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  1. Dynamic mechanical analysis (DMA) at room temperature of archaeological wood treated with various consolidants
  2. Dynamic mechanical analysis (DMA) of waterlogged archaeological wood at room temperature
  3. Adhesives for on-site bonding: Characteristics, testing and prospects
  4. Measuring the chemical composition of waterlogged decayed wood by near infrared spectroscopy
  5. Understanding Spanish Timber Jack Arch Floors: Examples of Assessment and Conservation Issues
  6. Anatomical and chemical analyses on wooden artifacts from a Samnite sanctuary in Hirpinia (Southern Italy)
  7. Quantitative evaluation by attenuated total reflectance infrared (ATR-FTIR) spectroscopy of the chemical composition of decayed wood preserved in waterlogged conditions
  8. Comparative Study of Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy in Transmission, Attenuated Total Reflection, and Total Reflection Modes for the Analysis of Plastics in the Cultural Heritage Field
  9. Decay of fossil wood from kimberlite pipes of Lac de Gras in the Canadian sub-Arctic area
  10. A Peculiar Spanish Timber Floor, the "Revoltón": A Diagnostic Example at the "Palacio del Marqués de Benicarló"
  11. A New Method to Quantitatively Evaluate the Chemical Composition of Waterlogged Wood by Means of Attenuated Total Reflectance Fourier Transform Infrared (ATR FT-IR) Measurements Carried Out on Wet Material
  12. Reasoned use of chemical parameters for the diagnostic evaluation of the state of preservation of waterlogged archaeological wood
  13. Evaluation of a design approach to the on-site structural repair of decayed old timber end beams
  14. Evaluation of alternative vegetable proteins as wood adhesives
  15. The roof of the Church of the Nativity in Bethlehem: Structural problems and intervention techniques
  16. The timber structures in the Church of the Nativity in Bethlehem: Typologies and diagnosis
  17. Effects of radio frequency and heat on wood bonding with a poly(vinyl acetate) dispersion adhesive
  18. Preserving Archaeological RemainsIn Situ: Three Case Studies in Trentino, Italy
  19. How an integrated diagnostic approach can help in a correct evaluation of the state of preservation of waterlogged archaeological wooden artefacts
  20. New trials in the consolidation of waterlogged archaeological wood with different acetone-carried products
  21. Effect of surface conditions related to machining and air exposure on wettability of different Mediterranean wood species
  22. Relationships involving several types of extractives of five native argentine wood species of genera Prosopis and Acacia
  23. Interactions and penetration of polymers and nanolatexes into wood: An overview
  24. On site consolidation of burnt and partially charred wood in dry conditions
  25. Durability of five native Argentine wood species of the genera Prosopis and Acacia decayed by rot fungi and its relationship with extractive content
  26. A methodological approach in the evaluation of the efficacy of treatments for the dimensional stabilisation of waterlogged archaeological wood
  27. Nutritional requirements for larval development of the dry wood borer Trichoferus holosericeus (Rossi) in laboratory cultures
  29. Argentinean native wood species: Physical and mechanical characterization of some Prosopis species and Acacia aroma (Leguminosae; Mimosoideae)