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  1. Machine learning enables identification of an alternative yeast galactose utilization pathway
  2. Saccharomycotina yeasts defy long-standing macroecological patterns
  3. OrthoSNAP: A tree splitting and pruning algorithm for retrieving single-copy orthologs from gene family trees
  4. Signatures of optimal codon usage in metabolic genes inform budding yeast ecology
  5. ClipKIT: A multiple sequence alignment trimming software for accurate phylogenomic inference
  6. Evolving moldy murderers: Aspergillus section Fumigati as a model for studying the repeated evolution of fungal pathogenicity
  7. Variation and selection on codon usage bias across an entire subphylum
  8. integRATE: a desirability-based data integration framework for the prioritization of candidate genes across heterogeneous omics and its application to preterm birth
  9. Gene Essentiality Analyzed byIn VivoTransposon Mutagenesis and Machine Learning in a Stable Haploid Isolate ofCandida albicans
  10. Functional and evolutionary characterization of a secondary metabolite gene cluster in budding yeasts
  11. The birth, evolution and death of metabolic gene clusters in fungi
  12. Systematic Dissection of the Evolutionarily Conserved WetA Developmental Regulator across a Genus of Filamentous Fungi
  13. A robust phylogenomic timetree for biotechnologically and medically important fungi from Aspergillaceae (Eurotiomycetes, Ascomycota)
  14. Fungal Isocyanide Synthases and Xanthocillin Biosynthesis inAspergillus fumigatus
  15. Conservation and Divergence in the Asexual Sporulation Gene Regulatory Network Across a Genus of Filamentous Fungi
  16. integRATE: a desirability-based data integration framework for the prioritization of candidate genes across heterogeneous omics and its application to preterm birth
  17. Evidence for loss and reacquisition of alcoholic fermentation in a fructophilic yeast lineage
  18. The triple helix of collagens – an ancient protein structure that enabled animal multicellularity and tissue evolution
  19. Genome wide association analysis identifies genetic variants associated with reproductive variation across domestic dog breeds and uncovers links to domestication
  20. An LaeA- and BrlA-Dependent Cellular Network Governs Tissue-Specific Secondary Metabolism in the Human PathogenAspergillus fumigatus
  21. Factors driving metabolic diversity in the budding yeast subphylum
  22. Copy Number Variation in Fungi and Its Implications for Wine Yeast Genetic Diversity and Adaptation
  23. Examination of Signatures of Recent Positive Selection on Genes Involved in Human Sialic Acid Biology
  24. Inverted formin 2 regulates intracellular trafficking, placentation, and pregnancy outcome
  25. Copy number variation in fungi and its implications for wine yeast genetic diversity and adaptation
  26. Evaluating Fast Maximum Likelihood-Based Phylogenetic Programs Using Empirical Phylogenomic Data Sets
  27. Drivers of genetic diversity in secondary metabolic gene clusters within a fungal species
  28. Evidence for loss and adaptive reacquisition of alcoholic fermentation in an early-derived fructophilic yeast lineage
  29. Genomic features and evolution of the conditionally dispensable chromosome in the tangerine pathotype of Alternaria alternata
  30. Selective base excision repair of DNA damage by the non‐base‐flipping DNA glycosylase AlkC
  31. Embracing Uncertainty in Reconstructing Early Animal Evolution
  32. A LaeA- and BrlA-dependent cellular network governs tissue-specific secondary metabolism in the human pathogen Aspergillus fumigatus
  33. The transformative potential of an integrative approach to pregnancy
  34. Correction: Heredity: The gene family that cheats Mendel
  35. Chlamydomonas reinhardtii LFO1 Is an IsdG Family Heme Oxygenase
  36. Quartet-based computations of internode certainty provide accurate and robust measures of phylogenetic incongruence
  37. MybA, a transcription factor involved in conidiation and conidial viability of the human pathogen Aspergillus fumigatus
  38. Functional variants of the melanocortin-4 receptor associated with the Odontoceti and Mysticeti suborders of cetaceans
  39. WetA bridges cellular and chemical development in Aspergillus flavus
  40. The gene family that cheats Mendel
