All Stories

  1. Including a pen and/or cover letter, containing social incentive text, had no effect on questionnaire response rate: a factorial randomised controlled Study within a Trial
  2. An embedded randomised controlled retention trial of personalised text messages compared to non-personalised text messages in an orthopaedic setting
  3. Enclosing a pen to improve response rate to postal questionnaire: an embedded randomised controlled trial
  4. Optimised patient information materials and recruitment to a study of behavioural activation in older adults: an embedded study within a trial
  5. Using pens as an incentive for questionnaire return in an orthopaedic trial: an embedded randomised controlled retention trial
  6. Effectiveness of pre-operative anaemia screening and increased Tranexamic acid dose on outcomes following unilateral primary, elective total hip or knee replacement: a statistical analysis plan for an interrupted time series and regression discontinuit...
  7. An evaluation of a personalised text message reminder compared to a standard text message on postal questionnaire response rates: an embedded randomised controlled trial
  8. Avoiding biased exclusions in cluster trials
  9. Poor allocation concealment methods are associated with heterogeneity in age and statistical significance of the primary outcome: Review of recent trials published in four general medical journals
  10. Costs and consequences of the Family Nurse Partnership (FNP) programme in England: evidence from the Building Blocks trial
  11. Protocol for a factorial randomised controlled trial, embedded within WHiTE 8 COPAL, of an Enhanced Trainee Principal Investigator Package and Additional Digital Nudge to increase recruitment rates
  12. Baseline testing in cluster randomised controlled trials: should this be done?
  13. Does handwriting the name of a potential trial participant on an invitation letter improve recruitment rates? A randomised controlled study within a trial
  14. Using pens as an incentive for trial recruitment of older adults: An embedded randomised controlled trial
  15. Effect of retracting randomised controlled trial reports
  16. A nested randomised controlled trial of a newsletter and Post-it® note did not increase postal questionnaire response rates in a falls prevention trial
  17. The impact of lung function case-finding tests on smoking behaviour: A nested randomised trial within a case-finding cohort
  18. Cost-effectiveness of the Family Nurse Partnership (FNP) programme in England: Evidence from the building blocks trial
  19. An optimised patient information sheet did not significantly increase recruitment or retention in a falls prevention study: an embedded randomised recruitment trial
  20. CollAborative care and active surveillance for Screen-Positive EldeRs with subthreshold depression (CASPER): a multicentred randomised controlled trial of clinical effectiveness and cost-effectiveness
  21. Cohort Randomised Controlled Trial of a Multifaceted Podiatry Intervention for the Prevention of Falls in Older People (The REFORM Trial)
  22. Allocation concealment in randomised controlled trials: are we getting better?: Table 1
  23. Negative pressure wound therapy versus usual care for Surgical Wounds Healing by Secondary Intention (SWHSI trial): study protocol for a randomised controlled pilot trial
  24. Text message reminders to improve questionnaire response rates
  25. A cluster randomised trial of strategies to increase cervical screening uptake at first invitation (STRATEGIC)
  26. An randomized controlled trial of Post-it® notes did not increase postal response rates in older depressed participants
  27. Implementation of blinded outcome assessment in the Effective Verruca Treatments trial (EverT) – lessons learned
  28. A randomized, embedded trial of pre-notification of trial participation did not increase recruitment rates to a falls prevention trial
  29. Scaphoid Waist Internal Fixation for Fractures Trial (SWIFFT) protocol: a pragmatic multi-centre randomised controlled trial of cast treatment versus surgical fixation for the treatment of bi-cortical, minimally displaced fractures of the scaphoid wais...
