All Stories

  1. A typology of brand knowledge associations projected in brand-generated signals
  2. Negative online brand engagement: conceptualisation, scale development and validation
  3. Correction to: Enlightening the brand building–audience response link
  4. Reflections on brand communities academic research
  5. Enlightening the brand building–audience response link
  6. Mapping brand community research from 2001 to 2021: Assessing the field's stage of development and a research agenda
  7. Metaverse marketing: How the metaverse will shape the future of consumer research and practice
  8. The determinants of personal luxury purchase intentions in a recessionary environment
  9. Charting research on international luxury marketing: where are we now and where should we go next?
  10. Augmenting brand community identification for inactive users: a uses and gratification perspective
  11. Models for brand relationships
  12. The experience – economy revisited: an interdisciplinary perspective and research agenda
  13. Digital ecosystem and consumer engagement: A socio-technical perspective
  14. Brand community integration, participation and commitment: A comparison between consumer-run and company-managed communities
  15. Creating and managing participative brand communities: The roles members perform
  16. Brand negativity: a relational perspective on anti-brand community participation
  17. The consumer-based brand equity deconstruction and restoration process: Lessons from unliked brands
  18. Brands as relationship builders in the virtual world: A bibliometric analysis
  19. Determinants of Luxury Purchase Intentions in a Recessionary Environment: An Abstract
  20. Special Session: Investigating Pre-Loved Luxury Brand Consumption: An Abstract
  21. The Impact of Different Aspects of Perceived Authenticity on the Tourist-Destination Relationship Quality: An Abstract
  22. The Usefulness of Brand Polarization to Various Parties: An Abstract
  23. Unveiling heterogeneous engagement-based loyalty in brand communities
  24. I hate what you love: brand polarization and negativity towards brands as an opportunity for brand management
  25. Managing the consumer-based brand equity process: A cross-cultural perspective
  26. Latest research on brand relationships: introduction to the special issue
  27. Conceptualising and Operationalising Respect in Consumer-Brand Relationships: An Abstract
  28. Special Session: Brands through our Senses: An Abstract
  29. New challenges in brand management
  30. Editorial
  31. Editorial
  32. Editorial
  33. Editorial
  34. An Exposition of the Role of Consideration Sets in a DS/AHP Analysis of Consumer Choice
  35. The Lovemarks Effect: An Abstract
  36. The Process of Brand Experience: An Interdisciplinary Perspective: An Abstract
  37. Editorial
  38. Information flow and WOM in social media and online communities
  39. Editorial
  40. Self-presentation, privacy and electronic word-of-mouth in social media
  41. A Systematic Literature Review of Brand Commitment: Definitions, Perspectives and Dimensions
  42. Editorial
  43. Editorial
  44. The evolution of brand management thinking over the last 25 years as recorded in the Journal of Product and Brand Management
  45. Editorial
  46. Consumers’ Attitudes Regarding Non-deceptive Counterfeit Brands in the UK and China
  47. Working consumers: Co-creation of brand identity, consumer identity and brand community identity
  48. Working Consumers as Cocreators of the Brand Identity and the Brand Community Identity: An Extended Abstract
  49. The Dual Nature of Spreading Negative eWOM for Branded Offers: Emotional Reaction or Social Response? – A Structured Abstract
  50. Editorial
  51. Decoding the complexity of the consumer-based brand equity process
  52. Editorial
  53. Editorial
  54. Editorial
  55. Editorial
  56. Capturing consumer engagement: duality, dimensionality and measurement
  57. Company Initiated Communities of Fantasy and Brands as Relationship Builders
  58. Materiality of Online Brand Community
  59. What Drives Anti-brand Community Behaviours: An Examination of Online Hate of Technology Brands
  60. The Role of Online Social Interaction in the Recommendation of a Brand Community
  61. The Effect of Negative Electronic Word of Mouth on Switching Intentions: A Social Interaction Utility Approach
  62. Predicting Disloyalty to a Search Engine: The Role of Satisfaction, Brand Relationship, Reputation and the Search Engines Features
  63. Editorial
  64. Editorial
  65. Brand evaluation, satisfaction and trust as predictors of brand loyalty: the mediator-moderator effect of brand relationships
  66. Editorial
  67. Editorial
  68. Editorial
  69. Consumer-based brand equity measurement: lessons learned from an international study
  70. Editorial
  71. Consumer engagement on social media
  72. Brand Manager’s Planning Role for Fast Moving Consumer Good Products
  73. Brand Managers and Industrial Service Suppliers in Pharmaceutical and Other Fast Moving Consumer Goods Companies
  74. Editorial
  75. Editorial
  76. Editorial
  77. Editorial
  78. A taxonomy of measures for consumer‐based brand equity: drawing on the views of managers in Europe
  79. Beyond technology acceptance: Brand relationships and online brand experience
  80. The role of the brand as a person in business to business brands
  81. Loyalty and or disloyalty to a search engine: the case of young Millennials
  82. An empirical investigation of the relative effect of trust and switching costs on service loyalty in the UK retail banking industry
  83. Editorial
  84. Introduction: Thought leadership in brand management
  85. Gender differences in supermarket choice
  86. A Dempster-Shafer Theory Based Exposition of Probabilistic Reasoning in Consumer Choice
  87. Brands as relationship facilitators in consumer markets
  88. Brand relationships through brand reputation and brand tribalism
  89. Introduction: Special issue on advances in brand management
  90. Branding: A constantly developing concept
  91. A cross-national examination of consumer perceived risk in the context of non-deceptive counterfeit brands
  92. Identifying the Dimensions of the Product-Brand and Consumer Relationship
  93. Consumers' attitudes regarding non-deceptive counterfeit brands in the UK and China
  94. A cross‐industry comparison of customer satisfaction
  95. Investigating the Influence of a Joint Sponsorship of Rival Teams on Supporter Attitudes and Brand Preferences
  96. Consultation and reliability of information sources pertaining to university selection
  97. Measuring transaction‐specific satisfaction in services
  98. Perception of Sex Appeal in Print Advertising by Young Female Anglo-Saxon and Second Generation Asian-Islamic British
  99. Exploring the effectiveness of taxis as an advertising medium
  100. Are the determinants of bank loyalty brand specific?
  101. Measuring customer satisfaction in the fast food industry: a cross‐national approach
  102. Own labels choice criteria and perceived characteristics in Greece and Scotland: factors influencing the willingness to buy
  103. University selection: information requirements and importance
  104. Consumer Brand Managers' Job Stress, Job Satisfaction, Perceived Performance and Intention to Leave
  105. All customers are not treated equally: Financial exclusion in isolated Greek islands
  106. Brand managers' expected and perceived responsibilities in the automobile industry
  107. Relationship marketing
  108. Brand teams and the brand management structure in pharmaceutical and other fast-moving consumer goods companies
  109. Brand teams and the brand management structure in pharmaceutical and other fast-moving consumer goods companies
  110. Problems and Future of the Brand Management Structure in the Fast Moving Consumer Goods Industry: The Viewpoint of Brand Managers in Greece
  111. Brand managers in the pharmaceutical industry: are they any different?
  112. Brand managers’ relations with industrial service providers in pharmaceutical and other companies
  113. Brand managers’ interfaces in different consumer goods industries
  114. Sex‐related differences of public relations managers in consumer goods companies in Greece and Italy
  115. The Role of Online Social Interaction in the Recommendation of a Brand Community