All Stories

  1. Resolving wave-particle duality could accelerate the mass production of quantum computers
  2. Developing causal interpretations for high and low level light used in quantum remote sensing
  3. Introduction
  4. Bringing reality in physics: System engineering approach to optical phenomena following Huygens' Principle
  5. Developing updated physical optics curriculum: incorporating the neglected reality of non-interaction of waves (NIW)
  6. Similarities and differences in microwave and optical radiation detection
  7. Complex interaction processes we need to visualize that successfully fill the quantum cup of a detector
  8. A Causal Photon without Duality
  9. Causal Physics
  10. Contradictions in Optical Phenomena
  11. Diffraction Phenomenon
  12. Dispersion Phenomenon
  13. Emergence of Superposition Effects
  14. Evolving Scientific Inquiry
  15. Mode-Lock Phenomenon
  16. Polarization Phenomenon
  17. Recognizing NIW Property
  18. Spectrometry
  19. “Coherence” Phenomenon
  20. NIW Property Requires Complex Tension Field (CTF)
  21. Short pulse characterization requires recognizing inseparability of auto-correlation and spectral measurements
  22. What are the physical processes behind the evolution of spatial coherence out of incoherent light and particle beams?
  23. The Nature of Light
  24. Consequences of repeated discovery and benign neglect of non-interaction of waves (NIW)
  25. Demonstration and implications when 50% beam combiners can behave as 0% or 100% reflector/transmitter inside some interferometers
  26. Re-energizing enquiry among our young professionals
  27. Hybrid photon model bridges classical and quantum optics
  28. Physical Processes Behind Registering Superposition Effect Implicate Impossibility of Single Photon Interference
  29. Tabletop demonstration of non-Interaction of photons and non-interference of waves
  30. Front Matter: Volume 9570 (volume currently under technical review)
  31. Could space be considered as the inertial rest frame?
  32. Did Planck, Einstein, and Bose count indivisible photons or discrete emission/absorption processes in a black-body cavity?
  33. Urgency of evolution-process congruent thinking in physics
  34. Modeling superposition of 3- and N-polarized beams on an isotropic photo detector
  35. Are electrons oscillating photons, oscillating “vacuum," or something else? The 2015 panel discussion
  36. A proposal to organizei2-EPR (International Institute for Exploring Physics with Reality)
  37. Can classical optical superposition principle get us out of quantum mysticism of non-locality and bring back reality to modern physics?
  38. Evolving Scientific Inquiry
  39. Propagating the carrier frequency of a pulse seamlessly connects spectrometry & coherence
  40. Can one distinguish between Doppler shifts due to source-only and detector-only velocities?
  41. Resonant energy absorption and the CTF hypothesis
  42. How would photons describe natural phenomena based upon their physical experiences?
  43. Does the coherent lidar system corroborate non-interaction of waves (NIW)?
  44. Understanding beam alignment in a coherent lidar system
  45. Tribute to H. John Caulfield: hijacking of the 'holographic principle' by cosmologists
  46. Discerning comb and Fourier mean frequency from an fs laser based on the principle of non-interaction of waves
  47. Coherence and frequency spectrum of a Nd:YAG laser: generation and observation devices
  48. Physical processes behind a Ti:Sa femtosecond oscillator
  49. Analysis of spectrometric data and detection processes corroborate photons as diffractively evolving wave packets
  50. Appreciation of the nature of light demands enhancement over the prevailing scientific epistemology
  51. Microscope and spectroscope results are not limited by Heisenberg's Uncertainty Principle!
  52. Nature of EM waves as observed and reported by detectors for radio, visible, and gamma frequencies
  53. Re-interpreting "coherence" in light of Non-Interaction of Waves, or the NIW-Principle
  54. The constancy of "c" everywhere requires the cosmic space to be a stationary and complex tension field
  55. Visualizing superposition process and appreciating the principle of non-interaction of waves
  56. Visualizing the mode evolution process in passive and active cavities based on the NIW-Principle
  57. Appreciating the principle of Non-Interaction of Waves (NIW-principle) by modeling Talbot diffraction patterns at different planes
  58. Exploring light-matter interaction processes to appreciate various successes behind the Fourier theorem
  59. Various Ambiguities in Generating and Reconstructing Laser Pulse Parameters
  61. Principle of non-interaction of waves
  62. Time-gating processes in intra-cavity mode-locking devices like saturable absorbers and Kerr cells
  63. Measurement Epistemology and Time-Frequency Conjugate Spaces
  64. Exploring divisibility and summability of 'photon' wave packets in nonlinear optical phenomena
  65. Indivisibility of the photon
  66. Is indivisible single photon really essential for quantum communications, computing and encryption?
  67. What can we learn by differentiating between the physical processes behind interference and diffraction phenomena?
  68. Why we need to continue the "What are Photons?" conference: to re-vitalize classical and quantum optics
  69. Front Matter: Volume 7421
  70. Light-matter interaction processes behind intracavity mode-locking devices
  71. Can Photo Sensors Help Us Understand the Intrinsic Differences Between Quantum and Classical Statistical Behaviors?
  72. Generalized quantitative approach to two-beam fringe visibility (coherence) with different polarizations and frequencies
  73. Fundamentals of Photonics
  74. Bi-centenary of successes of Fourier theorem: its power and limitations in optical system designs
  75. Can a deeper understanding of the measured behavior of light remove wave-particle duality?
  76. Can we get any better information about the nature of light by comparing radio and light wave detection processes?
  77. Can the 'photon interferes only with itself' hypothesis be reconciled with superposition of light from multiple beams or sources?