  30. Enclosing a pen reduced time to response to questionnaire mailings
  31. Missing data in randomized controlled trials testing palliative interventions pose a significant risk of bias and loss of power: a systematic review and meta-analyses
  32. Effectiveness of a Nurse-Led Intensive Home-Visitation Program for First-Time Teenage Mothers (Building Blocks)
  33. Questioning the outcome of the Building Blocks trial – Authors' reply
  34. Cost effectiveness of surgical versus non-surgical treatment of adults with displaced fractures of the proximal humerus: economic evaluation alongside the PROFHER trial
  35. Guidelines for reporting embedded recruitment trials
  36. Effectiveness of a nurse-led intensive home-visitation programme for first-time teenage mothers (Building Blocks): a pragmatic randomised controlled trial
  37. Electronic prompts significantly increase response rates to postal questionnaires: a randomized trial within a randomized trial and meta-analysis
  38. Aspirin for Venous Ulcers: Randomised Trial (AVURT): study protocol for a randomised controlled trial
  39. Alexander Technique Lessons or Acupuncture Sessions for Persons With Chronic Neck Pain
  40. Skill-sharing between allied health professionals in a community setting: A randomised controlled trial
  41. EVerT2—needling versus non-surgical debridement for the treatment of verrucae: study protocol for a single-centre randomised controlled trial
  42. Holistic assessment of women with hyperemesis gravidarum: A randomised controlled trial
  43. The use of unequal randomisation in clinical trials — An update
  44. Randomized Controlled Trials
  45. Efficacy of a Sexual Assault Resistance Program for University Women
  46. Producing better evidence on how to improve randomised controlled trials
  47. A randomised controlled trial of three or one breathing technique training sessions for breathlessness in people with malignant lung disease
  48. Does home oxygen therapy (HOT) in addition to standard care reduce disease severity and improve symptoms in people with chronic heart failure? A randomised trial of home oxygen therapy for patients with chronic heart failure
  49. Need for a trial of solanezumab in mild Alzheimer’s disease
  50. Muslim communities learning about second-hand smoke: a pilot cluster randomised controlled trial and cost-effectiveness analysis
  51. Feasibility, acceptability and validity of SMS text messaging for measuring change in depression during a randomised controlled trial
  52. Surgical vs Nonsurgical Treatment of Adults With Displaced Fractures of the Proximal Humerus
  53. Pain reduction with oral methotrexate in knee osteoarthritis, a pragmatic phase iii trial of treatment effectiveness (PROMOTE): study protocol for a randomized controlled trial
  54. The ProFHER (PROximal Fracture of the Humerus: Evaluation by Randomisation) trial – a pragmatic multicentre randomised controlled trial evaluating the clinical effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of surgical compared with non-surgical treatment for pr...
  55. A feasibility study for a randomised controlled trial of treatment withdrawal in psoriatic arthritis (REmoval of treatment for patients in REmission in psoriatic ArThritis (RETREAT (F))
  56. Important outcome predictors showed greater baseline heterogeneity than age in two systematic reviews
  57. The effect of supplementation with alkaline potassium salts on bone metabolism: a meta-analysis
  58. The REFORM study protocol: a cohort randomised controlled trial of a multifaceted podiatry intervention for the prevention of falls in older people
  59. Cost-Effectiveness Analysis of Acupuncture, Counselling and Usual Care in Treating Patients with Depression: The Results of the ACUDep Trial
  60. Sources of bias in outcome assessment in randomised controlled trials: a case study
  61. Randomized trial within a trial of yellow ‘post-it notes’ did not improve questionnaire response rates among participants in a trial of treatments for neck pain
  62. Systematic techniques for assisting recruitment to trials (START): study protocol for embedded, randomized controlled trials
  63. The 2 × 2 cluster randomized controlled factorial trial design is mainly used for efficiency and to explore intervention interactions: a systematic review
  64. Preference Trials
  65. A methodological review of recent meta-analyses has found significant heterogeneity in age between randomized groups
  66. Compliance effects in a randomised controlled trial of yoga for chronic low back pain: a methodological study
  67. Short message service text messaging was feasible as a tool for data collection in a trial of treatment for irritable bowel syndrome
  68. VenUS IV (Venous leg Ulcer Study IV) – compression hosiery compared with compression bandaging in the treatment of venous leg ulcers: a randomised controlled trial, mixed-treatment comparison and decision-analytic model
  69. Randomized cohort trial was shown to be feasible for evaluating treatments in low back pain
  70. The opportunities and challenges of pragmatic point-of-care randomised trials using routinely collected electronic records: evaluations of two exemplar trials
  71. No proved benefit for cryotherapy over salicylic acid in treating verrucas
  72. Waiting list randomized controlled trial within a case-finding design: methodological considerations
  73. Developing Interventions for Children’s Exercise (DICE): A Pilot Evaluation of School-Based Exercise Interventions for Primary School Children Aged 7 to 8 Years
