All Stories

  1. Genetic and metabolomic architecture of variation in diet restriction-mediated lifespan extension in Drosophila
  2. Cross species application of quantitative neuropathology assays developed for clinical Alzheimer’s disease samples
  3. The effects of graded levels of calorie restriction: IX. Global metabolomic screen reveals modulation of carnitines, sphingolipids and bile acids in the liver of C57BL/6 mice
  4. Effects of age, sex, and genotype on high‐sensitivity metabolomic profiles in the fruit fly, Drosophila melanogaster
  5. Correction
  6. Characterization of plasma thiol redox potential in a common marmoset model of aging
  7. A comparative assessment of univariate longevity measures using zoological animal records
  8. Evolutionary demography and quantitative genetics: age-specific survival as a threshold trait
  9. Evolution: Aging Up a Tree?
  10. Host ecology shapes geographical variation for resistance to bacterial infection inDrosophila melanogaster
  11. The unavoidable costs and unexpected benefits of parasitism: Population and metapopulation models of parasite-mediated competition
  12. Evolution of Female Preference for Younger Males
  13. The Chicago Guide to Landing a Job in Academic Biology
  14. The functional costs and benefits of dietary restriction in Drosophila
  15. Are functional and demographic senescence genetically independent?
  16. Functional and evolutionary inference in gene networks: does topology matter?
  17. Evolution of alternative sex-determining mechanisms in teleost fishes
  18. A Regulatory Network Analysis of Phenotypic Plasticity in Yeast
  19. Evolutionary Biology of Aging
  21. Age‐specific metabolic rates and mortality rates in the genusDrosophila
  22. Advice to an aging scientist
  23. Cheating Time: Science, Sex, and Aging. Roger Gosden
  24. Mutation and senescence: where genetics and demography meet
  25. Fitness Costs of Female Reproduction
  26. Evolutionary Dynamics of Structured Populations
  27. Understanding Ageing. Robin Holliday
  28. New Perspectives on Comparative Tests of Antagonistic Pleiotropy using Drosophila
  29. Sexual Selection and Survival in North American Waterfowl
  30. DNA Repair and the Evolution of Longevity: A Critical Analysis
  31. Senescence in Natural Populations of Mammals: A Reanalysis
  32. Comparative approaches to the study of senescence: bridging genetics and phylogenetics
  33. Life History Allometry in Mammals and Squamate Reptiles: Taxon-Level Effects
  34. Senescence in Natural Populations of Mammals: A Comparative Study
  35. Courtship Behavior of a Plethodontid Salamander, Desmognathus aeneus