All Stories

  1. Quantifying local mobility patterns in urban human mobility data
  2. Impacts of Long COVID on employment and workers' mental health
  3. Activity graphs: Spatial graphs as a framework for quantifying individual mobility
  4. The impact of Long COVID on the UK workforce
  5. Precarious self-employment in urban Europe
  6. The diverse coworking landscape and implications for commercial real estate provision: lessons from individual preferences and practice
  7. Digital futures of small businesses and entrepreneurial opportunity
  8. The engagement of home-based businesses in the digital economy
  9. A flash in the pan or a permanent change? The growth of homeworking during the pandemic and its effect on employee productivity in the UK
  10. New spatialities of work in the city
  11. Digital futures of small businesses and entrepreneurial opportunity
  12. Self-employment in Wales during the COVID-19 Pandemic
  13. Coworking in homes – Mitigating the tensions of the freelance economy
  14. Locating creativity in the city using Twitter data
  15. Testing the Differential Impact of COVID-19 on Self-Employed Women and Men in the United Kingdom
  16. Daily mobility patterns of small business owners and homeworkers in post-industrial cities
  17. The surge in homeworking and new key issues for regional studies
  18. The intra-urban residential and workplace locations of small business owners
  19. Changing workplace geographies in the COVID-19 crisis
  20. Revisiting the gender gap in commuting through self-employment
  21. Spatial and temporal segmenting of urban workplaces: The gendering of multi-locational working
  22. The subjective well-being of homeworkers across life domains
  23. Policy Brief on Home-Based Businesses
  24. Entrepreneurial Neighbourhoods
  25. Understanding entrepreneurship in residential neighbourhoods and communities of place
  26. Unravelling the nexus between entrepreneurship, neighbourhoods and communities – introduction
  27. City economies and microbusiness growth
  28. The Importance of Housing for Self-employment
  29. The importance of housing and neighbourhood resources for urban microbusinesses
  30. Connecting entrepreneurship with neighbourhoods and homes
  31. Urban home-based businesses: how distinct are the businesses and their owners?
  32. Entrepreneurship in Cities
  33. Integrating entrepreneurship with urban and neighbourhood studies: lessons for future research
  34. Can Scotland Grow its Own ‘Macmittelstand’? Examining ‘Entrepreneurial Ambition’ in Scotland and Germany
  35. Housing Assets and Small Business Investment: Exploring Links for Theory and Policy
  36. Self-Employment as a Route In and Out of Britain's South East
  37. Self-employment, Internal Migration and Place Embeddedness
  38. Housing assets, mortgages and small businesses
  39. Testing the ‘Residential Rootedness’ Hypothesis of Self-Employment for Germany and the UK
  40. The Economies of Urban Diversity
  41. Dwelling conditions and preferences in a multilocational way of life for job reasons
  42. Living apart together over long distances – time-space patterns and consequences of a late-modern living arrangement
  43. Multilokales Wohnen
  44. Wohnen und Gender