  74. Can we reduce reoffending by using what works principles in probation supervision?
  75. Clinical and cost-effectiveness of compression hosiery versus compression bandages in treatment of venous leg ulcers (Venous leg Ulcer Study IV, VenUS IV): a randomised controlled trial
  76. Use of the h-index to measure the quality of the output of health services researchers
  77. Oral treatments for fungal infections of the skin of the foot
  78. Acupuncture and Counselling for Depression in Primary Care: A Randomised Controlled Trial
  79. Collection of Delinquent Fines: An Adaptive Randomized Trial to Assess the Effectiveness of Alternative Text Messages
  80. Every Child Counts: testing policy effectiveness using a randomised controlled trial, designed, conducted and reported to CONSORT standards
  81. Allocation concealment: a methodological review
  82. Poor reporting quality of key Randomization and Allocation Concealment details is still prevalent among published RCTs in 2011: a review
  83. Patient-led training on patient safety: A pilot study to test the feasibility and acceptability of an educational intervention
  84. Sample size calculations for pilot randomized trials: a confidence interval approach
  85. The effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of the Family Nurse Partnership home visiting programme for first time teenage mothers in England: a protocol for the Building Blocks randomised controlled trial
  86. Alexander Technique Lessons, Acupuncture Sessions or usual care for patients with chronic neck pain (ATLAS): study protocol for a randomised controlled trial
  87. Hydroxychloroquine effectiveness in reducing symptoms of hand osteoarthritis (HERO): study protocol for a randomized controlled trial
  88. Muslim communities learning about second-hand smoke (MCLASS): study protocol for a pilot cluster randomised controlled trial
  89. Missing Data From Missing Participants
  90. Prior notification of trial participants by newsletter increased response rates: a randomized controlled trial
  91. There are some circumstances where the stepped-wedge cluster randomized trial is preferable to the alternative: no randomized trial at all. Response to the commentary by Kotz and colleagues
  92. Acupuncture, Counseling, and Usual care for Depression (ACUDep): study protocol for a randomized controlled trial
  93. The effect of patients’ preference on outcome in the EVerT cryotherapy versus salicylic acid for the treatment of plantar warts (verruca) trial
  94. Acupuncture for irritable bowel syndrome: primary care based pragmatic randomised controlled trial
  95. Cost-effectiveness of acupuncture for irritable bowel syndrome: findings from an economic evaluation conducted alongside a pragmatic randomised controlled trial in primary care
  96. Methods to Assess Cost-Effectiveness and Value of Further Research When Data Are Sparse
  97. Vitamin D with Calcium Reduces Mortality: Patient Level Pooled Analysis of 70,528 Patients from Eight Major Vitamin D Trials
  98. A Pragmatic Multicentered Randomized Controlled Trial of Yoga for Chronic Low Back Pain
  99. A pilot randomised controlled trial of negative pressure wound therapy to treat grade III/IV pressure ulcers [ISRCTN69032034]
  100. Computer-based instruction for improving student nurses’ general numeracy: is it effective? Two randomised trials
  101. Cost-effectiveness of cryotherapy versus salicylic acid for the treatment of plantar warts: economic evaluation alongside a randomised controlled trial (EVerT trial)
  102. Education Matters
  103. A pragmatic randomised controlled trial of the effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of screening older women for the prevention of fractures: rationale, design and methods for the SCOOP study
  104. Long-Term Follow-Up for Mortality and Cancer in a Randomized Placebo-Controlled Trial of Vitamin D3and/or Calcium (RECORD Trial)
  105. Using short information leaflets as recruitment tools did not improve recruitment: a randomized controlled trial
  106. Assuring the Safety and Effectiveness of New Drugs: Rigorous Phase IV Trials Randomizing General Practices to Delayed Access to New Drugs
  107. Retrospective cohort study highlighted outcome reporting bias in UK publicly funded trials
  108. A randomised evaluation of CollAborative care and active surveillance for Screen-Positive EldeRs with sub-threshold depression (CASPER): study protocol for a randomized controlled trial
