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  1. Strategic responses to power dominance in buyer-supplier relationships
  2. Leveraging value in doctoral student networks through social capital
  3. Coordinating temporary organizations in international development through social and temporal embeddedness
  4. The governance of supply networks: a systematic literature review
  5. Pursuing financial stability: a resource dependence perspective on interactions between pro-vice chancellors in a network of universities
  6. Cation Flux in Incubated Plant Residues and Its Effect on pH and Plant Residue Alkalinity
  7. Beyond Leadership and Management: The Boundary-spanning Role of the Pro-Vice Chancellor
  8. Nestlé Nespresso AAA sustainable quality program: an investigation into the governance dynamics in a multi‐stakeholder supply chain network
  9. Lone scholar or community member? The role of student networks in doctoral education in a UK management school
  10. Designing an Entrepreneurial University in an Institutional Setting
  11. Generating additional revenue streams in UK universities: An analysis of variation between disciplines and institutions
  12. Modelling the long-term productivity and soil fertility of maize/millet cropping systems in the mid-hills of Nepal
  13. Soil fertility management in the mid-hills of Nepal: Practices and perceptions
  14. Acid–base reactions between an acidic soil and plant residues
  15. Leaching of nitrate from cropped rainfed terraces in the mid-hills of Nepal
  16. The development and contribution of surface charge by crop residues in two Malawian acid soils
  17. Fate of nitrogen-15-labelled fertilizer applied to maize-millet cropping systems in the mid-hills of Nepal
  18. Nitrogen balances for households in the mid-hills of Nepal
  19. Soil Type, Climatic Regime, and the Response of Water Use Efficiency to Crop Management
  20. Organic matter turnover in a calcareous clay soil from Syria under a two-course cereal rotation
  22. SESSION IIB - SOIL FERTILITY AND PLANT NUTRITION - Bean canopy response to irrigation, nitrogen fertiliser application and planting density under temperate and tropical weather conditions
  23. SESSION IIB - SOIL FERTILITY AND PLANT NUTRITION - Bean growth and yield response to irrigation, nitrogen fertiliser and planting density under temperate and tropical weather conditions
  24. Productivity and nitrogen use of three different wheat-based rotations in North West Syria
  25. Use of residual fertiliser 15N in soil for isotope dilution estimates of N2 fixation by grain legumes
  26. Effect of rotation on the recovery of 15N-labelled fertilizer applied to wheat grown in Northern Syria
  27. Effect of fertilizer rate and form on the recovery of 15N-labelled fertilizer applied to wheat in Syria
  29. Factors influencing disease resistance in high and low tannin Vicia faba
  30. Variation in harvest index of maize (Zea mays) and common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris) grown in a marginal rainfall area of Kenya
  31. Effect of tannin content of faba bean (Vicia faba) seed on seed vigour, germination and field emergence
  32. Effect of climate on the recovery in crop and soil of15N-labelled fertilizer applied to wheat
  33. Sustainability of nitrogen use in two dryland farming systems
  34. Efficiency of fertilizer use by a rain-fed wheat crop following split-application of fertilizer nitrogen
  35. Seasonal variation in the suitability of different methods for estimating biological nitrogen fixation by grain legumes under rainfed conditions
  36. Transpiration efficiencies of maize and beans in semi-arid Kenya
  37. Analysis of Water Budgets in Semi-Arid Lands from Soil Water Records
  38. Nitrogen use in maize-grain legume cropping systems in semi-arid Kenya
  39. Use of15N for fertilizer N recovery and N mineralization studies in semi-arid Kenya
  40. Use of 15N for fertilizer N recovery and N mineralization studies in semi-arid Kenya
  41. Studies on the establishment of white-flowered faba bean (Vicia faba)
  42. Analysis of maize–common bean intercrops in semi-arid Kenya
  43. Plant architecture, competitive ability and crop productivity in food legumes with particular emphasis on pea (Pisum sativum L.) and faba Bean (Vicia faba L.)
  44. Soil matric potential effects on gross rates of nitrogen mineralization in an orthic ferralsol from Kenya
  45. Yield production in two contrasting forms of spring-sown faba bean in relation to water supply
  46. Effects of plant population density on determinate and indeterminate forms of winter field beans (Vicia faba) 1. Yield and yield components
  47. Effects of plant population density on determinate and indeterminate forms of winter field beans (Vicia faba) 2. Growth and development
  48. The response of an autumn‐sown determinate faba bean to different plant distributions
  49. Effects of autumn sowing dates on growth and yield of indeterminate and determinate field beans (Vicia faba)
  50. Irrigation effects on the development and yield of determinate and indeterminate forms of autumn‐sown faba bean
  51. Effects of plant population density on spring-sown field beans (Vicia faba) with different growth habits
  52. Use of the Weibull Function to Calculate Cardinal Temperatures in Faba Bean
  53. Effect of different inter-row spacings on faba beans of different form
  54. The response of determinate and semi‐determinate faba bean varieties to different sowing dates in the spring
  55. Respiration in mature leaves of Lolium perenne as affected by nutrient supply, cutting and competition
  56. A Very Unpleasant Disease