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  1. Corrigendum to “Factor structure and psychometric properties of the Body Appreciation Scale-2 among adolescents and young adults in Danish, Portuguese, and Swedish” [Body Image 26 (2018) 1–9]
  2. Behavioral control or income? An analysis of saving attitudes and behavior, credit card use and buying on installment
  3. Factor structure and psychometric properties of the Body Appreciation Scale-2 among adolescents and young adults in Danish, Portuguese, and Swedish
  4. Identity leadership going global: Validation of the Identity Leadership Inventory across 20 countries
  5. Linking cheating in school and corruption
  6. Contribution d’une catégorisation des RPS à la prédiction du stress et du burnout (ou du mal-être au travail) des soignants
  7. The effect of the presence of an audience on risk-taking while gambling: the social shield
  8. Characterization of controlled gamblers and pathological gamblers using the social representation theory
  9. Financial Threat during the Economic Crisis: Connections with the Social Representation of the Economic Crisis and the Willingness to Act
  10. Changing Conspiracy Beliefs through Rationality and Ridiculing
  11. Représentations sociales de la maladie : comparaison entre savoirs « experts » et savoirs « profanes »
  12. Wellbeing and occupational risk perception among health care workers: a multicenter study in Morocco and France
  13. How is the economic crisis socially assessed?
  14. La crise et ses représentations :
  15. The Less is More: The 17-Item Zimbardo Time Perspective Inventory
  16. Elevated romantic love and jealousy if relationship status is declared on Facebook
  17. Health and well-being at work: The hospital context
  18. Risque et construction sociale : une approche interculturelle
  19. Social representation of competition and fraud
  20. Are taxpayers, who pay their taxes, all cooperative citizens?
  21. Are Competition and Extrinsic Motivation Reliable Predictors of Academic Cheating?
  22. Apology and Reconciliation in Western Europe
  23. Perspectives on Protest in Western Europe
  24. Definitions of Peace and Reconciliation in Western Europe
  25. Western European Perspectives on Peace and Reconciliation
  26. Quand le genre s’en mêle : quelle conciliation entre vie professionnelle et vie privée ?
  27. Perspectives on Torture in Western Europe
  28. Perspectives on Invasion in Western Europe
  29. Definitions of War, Torture, and Terrorism in Western Europe
  30. Views on National Security in Western Europe
  32. Under threat. Lay thinking about terrorism and the three‐dimensional model of personal involvement: a social psychological analysis
  33. La psychologie sociale appliquée à l'économie
  34. Representation of the financial crisis
  35. Special Issue: Psychology in the Economic World
  36. Social Representations of Retirement in France: A Descriptive Study
  37. Hard-Earned Income and Tax Compliance
  38. Psychosocial variables involved in the construction of lay thinking about the economy: Results of a cross-national survey
  39. Doctoral Training of Psychology Students in France
  40. National or supra‐national? Teenagers’ feelings of belonging
  41. Implementing Citizenship Education: Issues from Higher Education in Europe
  42. A positional and representational analysis of consumption. Households when facing debt and credit
  43. Psychologie sociale et économie (translation of title: Social psychology and economics)
  44. Economic socialization: Basis for international comparisons
  45. Introduction
  46. A cross-national comparison of Algerian and French children's economic socialization
  47. Understanding Children’s Economie Socialization
  48. Children and Money
  49. Risk Knowledge and Action Facing Crisis
  50. Does professional equality between men and women lead to a single model of professional success?