  109. EVerT: cryotherapy versus salicylic acid for the treatment of verrucae – a randomised controlled trial.
  110. Electronic reminders did not improve postal questionnaire response rates or response times: a randomized controlled trial
  111. Short-term opioids for breathlessness in stable chronic heart failure: a randomized controlled trial
  112. Systematic review of stepped wedge cluster randomized trials shows that design is particularly used to evaluate interventions during routine implementation
  113. Randomised controlled trial of food elimination diet based on IgG antibodies for the prevention of migraine like headaches
  114. Bias in recruitment to cluster randomized trials: a review of recent publications
  115. Cryotherapy versus salicylic acid for the treatment of plantar warts (verrucae): a randomised controlled trial
  116. Economic evaluation of a randomized controlled trial of ultrasound therapy for hard-to-heal venous leg ulcers
  117. ERRATUM
  118. Use of weekly, low dose, high frequency ultrasound for hard to heal venous leg ulcers: the VenUS III randomised controlled trial
  119. VenUS III: a randomised controlled trial of therapeutic ultrasound in the management of venous leg ulcers
  120. A randomized trial of electronic reminders showed a reduction in the time to respond to postal questionnaires
  121. Environmental Assessment and Modification to Prevent Falls in Older People
  122. Database recruitment: a solution to poor recruitment in randomized trials?
  123. A randomised controlled trial of patient led training in medical education: protocol
  124. A randomised controlled trial of yoga for the treatment of chronic low back pain: Results of a pilot study
  125. Assessing the impact of attrition in randomized controlled trials
  126. A systematic meta-analytic review of evidence for the effectiveness of the ‘Fast ForWord’ language intervention program
  127. Reducing criminal recidivism: evaluation of Citizenship, an evidence-based probation supervision process
  128. The effect of hypnotherapy on exam anxiety and exam performance: a pilot randomised controlled trial
  129. Acupuncture for irritable bowel syndrome: A protocol for a pragmatic randomised controlled trial
  130. Cost-effectiveness analysis of general anaesthesia versus local anaesthesia for carotid surgery (GALA Trial)
  131. A pragmatic multi-centred randomised controlled trial of yoga for chronic low back pain: Trial protocol
  132. Rethinking pragmatic randomised controlled trials: introducing the "cohort multiple randomised controlled trial" design
  133. Parable of Two Agencies, One of Which Randomizes
  134. Conceptual, Design, and Statistical Complications Associated with Participant Preference
  135. Reporting Methodological Items in Randomized Experiments in Political Science
  136. Public health and bovine tuberculosis: what's all the fuss about?
  137. Patient level pooled analysis of 68 500 patients from seven major vitamin D fracture trials in US and Europe
  138. Publicity does not increase recruitment to falls prevention trials: the results of two quasi-randomized trials
  139. Protocol for the ProFHER (PROximal Fracture of the Humerus: Evaluation by Randomisation) trial: a pragmatic multi-centre randomised controlled trial of surgical versus non-surgical treatment for proximal fracture of the humerus in adults
