All Stories

  1. Growth trajectories of mathematics achievement
  2. Indigenous Secondary Education in the Northern Territory: Building for the Future
  3. Motivation Matters: Profiling Indigenous and Non-Indigenous Students’ Motivational Goals
  4. Culture's Consequences on Student Motivation: Capturing Cross-Cultural Universality and Variability Through Personal Investment Theory
  5. Social Media Use and Social Connectedness in Adolescents: The Positives and the Potential Pitfalls
  6. Asian students in Australia: sources of the academic self
  7. Mapping changes in students’ English and math self-concepts: a latent growth model study
  8. Academic Self-Concepts in Ability Streams: Considering Domain Specificity and Same-Stream Peers
  9. Does big-fish–little-pond effect always exist? Investigation of goal orientations as moderators in the Hong Kong context
  10. Teachers’ Commitment and psychological well-being: implications of self-beliefs for teaching in Hong Kong
  11. The work avoidance goal construct: Examining its structure, antecedents, and consequences
  12. Harnessing the power of motivational factors for optimizing the educational success of remote indigenous students: a cross-cultural study
  13. Socially Oriented Motivational Goals and Academic Achievement: Similarities Between Native and Anglo Americans
  14. Examining the role of social goals in school: A study in two collectivist cultures
  15. Teacher Commitment and Psychological Well-Being
  16. Exploring the Synergies Between Distal Future and Proximal Achievement Goals in Academic Achievement
  17. Goal orientation in Chinese culture: An inductive approach
  18. How you think about your intelligence determines how you feel in school: The role of theories of intelligence on academic emotions
  19. Studying for the sake of others: the role of social goals on academic engagement
  20. Cross-Cultural Validation of the Sense of Self (SoS) Scale in Chinese and Filipino Settings
  21. Competitiveness is not that bad…at least in the East: Testing the hierarchical model of achievement motivation in the Asian setting
  22. Conceptual and Methodological Challenges in Multiple Goal Research among Remote and Very Remote Indigenous Australian Students
  23. Academic motivation, self‐concept, engagement, and performance in high school: Key processes from a longitudinal perspective
  24. Segregated Schooling for Girls and Boys: Effects on Peer Relationships, Motivation, and Achievement
  25. Teacher Commitment, Motivation, and Attributes: Effects on Job Satisfaction and Psychological Health
  26. Including social goals in achievement motivation research: Examples from the Philippines
  27. Studying “A Thousand Miles Away”: The Motivational Implications of Cross-Cultural Transitions
  28. Indonesian Students and their Citizenship-Related Attributes: Implications for Instructional Strategies and Pedagogical Practices in Civic Education
  29. The relationship between future goals and achievement goal orientations: An intrinsic–extrinsic motivation perspective
  30. Future Goals Questionnaire
  31. College seniors' theory of their academic motivation.
  32. Personal investment, culture and learning: Insights into school achievement across Anglo, Aboriginal, Asian and Lebanese students in Australia
  33. Getting Along with Teachers and Parents: The Yields of Good Relationships for Students' Achievement Motivation and Self-Esteem
  34. Multidimensional and Hierarchical Assessment of School Motivation: Cross‐cultural validation
  35. An Investigation of the Effects of School Context and Sex Differences on Students' Motivational Goal Orientations
  36. Motivations to Teach: Psychometric Perspectives across the First Semester of Teacher Education
  37. Values, Interests, and Perceptions of Instrumentality in a School Context
  38. Educational Psychology – Theory, Research, and Teaching: A 25‐year retrospective
  39. Students’ School Motivation and Aspiration Over High School Years
  40. Exploring sex differences in science enrolment intentions: An application of the General Model of Academic Choice
  41. For What Should Theological Colleges Educate? A Systematic Investigation of Ministry Education Perceptions and Priorities
  42. An Interview With Dennis McInerney
  43. A Discussion of Future Time Perspective
  44. Goal Orientations and Learning Strategies Survey
  45. Student Goal Structured Interview
  46. What do students say about their motivational goals?: Towards a more complex and dynamic perspective on student motivation
  47. Performance Approach, Performance Avoidance and Depth of Information Processing: A fresh look at relations between students' academic motivation and cognition
  48. Social Identity and Navajo High School Students: Is a Strong Social Identity Important in the School Context?
  50. Hierarchical, multidimensional creative arts self-concept
  51. Psychological parameters of students' social and work avoidance goals: A qualitative investigation.
  52. Where is the hierarchy of academic self-concept?
  53. Aboriginal, Anglo, and immigrant Australian students' motivational beliefs about personal academic success: Are there cultural differences?
  54. The Goals of Schooling in Culturally Diverse Classrooms
  55. Effects of metacognitive strategy training within a cooperative group learning context on computer achievement and anxiety: An aptitude–treatment interaction study.
  56. Student Teachers, Computer Anxiety and Computer Experience
  57. Cross‐cultural insights into school motivation and decision making
  58. Inventory of School Motivation
  59. Urban aboriginal parents’ views on education: A comparative analysis
  60. The need for the continuing education of teachers: A multicultural perspective