  41. Drivers of genetic diversity in secondary metabolic gene clusters within a fungal species
  42. Evaluating Fast Maximum Likelihood-Based Phylogenetic Programs Using Empirical Phylogenomic Data Sets
  43. Examination of signatures of recent positive selection on genes involved in human sialic acid biology
  44. Collagen IV and basement membrane at the evolutionary dawn of metazoan tissues
  45. A Global Coexpression Network Approach for Connecting Genes to Specialized Metabolic Pathways in Plants
  46. Contentious relationships in phylogenomic studies can be driven by a handful of genes
  47. Extensive Copy Number Variation in Fermentation-Related Genes Among Saccharomyces cerevisiae Wine Strains
  48. Extensive Copy Number Variation in Fermentation-Related Genes among Saccharomyces cerevisiae Wine Strains
  49. Mammalian pregnancy
  50. A global co-expression network approach for connecting genes to specialized metabolic pathways in plants
  51. CTDGFinder: A Novel Homology-Based Algorithm for Identifying Closely Spaced Clusters of Tandemly Duplicated Genes
  52. Regulation of Secondary Metabolism by the Velvet Complex is Temperature-Responsive in Aspergillus
  53. Reconstructing the Backbone of the Saccharomycotina Yeast Phylogeny Using Genome-Scale Data
  54. in silico Whole Genome Sequencer & Analyzer (iWGS): A Computational Pipeline to Guide the Design and Analysis of de novo Genome Sequencing Studies
  55. Reconstructing the backbone of the Saccharomycotina yeast phylogeny using genome-scale data
  56. Comparative genomics of biotechnologically important yeasts
  57. A Genome-Scale Investigation of How Sequence, Function, and Tree-Based Gene Properties Influence Phylogenetic Inference
  58. Comprehensive RNA profiling of villous trophoblast and decidua basalis in pregnancies complicated by preterm birth following intra-amniotic infection
  59. A novel homology-based algorithm for the identification of physically linked clusters of paralogous genes
  60. Comparing human and macaque placental transcriptomes to disentangle preterm birth pathology from gestational age effects
  61. Dynamic Evolution of Nitric Oxide Detoxifying Flavohemoglobins, a Family of Single-Protein Metabolic Modules in Bacteria and Eukaryotes
  62. Horizontally acquired genes in early-diverging pathogenic fungi enable the use of host nucleosides and nucleotides
  63. Computing the Internode Certainty and Related Measures from Partial Gene Trees
  64. Evolution of a heavy metal homeostasis/resistance island reflects increasing copper stress in Enterobacteria
  65. 182: Signature placental and kidney-specific transcripts in the urinary misfoldome of women with preeclampsia (PE)
  66. Integrating Diverse Types of Genomic Data to Identify Genes that Underlie Adverse Pregnancy Phenotypes
  67. Editorial overview: Genomes and evolution: “Seq-ing” answers in life's genomes
  68. Genomics and the making of yeast biodiversity
  69. A Genome-Scale Investigation of Incongruence in Culicidae Mosquitoes
  70. Correction: The Evolution of Fungal Metabolic Pathways
  71. Chemoreceptor Evolution in Hymenoptera and Its Implications for the Evolution of Eusociality
  72. Computing the Internode Certainty and related measures from partial gene trees.
  73. Gestational tissue transcriptomics in term and preterm human pregnancies: a systematic review and meta-analysis
  74. Examining the Evolution of the Regulatory Circuit Controlling Secondary Metabolism and Development in the Fungal Genus Aspergillus
  75. Fungal metabolic gene clusters—caravans traveling across genomes and environments
  76. Shared Selective Pressures on Fungal and Human Metabolic Pathways Lead to Divergent yet Analogous Genetic Responses
  77. Clustering of Two Genes Putatively Involved in Cyanate Detoxification Evolved Recently and Independently in Multiple Fungal Lineages
  78. 274: Next generation sequencing (RNA-seq) of the human decidual and placental villous transcriptomes in intra-amniotic infection (IAI) induced preterm birth (PTB)
  79. Is preterm birth a human-specific syndrome?
  80. The Evolution of Fungal Metabolic Pathways
  81. Highly evolvable malaria vectors: The genomes of 16 Anopheles mosquitoes
  82. Divergent and Conserved Elements Comprise the Chemoreceptive Repertoire of the Nonblood-Feeding Mosquito Toxorhynchites amboinensis