  140. Dietary protein and bone health: a systematic review and meta-analysis
  141. VenUS II: a randomised controlled trial of larval therapy in the management of leg ulcers
  142. Bias in identifying and recruiting participants in cluster randomised trials: what can be done?
  143. Population screening for osteoporosis risk: a randomised control trial of medication use and fracture risk
  144. Study authors respond to points in editorial
  145. How to perform a critical analysis of a randomised controlled trial
  146. Cost effectiveness analysis of larval therapy for leg ulcers
  147. Larval therapy for leg ulcers (VenUS II): randomised controlled trial
  148. Collaborative care for depression in UK primary care: a randomized controlled trial – Corrigendum
  149. Shoulder acute pain in primary health care: is retraining GPs effective? The SAPPHIRE randomized trial: a cost–effectiveness analysis
  150. Potential for technical errors and subverted allocation can be reduced if certain guidelines are followed: Examples from a web-based survey
  151. Benefits of stemming bovine TB need to be demonstrated
  152. Cost-Effectiveness Analysis and Health Policy
  153. General anaesthesia versus local anaesthesia for carotid surgery (GALA): a multicentre, randomised controlled trial
  154. Clinical effectiveness of a brief educational intervention in Type 1 diabetes: results from the BITES (Brief Intervention in Type 1 diabetes, Education for Self-efficacy) trial
  155. Cost-effectiveness of magnetic resonance imaging of the knee for patients presenting in primary care
  156. Effectiveness of GP access to magnetic resonance imaging of the knee: a randomised trial
  157. Patients' preferences within randomised trials: systematic review and patient level meta-analysis
  158. Shoulder acute pain in primary healthcare: is retraining effective for GP principals? SAPPHIRE--a randomized controlled trial
  159. The health-related quality of life and cost implications of falls in elderly women
  160. Does risk to humans justify high cost of fighting bovine TB?
  161. Individual allocation had an advantage over cluster randomization in statistical efficiency in some circumstances
  162. Randomised controlled trial of incentives to improve attendance at adult literacy classes
  163. GALA: an international multicentre randomised trial comparing general anaesthesia versus local anaesthesia for carotid surgery
  164. Invited editorial Randomised controlled trials in children's services
  165. Cluster randomized trials produced similar results to individually randomized trials in a meta-analysis of enhanced care for depression
  166. Listen to the data when results are not significant
  167. Designing Randomised Trials in Health, Education and the Social Sciences
  168. Educating nursing home staff on fracture prevention: a cluster randomised trial
  169. Simple sample size calculation
  170. The impact of trial baseline imbalances should be considered in systematic reviews: a methodological case study
  171. The Quality of Trials in Operative Surgery
  172. Fracture incidence and changes in quality of life in women with an inadequate clinical outcome from osteoporosis therapy: the Observational Study of Severe Osteoporosis (OSSO)
  173. Using postal randomization to replace telephone randomization had no significant effect on recruitment of patients
  174. Brief Intervention in Type 1 diabetes – Education for Self-efficacy (BITES): Protocol for a randomised control trial to assess biophysical and psychological effectiveness
  175. Collaborative care for depression in UK primary care: a randomized controlled trial
  176. The use of minimization to form comparison groups in educational research
  177. Active Exercise, Education, and Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Persistent Disabling Low Back Pain
  178. Randomized trial of two physiotherapy interventions for primary care back and neck pain patients: cost effectiveness analysis
  179. Is vegetable protein more beneficial to bone than animal protein?
  180. Improving response rates using a monetary incentive for patient completion of questionnaires: an observational study
  181. The use of clinical risk factors enhances the performance of BMD in the prediction of hip and osteoporotic fractures in men and women
  182. The DAMASK trial protocol: a pragmatic randomised trial to evaluate whether GPs should have direct access to MRI for patients with suspected internal derangement of the knee
  183. Patient acceptability of larval therapy for leg ulcer treatment: a randomised survey to inform the sample size calculation of a randomised trial
  184. Cost-effectiveness analysis of open colposuspension versus laparoscopic colposuspension in the treatment of urodynamic stress incontinence
  185. Randomized trial of two physiotherapy interventions for primary care neck and back pain patients: 'McKenzie' vs brief physiotherapy pain management
