All Stories

  1. Digital Audiovisual Heritage
  2. ‘Sharing my stories’: genealogists and participatory heritage
  3. The placement of Library and Information Studies within universities.
  4. Insight from social media use by memory institutions in New Zealand
  5. Conceptualising the Digitisation and Preservation of Indigenous Knowledge: The Importance of Attitudes
  6. Participatory Culture in Memory Institutions: of Diversity, Ethics and Trust?
  8. Reflecting the Science of Instruction? Screencasting in Australian and New Zealand Academic Libraries: A Content Analysis
  9. Talking about tags
  10. Social Metadata and Public-Contributed Contents in Memory Institutions: “Crowd Voice” Versus “Authenticated Heritage”?
  11. Digital Libraries: Knowledge, Information, and Data in an Open Access Society
  12. Involving Source Communities in the Digitization and Preservation of Indigenous Knowledge
  13. Collaborative Construction of Digital Cultural Heritage: A Synthesis of Research on Online Sociability Determinants
  14. Social Media in Archives and Libraries: A Snapshot of Planning, Evaluation, and Preservation Decisions
  15. Seeking out collective wisdom: cataloguers’ use of social media
  16. Introduction of E-Learning in Information Management (IM) Education in Sri Lanka The Influence of Social and Cultural Factors
  17. The influence of contextual factors on the adoption and development of Electronic Theses and Dissertations (ETD) programmes in the Arab Gulf States
  18. Participatory Cultural Heritage: A Tale of Two Institutions' Use of Social Media
  19. Towards dynamic and evolving digital libraries
  20. Searching with clustering
  21. Help with health information on the web
  22. Metadata quality and interoperability of GLAM digital images
  23. Selecting fiction as part of everyday life information seeking
  24. Risks, Benefits and Revelations: An Exploratory Study of Doctoral Students’ Perceptions of Open Access Theses in Institutional Repositories
  25. GLAM Metadata Interoperability
  26. SMS‐based library catalogue system: a preliminary investigation of user acceptance
  27. The evaluation of New Zealand academic library OPACs: a checklist approach
  28. Digital library research 1997‐2007
  29. Digitised indigenous knowledge in cultural heritage organisations in Australia and New Zealand: An examination of policy and protocols
  30. Hunting Suicide Notes in Web 2.0 - Preliminary Findings
  31. Hunting Suicide Notes in Web 2.0 - Preliminary Findings
  32. Stakeholder involvement in the development and maintenance of web sites for children
  33. A textured sculpture
  34. Online cultural heritage exhibitions: a survey of strategic issues
  35. Beyond the Notes: A Qualitative Study of the Information-Seeking Behavior of Ethnomusicologists
  36. Online cultural heritage exhibitions: a survey of information retrieval features
  37. Towards a new generation of information environment for the use of e-documents
  38. A user study of the design issues of propie: a novel environment for enhanced interaction and value‐adding of electronic documents
  39. A proposed integrated environment for enhanced user interaction and value‐adding of electronic documents: An empirical evaluation
  40. A study of graduate student end‐users’ use and perception of electronic journals
  41. A proposed information environment for enhanced integrated access and valueadding to electronic documents
  42. A proposed integrated environment for enhanced user interaction and value-adding of electronic documents: An empirical evaluation
  43. Derivation of interaction environment and information object properties for enhanced integrated access and value‐adding to electronic documents
  44. Cross-Cultural Design and Usability of a Digital Library Supporting Access to Maori Cultural Heritage Resources
  45. Introduction of E-Learning in Information Management (IM) Education in Sri Lanka: The Influence of Social and Cultural Factors