  83. Evaluating Rare Amino Acid Substitutions (RGC_CAMs) in a Yeast Model Clade
  84. Prevention, diagnosis and treatment of high-throughput sequencing data pathologies
  85. Novel Information Theory-Based Measures for Quantifying Incongruence among Phylogenetic Trees
  86. Functional Divergence for Every Paralog
  87. Ecology Drives the Distribution of Specialized Tyrosine Metabolism Modules in Fungi
  88. My Oldest Sister Is a Sea Walnut?
  89. Recurrent Tissue-Specific mtDNA Mutations Are Common in Humans
  90. The Fumagillin Gene Cluster, an Example of Hundreds of Genes under veA Control in Aspergillus fumigatus
  91. Repeated loss of an anciently horizontally transferred gene cluster in Botrytis
  92. Physical linkage of metabolic genes in fungi is an adaptation against the accumulation of toxic intermediate compounds
  93. Inferring ancient divergences requires genes with strong phylogenetic signals
  94. Blood meal-induced changes to antennal transcriptome profiles reveal shifts in odor sensitivities in Anopheles gambiae
  95. Putting Pleiotropy and Selection Into Context Defines a New Paradigm for Interpreting Genetic Data
  96. Fragmentation of an aflatoxin-like gene cluster in a forest pathogen
  97. Aspergillus
  98. Non-productive DNA damage binding by DNA glycosylase-like protein Mag2 from Schizosaccharomyces pombe
  99. Non-optimal codon usage is a mechanism to achieve circadian clock conditionality
  100. The function and evolution of the Aspergillus genome
  101. Antennal transcriptome profiles of anopheline mosquitoes reveal human host olfactory specialization in Anopheles gambiae
  102. Investigation of Aspergillus fumigatus biofilm formation by various “omics” approaches
  103. Assessing the Genome-Wide Effect of Promoter Region Tandem Repeat Natural Variation on Gene Expression
  104. The diverse applications of RNA-seq for functional genomic studies inAspergillus fumigatus
  105. A Bioinformatics Approach for Integrated Transcriptomic and Proteomic Comparative Analyses of Model and Non-sequenced Anopheline Vectors of Human Malaria Parasites
  106. Phylogenetic and Transcriptomic Analysis of Chemosensory Receptors in a Pair of Divergent Ant Species Reveals Sex-Specific Signatures of Odor Coding
  107. The Evolutionary Imprint of Domestication on Genome Variation and Function of the Filamentous Fungus Aspergillus oryzae
  108. TheASP3locus inSaccharomyces cerevisiaeoriginated by horizontal gene transfer fromWickerhamomyces
  109. Two Different Secondary Metabolism Gene Clusters Occupied the Same Ancestral Locus in Fungal Dermatophytes of the Arthrodermataceae
  110. In Silico Characterization and Molecular Evolutionary Analysis of a Novel Superfamily of Fungal Effector Proteins
  111. The Paleozoic Origin of Enzymatic Lignin Decomposition Reconstructed from 31 Fungal Genomes
  112. Transcriptome-wide analysis of small RNA expression in early zebrafish development
  113. Transcriptome of the adult female malaria mosquito vector Anopheles albimanus
  114. Horizontal Transfer and Death of a Fungal Secondary Metabolic Gene Cluster
  115. Evidence for genetic differentiation and variable recombination rates among Dutch populations of the opportunistic human pathogenAspergillus fumigatus
  116. Phylogenetic Analysis of Protein Sequence Data Using the Randomized Axelerated Maximum Likelihood (RAXML) Program
  117. Global Transcriptome Changes Underlying Colony Growth in the Opportunistic Human Pathogen Aspergillus fumigatus
  118. The Awesome Power of Yeast Evolutionary Genetics: New Genome Sequences and Strain Resources for the Saccharomyces sensu stricto Genus
  119. Transcriptome profiling of chemosensory appendages in the malaria vector Anopheles gambiae reveals tissue- and sex-specific signatures of odor coding
  120. Evaluating Ortholog Prediction Algorithms in a Yeast Model Clade
  121. Complete Bacteriophage Transfer in a Bacterial Endosymbiont (Wolbachia) Determined by Targeted Genome Capture
  122. Horizontal Transfer of a Large and Highly Toxic Secondary Metabolic Gene Cluster between Fungi
  123. The Molecular Evolution of the p120-Catenin Subfamily and Its Functional Associations
  124. Multiple GAL pathway gene clusters evolved independently and by different mechanisms in fungi
  125. Permanent Genetic Resources added to Molecular Ecology Resources Database 1 October 2009-30 November 2009
  126. The diversity and evolution of circadian clock proteins in fungi
  127. Remarkably ancient balanced polymorphisms in a multi-locus gene network
  128. Leveraging skewed transcript abundance by RNA-Seq to increase the genomic depth of the tree of life
