All Stories

  1. A Decade of Demographics in Computing Education Research: A Critical Review of Trends in Collection, Reporting, and Use
  2. Surfacing Equity Issues in Large Computing Courses with Peer-Ranked, Demographically-Labeled Student Feedback
  3. Interpretations and Uses of Data for Equity in Computing Education
  4. Domain Experts' Interpretations of Assessment Bias in a Scaled, Online Computer Science Curriculum
  5. How data can support equity in computing education
  6. It is time for more critical CS education
  7. Learning and education in HCI
  8. The Effect of Informing Agency in Self-Directed Online Learning Environments
  9. Investigating Novices' In Situ Reflections on Their Programming Process
  10. Towards validity for a formative assessment for language-specific program tracing skills
  11. An Item Response Theory Evaluation of a Language-Independent CS1 Knowledge Assessment
  12. A theory of instruction for introductory programming skills
  13. Experiences of Computer Science Transfer Students
  14. An Explicit Strategy to Scaffold Novice Program Tracing
  15. Comprehension First