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  1. Curcuma longa and Boswellia serrata Extracts Modulate Different and Complementary Pathways on Human Chondrocytes In Vitro: Deciphering of a Transcriptomic Study
  2. A multicomponent medicinal product that could improve osteoarthritis.
  3. Osteomodulin impacts positively the bone remodeling process in osteoarthritis
  4. The Damage-Associated Molecular Patterns (DAMPs) as Potential Targets to Treat Osteoarthritis: Perspectives From a Review of the Literature
  5. The secretome of skeletal muscle cells: A systematic review
  6. From Translation to Protein Degradation as Mechanisms for Regulating Biological Functions: A Review on the SLRP Family in Skeletal Tissues
  7. Syndecan-4 Is Increased in Osteoarthritic Knee, but Not Hip or Shoulder, Articular Hypertrophic Chondrocytes
  8. Cross-talk between primary osteocytes and bone marrow macrophages for osteoclastogenesis upon collagen treatment
  9. Comparison of secretome from osteoblasts derived from sclerotic versus non-sclerotic subchondral bone in OA: A pilot study
  10. Fib3-3 as a Biomarker for Osteoarthritis in a Rat Model with Metabolic Dysregulation
  11. Chondrocyte secretome: a source of novel insights and exploratory biomarkers of osteoarthritis
  12. Étude de l’évolution de la pathologie arthrosique et des propriétés mécaniques du cartilage sur un modèle d’arthrose spontanée chez le cobaye Dunkin-Hartley
  13. Review of Soluble Biomarkers of Osteoarthritis: Lessons From Animal Models
  14. Identification of Targets of a New Nutritional Mixture for Osteoarthritis Management Composed by Curcuminoids Extract, Hydrolyzed Collagen and Green Tea Extract
  15. Osteoarthritis biomarkers derived from cartilage extracellular matrix: Current status and future perspectives
  16. Fibulin-3 fragments are prognostic biomarkers of osteoarthritis incidence in overweight and obese women
  17. Restriction of spontaneous and prednisolone-induced leptin production to dedifferentiated state in human hip OA chondrocytes: role of Smad1 and β-catenin activation
  18. Soluble biomarkers development in osteoarthritis: from discovery to personalized medicine
  19. Carnosol Inhibits Pro-Inflammatory and Catabolic Mediators of Cartilage Breakdown in Human Osteoarthritic Chondrocytes and Mediates Cross-Talk between Subchondral Bone Osteoblasts and Chondrocytes
  20. Chitosan Enriched Three-Dimensional Matrix Reduces Inflammatory and Catabolic Mediators Production by Human Chondrocytes
  21. Curcuminoids Extract, Hydrolyzed Collagen and Green Tea Extract Synergically Inhibit Inflammatory and Catabolic Mediator’s Synthesis by Normal Bovine and Osteoarthritic Human Chondrocytes in Monolayer
  22. Oleuropein or rutin consumption decreases the spontaneous development of osteoarthritis in the Hartley guinea pig
  23. Bone sialoprotein as a potential key factor implicated in the pathophysiology of osteoarthritis
  24. Consequences of chondrocyte hypertrophy on osteoarthritic cartilage: potential effect on angiogenesis
  25. Sirt1-deficient mice exhibit an altered cartilage phenotype
  26. Identification of differential pattern of protein expression in canine osteoarthritis serum after anterior cruciate ligament transection: A proteomic analysis
  27. Sirtuin 1 enzymatic activity is required for cartilage homeostasis in vivo in a mouse model
  28. Epigenetics, sirtuins and osteoarthritis
  29. Subchondral bone and osteoarthritis: biological and cellular aspects
  30. Regulation of subchondral bone osteoblast metabolism by cyclic compression
  31. Increased apoptotic chondrocytes in articular cartilage from adult heterozygous SirT1 mice
  32. Osteochondral plate angiogenesis: A new treatment target in osteoarthritis
  33. La dégénérescence discale est-elle une histoire d’« Os » ?
  34. Néovascularisation de la plaque ostéochondrale : nouvelle cible thérapeutique de l’arthrose
  35. Erratum to “Update in cartilage bio-engineering” [Joint Bone Spine 77 (2010) 283–6]
  36. Chondroitin sulfate in the treatment of osteoarthritis: fromin vitrostudies to clinical recommendations
  37. Bio-ingénierie du cartilage
  38. Update in cartilage bio-engineering
  39. Stigmasterol: a phytosterol with potential anti-osteoarthritic properties
  40. Curcumin inhibits pro-inflammatory mediators and metalloproteinase-3 production by chondrocytes
  41. Mechanical loading highly increases IL-6 production and decreases OPG expression by osteoblasts
  42. Subchondral bone in osteoarthritis physiopathology: State-of-the art and perspectives
  43. Osteoarthritis and obesity: Experimental models
  44. Arthrose et obésité : modèles expérimentaux
  45. Interleukin-1β and interleukin-6 disturb the antioxidant enzyme system in bovine chondrocytes: a possible explanation for oxidative stress generation
  46. Stress-induced signaling pathways in hyalin chondrocytes: inhibition by Avocado–Soybean Unsaponifiables (ASU)
  47. Osteoblast: A cell under compression
  48. Phenotypic characterization of osteoblasts from the sclerotic zones of osteoarthritic subchondral bone
  49. Runx2- and Histone Deacetylase 3-mediated Repression Is Relieved in Differentiating Human Osteoblast Cells to Allow High Bone Sialoprotein Expression
  50. One-year follow-up of Coll2-1, Coll2-1NO2and myeloperoxydase serum levels in osteoarthritis patients after hip or knee replacement
  51. Osteoblasts from the sclerotic subchondral bone downregulate aggrecan but upregulate metalloproteinases expression by chondrocytes. This effect is mimicked by interleukin-6, -1β and oncostatin M pre-treated non-sclerotic osteoblasts
  52. Subchondral bone osteoblasts induce phenotypic changes in human osteoarthritic chondrocytes
  53. Pharmaceutical and nutraceutical management of canine osteoarthritis: Present and future perspectives
  54. Differential regulation of chondrocyte metabolism by oncostatin M and interleukin-6
  55. Effects of rhein on human articular chondrocytes in alginate beads
  56. The inhibition of metalloproteinases to treat osteoarthritis: reality and new perspectives