All Stories

  1. The effect of collaboration on the adolescent EFL learners’ writing performance
  2. Review of Lasagabaster (2022): English-Medium Instruction in Higher Education
  3. L2 proficiency and development in CLIL
  4. CLIL in the 21st Century
  5. Learner repair during task-based peer interactions in an EMI classroom: a case study of a marketing class in a Chinese higher education setting
  6. CLIL for all? An exploratory study of reported pedagogical practices in Austrian secondary schools
  7. Cognitive discourse functions in CLIL classrooms: eliciting and analysing students’ oral categorizations in science and history
  8. Cognitive Discourse Functions meet historical competences
  9. Cognitive discourse functions in Austrian CLIL lessons: towards an empirical validation of the CDF Construct
  10. Postscriptum: research pathways in CLIL/Immersion instructional practices and teacher development
  11. "You Can Stand Under My Umbrella": Immersion, CLIL and Bilingual Education. A Response to Cenoz, Genesee & Gorter (2013)
  12. Content and language integrated learning
  13. Content and Language Integrated Learning: A research agenda
  14. The power of beliefs: lay theories and their influence on the implementation of CLIL programmes
  15. CLIL classroom discourse
  16. A postscript on institutional motivations, research concerns and professional implications
  17. Content-and-Language Integrated Learning: From Practice to Principles?
  18. Research on language teaching and learning in Austria (2004–2009)
  19. Language Use and Language Learning in CLIL Classrooms
  20. ‘CLIL and Immersion Classrooms: Applied Linguistic Perspectives’
  21. Discourse in Content and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL) Classrooms
  22. Pragmatics of Content-based Instruction: Teacher and Student Directives in Finnish and Austrian Classrooms
  23. Words: Structure, Meaning, Function
  24. Morphological productivity across speech and writing
  25. Learner Attitudes and L2 Pronunciation in Austria
  26. Bertil Sundby. English word-formation as described by English grammarians 1600-1800
  27. The French Influence on Middle English Morphology
  28. Are Shakespeare’s agent nouns different from Chaucer’s? – On the dynamics of a derivational sub-system
  29. Middle English is a creole and its opposite: On the value of plausible speculation