  78. Gravitational Faraday Effect Produced by a Ring Laser
  79. If EM fields do not operate on each other, why do we need many modes and large gain bandwidth to generate short pulses?
  80. Shall We Climb on the Shoulders of the Giants to Extend the Reality Horizon of Physics?
  81. Multiple‐Beam Interferometers
  82. Do we count indivisible photons or discrete quantum events experienced by detectors?
  83. Various ambiguities in re-constructing laser pulse parameters
  84. The Locality of the Superposition Principle Is Dictated by Detection Processes.
  85. If EM fields do not operate on each other, how do we generate and manipulate laser pulses?
  86. A critical look at the source characteristics used for time varying fringe interferometry
  87. Role of the retinal detector array in perceiving the superposition effects of light
  88. Are dark fringe locations devoid of energy of superposed fields?
  89. Reality of superposition principle and autocorrelation function for short pulses
  90. The nature of light: what are photons?
  91. A generalized formulation for high resolution spectrometer fringes using the case of a short pulse
  92. If superposed light beams do not re-distribute each others energy in the absence of detectors (material dipoles), can an indivisible single photon interfere by/with itself?
  93. What are the processes behind energy re-direction and re-distribution in interference and diffraction?
  94. Effect of optical beat interference on channel spacing in DWDM optical systems
  95. Propagating Fourier frequencies vs. carrier frequency of a pulse through spectrometers and other media
  96. Fourier transforms in classical optics
  97. How does energy separate in the fringes produced by intersecting beams?
  98. The Global Photonics Education Network: another way to think globally and act locally
  99. Limits of DWDM with gratings and Fabry-Perots and alternate solutions
  100. Measuring properties of superposed light beams carrying different frequencies
  101. Results and comparison of a cladding pumped fiber simulation using a decagon-shaped fiber
  102. Fourier transforms in classical optics
  103. Updateable and customizable educational materials
  104. Tunable picosecond pulses from gain-switched grating-coupled surface-emitting laser
  105. High-power grating-coupled surface-emitting diode lasers
  106. Design of high finesse, wideband Fabry-Pe´rot filter based on chirped fiber Bragg grating by numerical method
  107. 100 W 50 ps gain-switched pulses from vertical-stack laser diode
  108. Laser Desktop Machining
  109. Broad tunability of grating coupled surface-emitting laser with external cavity
  110. Editorial introduction
  111. Desktop manufacturing using diode lasers
  112. Diffraction of an extremely short optical pulse
  113. <title>Rapid product development technologies using a diode laser</title>
  114. Potential role of high-power laser diode in manufacturing
  115. Letter: November 1994 special section [see 33(11)3504(Nov1994)]
  116. Guest Editorial: Special Section on Micro-Optics
  117. Backscatter-Modulation Semiconductor Laser Radar
  118. Coherent operation of an array of diode lasers using a spatial filter in a Talbot cavity
  119. Spectrally Stable Miniature External Cavity Laser Oscillator
  120. Mode Control Of An Array Of Algaas Lasers Using A Spatial Filter In A Talbot Cavity
  121. Laser Beam Combining Technology
  122. Engineering optics
  123. Dynamic wavelength tuning of single-mode GaAlAs lasers
  124. Multimode fiber-optic interferometry
  125. Concepts of spectroscopy of pulsed light
  126. <title>Interferometry Through Single-Mode Optical Fibers</title>
  127. On the Propagation of Coherent and Partially Coherent Light
  128. Heisenberg's microscope?A misleading illustration
  129. Holographic nondestructive testing at the Fourier plane
  130. Stable multipass Fabry-Perot interferometer: design and analysis
  131. Passive Pulse Shaping Using Delayed Superposition
  132. Temporal coherence length and speckle: a simultaneous approach to those problems in holography; authors’ reply to comment
  133. Demonstrations using a Fabry–Perot. II. Laser modes display
  134. Response of Fabry–Perot interferometers to light pulses of very short duration
  135. Temporal coherence length and speckle: a simultaneous approach to those problems in holography
  136. Spatial filtering and image positive–negative reversal
  137. A holographic, radial and lateral shear interferometer
  138. Application Of Local Reference Beam Holography To The Study Of Laser Beam Parameters
  139. Dynamic and multiplex holography with scanning Fabry-Pérot fringes
  140. Infrared holography with 4-Z emulsion
  141. Brillouin spectra of CaF2 microcrystals using a stable 3-pass Fabry-Perot interferometer