  129. Benchmarking Next-Generation Transcriptome Sequencing for Functional and Evolutionary Genomics
  130. Harnessing genomics for evolutionary insights
  131. The effect of domestication on the fungal proteome
  132. Comparative and Functional Characterization of Intragenic Tandem Repeats in 10 Aspergillus Genomes
  133. The Origins of Multicellularity and the Early History of the Genetic Toolkit For Animal Development
  134. The molecular origins of multicellular transitions
  135. Differential success in northwards range expansion between ecotypes of the marble gallwasp Andricuskollari: a tale of two lifecycles
  136. Frequent and Widespread Parallel Evolution of Protein Sequences
  137. Dynamics of Pseudomonas aeruginosa genome evolution
  138. The genome of the choanoflagellate Monosiga brevicollis and the origin of metazoans
  139. GENOMICS: Lining Up to Avoid Bias
  140. From Gene-Scale to Genome-Scale Phylogenetics: the Data Flood In, but the Challenges Remain
  141. Evidence for widespread cryptic sexual generations in apparently purely asexual Andricus gallwasps
  142. Aspergillus nidulans Genome and a Comparative Analysis of Genome Evolution in Aspergillus
  143. Transcriptional Rewiring: The Proof Is in the Eating
  144. The phylogeographical clade trade: tracing the impact of human-mediated dispersal on the colonization of northern Europe by the oak gallwasp Andricus kollari
  145. Longitudinal range expansion and cryptic eastern species in the western Palaearctic oak gallwasp, Andricus coriarius
  146. What can comparative genomics tell us about species concepts in the genus Aspergillus?
  147. Bushes in the Tree of Life
  148. Bayesian Estimation of Concordance among Gene Trees
  149. GENOMICS: Genomics and the Tree of Life
  150. Different paths to the same end
  151. Regulation of Body Pigmentation by the Abdominal-B Hox Protein and Its Gain and Loss in Drosophila Evolution
  152. Repeated morphological evolution through cis-regulatory changes in a pleiotropic gene
  153. Animal Evolution and the Molecular Signature of Radiations Compressed in Time
  154. More Genes or More Taxa? The Relative Contribution of Gene Number and Taxon Number to Phylogenetic Accuracy
  155. Parallel inactivation of multiple GAL pathway genes and ecological diversification in yeasts
  156. What determines the direction of evolutionary change?
  157. Genome-scale approaches to resolving incongruence in molecular phylogenies
  158. Comparing Bootstrap and Posterior Probability Values in the Four-Taxon Case
  159. Comparing Bootstrap and Posterior Probability Values in the Four-Taxon Case
  160. Out of Anatolia: longitudinal gradients in genetic diversity support an eastern origin for a circum-Mediterranean oak gallwasp Andricus quercustozae
  161. Animal mitochondrial DNA recombination revisited
  162. Conflicting phylogenetic signals at the base of the metazoan tree
  163. Lifecycle closure, lineage sorting, and hybridization revealed in a phylogenetic analysis of European oak gallwasps (Hymenoptera: Cynipidae: Cynipini) using mitochondrial sequence data
  164. The incidence and diversity of Wolbachia in gallwasps (Hymenoptera; Cynipidae) on oak
  166. Sexual selection driving spider diversification
  167. A Maximum-Likelihood Analysis of Eight Phylogenetic Markers in Gallwasps (Hymenoptera: Cynipidae): Implications for Insect Phylogenetic Studies
  168. Getting it right for the wrong reason
  169. What is a character?
  170. Selfish element wars in a wasp battleground
  171. Molecular Evolution and Phylogenetics. By M. Nei and S. Kumar. Oxford University Press. 2000. ISBN: 0-19-513584-9 (hbk); 0-19-513585-7 (pbk). xiv+333 pages. Price: £65 (hbk); £32.50 (pbk).
  172. Evolutionary biology meets genomics
  173. Understanding patterns of genetic diversity in the oak gallwasp Biorhiza pallida: demographic history or a Wolbachia selective sweep?
  174. Rare genomic changes as a tool for phylogenetics
  175. A Bayesian guide to tree felling
  176. Influential passengers come of age 1st International Wolbachia Conference, Orthodox Academy, Kolymbari, Crete, Greece, 7–12 June 2000
  177. Evidence for a High Frequency of Simultaneous Double-Nucleotide Substitutions
  178. Wolbachia as a speciation agent
  179. Intron insertion as a phylogenetic character: the engrailed homeobox of Strepsiptera does not indicate affinity with Diptera
  180. Longitudinal patterns in species richness and genetic diversity in European oaks and oak gallwasps
  181. Perspective: Systematics in the age of genomics