  186. Is there another way to take account of noncompliance in randomized controlled trials?
  187. Characterization of patients with an inadequate clinical outcome from osteoporosis therapy: the Observational Study of Severe Osteoporosis (OSSO)
  188. Review of randomised trials using the post-randomised consent (Zelen's) design
  189. Increasing recruitment to randomised trials: a review of randomised controlled trials
  190. Vitamin K and the Prevention of Fractures
  191. Using dietetic assistants to improve the outcome of hip fracture
  192. A systematic review of the effects of calcium supplementation on body weight
  193. Is an intervention using computer software effective in literacy learning? A randomised controlled trial
  194. Pressure relieving support surfaces (PRESSURE) trial: cost effectiveness analysis
  195. Randomised, controlled trial of alternating pressure mattresses compared with alternating pressure overlays for the prevention of pressure ulcers: PRESSURE (pressure relieving support surfaces) trial
  196. Reply
  197. The use of unequal randomisation ratios in clinical trials: A review
  198. Randomized trial of a brief physiotherapy intervention compared with usual physiotherapy for neck pain patients: Cost-effectiveness analysis
  199. Exploring the relationship between fear of falling and neuroticism: a cross-sectional study in community-dwelling women over 70
  200. A comparison of randomised controlled trials in health and education
  201. A randomised controlled trial to assess the effectiveness of offering study results as an incentive to increase response rates to postal questionnaires [ISRCTN26118436]
  202. Cluster randomized controlled trials
  203. A randomized trial comparing a group exercise programme for back pain patients with individual physiotherapy in a severely deprived area
  204. Calcium and vitamin D in preventing fractures: Author's reply
  205. Economic evaluations of interventions for the prevention and treatment of osteoporosis: a structured review of the literature
  206. Randomised controlled trial of calcium and supplementation with cholecalciferol (vitamin D 3 ) for prevention of fractures in primary care
  207. Differential recruitment in a cluster randomized trial in primary care: the experience of the UK Back pain, Exercise, Active management and Manipulation (UK BEAM) feasibility study
  208. Screening Elderly Women for Risk of Future Fractures—Participation Rates and Impact on Incidence of Falls and Fractures
  209. Axial BMD, change in BMD and bone turnover do not predict breast cancer incidence in early postmenopausal women
  210. Adequacy and reporting of allocation concealment: review of recent trials published in four general medical journals
  211. Methodological bias in cluster randomised trials
  212. Submission to multiple journals: a method of reducing time to publication?
  213. Regression to the mean: treatment effect without the intervention
  214. Randomised trial of a brief physiotherapy intervention compared with usual physiotherapy for neck pain patients: outcomes and patients' preference
  215. United Kingdom back pain exercise and manipulation (UK BEAM) randomised trial: cost effectiveness of physical treatments for back pain in primary care
  216. Increasing response rates to postal questionnaires: a randomised trial of variations in design
  217. Economic analysis of VenUS I, a randomized trial of two bandages for treating venous leg ulcers
  218. Randomized clinical trial of four-layer and short-stretch compression bandages for venous leg ulcers(VenUS I)
  219. Risk factors for fracture in a UK population: a prospective cohort study
  220. Health care costs of women with symptomatic vertebral fractures
  221. Pharmaceutical treatment of symptomatic vertebral fractures in primary care
  222. Setting priorities for research
  223. Ethics review in research
  224. Randomized controlled trial of hip protectors among women living in the community
  225. Research governance: a barrier to ethical research?
  226. A pragmatic cluster randomized controlled trial of an educational intervention for GPs in the assessment and management of depression
  227. The use of Zelen's design in randomised trials
  228. Regarding the systematic review of hip protectors undertaken by Waldegger et al.
  229. Randomised controlled trial of hip protectors for the prevention of second hip fractures
  230. Effectiveness of hip protectors
  231. Avoiding Bias in Randomised Controlled Trials in Educational Research
  232. The Design and Conduct of Randomised Controlled Trials in Education: Lessons from health care
  233. Increasing response rates to postal questionnaires
  234. Cost-Effectiveness of Hormone Replacement Therapy for Fracture Prevention in Young Postmenopausal Women: An Economic Analysis Based on a Prospective Cohort Study
  235. Purity, pragmatism and hip protector pads
  236. Quality and methods of developing practice guidelines
  237. Hormone replacement therapy reduces the risk of nonvertebral fractures in postmenopausal women
  238. The relationship of the factor V Leiden mutation or the deletion-deletion polymorphism of the angiotensin converting enzyme to postoperative thromboembolic events following total joint arthroplasty
