empirical adequacy of a theoretical construct
  13. Commentary on „Heterogeneity in direct replications in psychology and its association with effect size” (Olsson-Collentine, Wicherts & van Assen, 2020, Psychological Bulletin, online first publication, July 23, 2020.)
  14. Reconstructing Recent Work on Macrosocial Stress as a Research Program
  15. Beyond Schools: Reply to Marsman, Ly, and Wagenmakers
  16. hanging Group facilitation methods from cohesion to Information exchange.
  17. Die Wahrnehmung von Teamfähigkeit in Abhängigkeit von Wärme und Beitrag zur Gruppenleistung
  18. The Evolution of the homo sapiens bred in behavior in Groups.
  19. Synergetische Führung – die Steuerung eines zukunftsfähigen Mikrosystems
  20. Rezension
  21. Justification of War and Terrorism
  22. Respektvolle Führung und ihre Bedeutung für die Gestaltung von Veränderungen in Organisationen
  23. Editorial
  24. Virtuelle Teams — Geringe Kosten, geringer Nutzen? Zur Leistungsverbesserung von Kleingruppen beim Problemlösen durch elektronische Moderation
  25. Teamfähigkeit und Performance
  26. Inhaltsanalytische Modelle zur Identifikation und Analyse von ethischen Rechtfertigungen politischer Gewalt
  27. Quantitative Rekonstruktionen (Retrognosen) als Instrument der Theorienbildung und Theorien- prüfung in der Sozialpsychologie
  28. Preface* * I would like to thank Norb Kerr for his great help in improving my English text. However, the author remains responsible for any shortcomings.
  29. Motivation gain effects in small groups
  30. Einstellungen von Wissenschaftlern verschiedener naturwissenschaftlichtechnischer Fachbereiche zum Technologietransfer
  31. An attempt to integrate the classical studies of group behavior and the risk shift phenomenon
  32. The cognitive structure of choice dilemma decisions
  33. Zeitschriftenschau