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  1. Atmospheric Contamination of Coastal Cities by the Exhaust Emissions of Docked Marine Vessels: The Case of Tromsø
  2. Subsurface damage in polishing–annealing processed ZnO substrates
  3. Pore Topology Effects in Positron Annihilation Spectroscopy of Zeolites
  4. Cover Picture: Pore Topology Effects in Positron Annihilation Spectroscopy of Zeolites (ChemPhysChem 5/2017)
  5. Pore Topology Effects in Positron Annihilation Spectroscopy of Zeolites
  6. Insights into the Mechanism of Zeolite Detemplation by Positron Annihilation Lifetime Spectroscopy
  7. Modeling positronium beyond the single particle approximation
  8. The assessment of pore connectivity in hierarchical zeolites using positron annihilation lifetime spectroscopy: instrumental and morphological aspects
  9. Pick-Off Annihilation of Positronium in Matter Using Full Correlation Single Particle Potentials: Solid He
  10. Full-correlation single-particle positron potentials for a positron and positronium interacting with atoms
  11. Exchange and correlation effects in the strongly interacting He-Ps system
  12. On the interplay of point defects and Cd in non-polar ZnCdO films
  13. Study of Unbound HePs Using Exact Diagonalization Technique
  14. Zinc vacancy and oxygen interstitial in ZnO revealed by sequential annealing and electron irradiation
  15. Matter-positronium interaction: A study of the He-atom–positronium system
  16. Defect evolution and impurity migration in Na-implanted ZnO
  17. H passivation of Li on Zn-site in ZnO: Positron annihilation spectroscopy and secondary ion mass spectrometry
  18. Self-compensation in semiconductors: The Zn vacancy in Ga-doped ZnO
  19. Identification of substitutional Li in n -type ZnO and its role as an acceptor
  20. Determination of defect content and defect profile in semiconductor heterostructures
  21. Changing vacancy balance in ZnO by tuning synthesis between zinc/oxygen lean conditions
  22. Temperature- and illumination-induced charge-state change in divacancies of GaTe
  23. Acceptor Type Vacancy Complexes In As-Grown ZnO
  24. Native vacancy defects in Zn1−x(Mn,Co)xGeAs2 studied with positron annihilation spectroscopy
  25. Thermal Creation of Defects in GaTe
  26. Characterization of Non-Polar ZnO Layers with Positron Annihilation Spectroscopy
  27. Clusterization of vacancy defects in ZnO irradiated with 2MeV O+
  28. Mechanisms of electrical isolation in O + -irradiated ZnO
  29. New method for the determination of the defect profile in thin layers grown over a substrate
  30. Publisher's Note: Positron annihilation lifetime spectroscopy of ZnO bulk samples [Phys. Rev. B76, 085202 (2007)]
  31. Positron annihilation lifetime spectroscopy of ZnO bulk samples
  32. Positron annihilation spectroscopy for the determination of thickness and defect profile in thin semiconductor layers
  33. Correlation between Zn vacancies and photoluminescence emission in ZnO films
  34. Zinc vacancies in the heteroepitaxy of ZnO on sapphire: Influence of the substrate orientation and layer thickness
  35. Near band edge recombination mechanisms in GaTe
  36. Recombination processes in unintentionally doped GaTe single crystals
  37. Photoluminescence Study of ZnSe Single Crystals Obtained by Solid Phase Recrystallization under Different Pressure Conditions. Effects of Thermal Treatment