  239. Contamination in trials: is cluster randomisation the answer?
  240. Extracts from "Clinical Evidence": Athlete's foot and fungally infected toenails
  241. A systematic review of oral treatments for fungal infections of the skin of the feet
  242. Priority setting in health care
  243. Priority setting in health care: should we ask the tax payer?
  244. Cost-effectiveness of intensive v. standard case management for severe psychotic illness
  245. Economic Note: Cost of illness studies
  246. An 8 session exercise programme was effective for subacute or chronic low back pain
  247. Comparison of the European and USA Practice Guidelines for Osteoporosis
  248. The effect of a direct payment or a lottery on questionnaire response rates: a randomised controlled trial
  249. The Vein Graft Surveillance Trial: Rationale, Design and Methods
  250. Fungal infections of skin and nails of feet
  251. Economics notes: Discounting
  252. The Cost Effectiveness of HRT
  253. Costs of breast cancer treatment in the United Kingdom
  254. Advice given to patients with fractures
  255. The Economics and Management of Osteoporosis in Postmenopausal Women
  256. Economics notes: Definitions of efficiency
  257. The development and validation of the Edinburgh Knee Function Scale: a simple tool for outcome measurement in non-surgical patients
  258. Health-Related Quality of Life of Colles' Fracture Patients
  259. The Pharmacoeconomics of Hormone Replacement Therapy
  260. Understanding controlled trials: Randomisation methods in controlled trials
  261. Direct Disclosure of Bone Density Results to Patients: Effect on Knowledge of Osteoporosis Risk and Anxiety Level
  262. The Cost of Treating Osteoporotic Fractures in the United Kingdom Female Population
  263. Understanding controlled trials: What outcomes should be measured?
  264. A UK Consensus Group on management of glucocorticoid-induced osteoporosis: an update
  265. Incorporating patient preferences into clinical trials
  266. Understanding controlled trials: What is Zelen's design?
  267. Economic issues in nutrition research
  268. Enhancing patients' compliance
  269. Osteoporosis as a Candidate for Disease Management
  270. Should we pay the patient? Review of financial incentives to enhance patient compliance
  271. The economics of osteoporosis prevention
  272. What is to be done about fundholding?
  273. Guidelines for diagnosis and management of osteoporosis
  274. Mothers and daughters menopausal ages: is there a link?
  275. Erratum to ‘The effect of fundholding on prescribing and referral costs: a review of the evidence’ [Health Policy 40 (1997) 103–114]
  276. The effect of fundholding on prescribing and referral costs: a review of the evidence
  277. Alcohol consumption and age of maternal menopause are associated with menopause onset
  278. A cost comparison of hysterectomy and hysteroscopic surgery for the treatment of menorrhagia
  279. Patient Preferences in Randomised Trials: Threat or Opportunity?
  280. Using Economics to Prioritize Research: A Case Study of Randomized Trials for the Prevention of Hip Fractures Due to Osteoporosis
  281. Bone densitometry is worth while
  282. Prescribing practice may have been inefficient
  283. Economics in sample size determination for clinical trials
  284. Measuring sexual functioning in premenopausal women
  285. Hormone replacement therapy: compliance and cost after screening for osteoporosis
  286. Cost-effectiveness of preventing hip fractures in the elderly population using vitamin D and calcium
  288. Cost Analysis of Fracture of the Neck of Femur
  290. Risk factors for breast cancer
  291. Evaluation of costs
  292. Factors associated with onset of menopause in women aged 45–49
  293. Calcium, vitamin D, and hip fractures Incidence of falls may have decreased
  294. Bone density and milk Consider fat as well as calcium intake Consider fat as well as calcium intake
  295. Population screening for low bone mineral density: Do non-attenders have a lower risk of osteoporosis?
  296. Private versus social opportunity cost of time: Valuing time in the demand for health care
  297. Compliance in screening programmes
  298. An economic view of high compliance as a screening objective
  299. Overestimation of cost savings: in prevention of osteoporosis
  300. Osteoporosis prevention through screening: will it be cost effective?
  301. Recruitment methods for screening programmes: The price of high compliance
  302. BSR Poster Session B
  303. Falling and Perimenopausal Women