All Stories

  1. Thematic patterns, Cognitive Discourse Functions, and genres
  2. (Re)conceptualizing “Language” in CLIL
  3. Teaching, Learning and Scaffolding in CLIL Science Classrooms
  4. Teaching, learning and scaffolding in CLIL science classrooms
  5. Co-developing science literacy and foreign language literacy through “Concept + Language Mapping”
  6. Teaching, Learning and Scaffolding in CLIL Science Classrooms
  7. Becoming a “language-aware” content teacher
  8. Learning languages to increase linguistic repertoire
  9. Conceptualising the potential role of L1 in CLIL
  10. ‘May I speak Cantonese?’ – Co-constructing a scientific proof in an EFL junior secondary science classroom
  11. Technomobility in China: Young Migrant Women and Mobile Phones. Cara Wallis. Critical Cultural Communication [No. 10]. New York, NY, and London, UK: New York University Press, 2013. xiii + 264 pp. (Cloth US$45.00)
  12. Voices Without Words: Doing Critical Literate Talk in English as a Second Language
  13. Critical Discourse Analysis in Applied Linguistics: A Methodological Review
  14. Hip-Hop Heteroglossia as Practice, Pleasure, and Public Pedagogy: Translanguaging in the lyrical poetics of “24 Herbs” in Hong Kong
  15. Toward Paradigmatic Change in TESOL Methodologies: Building Plurilingual Pedagogies From the Ground Up
  16. “Non-coercive Rearrangements”: Theorizing Desire in TESOL
  17. Tensions in school–university partnership and EFL pre-service teacher identity formation: a case in mainland China
  18. Classroom code-switching: three decades of research
  19. Critical Discourse Analysis: Overview
  20. Critical Practice in English Language Education in Hong Kong
  21. Towards Transformation of Knowledge and Subjectivity in Curriculum Inquiry: Insights From Chen Kuan‐Hsing’s “Asia as Method”
  22. Mobile Cultures of Migrant Workers in Southern China: Informal Literacies in the Negotiation of (New) Social Relations of the New Working Women
  23. Ryuko Kubota and Angel M. Y. Lin (eds): Race, Culture, and Identities in Second Language Education: Exploring Critically Engaged Practice.
  24. Chapter 9. Doing-hip-hop in the transformation of youth identities: Social class, habitus, and cultural capital
  25. Chapter 11. Officials’ accountability performance on Hong Kong talk radio
  26. Researching intercultural communication
  27. Constructing cultural Self and Other in the Internet discussion of a Korean historical TV drama
  28. Local interpretation of global management discourses in higher education in Hong Kong: potential impact on academic culture
  29. Language Policy and Planning in Southeast Asian Contexts
  30. Bilingual Education in Different Contexts: Principles and Practice
  31. Key Issues in Immersion Education: Implications for Hong Kong
  32. History and Development of Bilingual Education in Hong Kong
  33. Research on Bilingual Education in Hong Kong
  34. Negotiating between Nationalist and Globalization Agendas: Lessons from the Divergent Paths of Singapore and Malaysia
  35. Contexts of Language Policy and Planning in Southeast Asian Societies: Need for Innovative Approaches
  36. Education Reforms and Social Mobility: Rethinking the History of Hong Kong Education
  37. Mobile Cultures of Migrant Workers in Southern China: Informal Literacies in the Negotiation of (New) Social Relations of the New Working Women
  38. Introduction to the Special Issue on Mobile Societies in Asia-Pacific
  39. Re-Imagining a Cosmopolitan ‘Asian Us’:
  40. Angel M. Y. Lin and Peter W. Martin (eds): Decolonisation, Globalisation: Language-in-Education Policy and Practice (New perspectives on language and education series)
  41. Crossing Boundaries: Male Consumption of Korean TV Dramas and Negotiation of Gender Relations in Modern Day Hong Kong
  42. What's the Use of “Triadic Dialogue”?: Activity Theory, Conversation Analysis, and Analysis of Pedagogical Practices
  43. Text-messaging Cultures of College Girls in Hong Kong: SMS as Resources for Achieving Intimacy and Gift-exchange with Multiple Functions
  44. Book Review Decolonization, Globalisation: Language‐in‐Education Policy and Practice edited by Angel M. Y.  Lin and Peter W.  Martin. Clevedon: Mutlilingual Matters, 2005. 204 pp. $39.95 (paper). ISBN 1‐85359‐824‐0.
  45. Race and TESOL: Introduction to Concepts and Theories
  46. Beyond Linguistic Purism in Language-in-education Policy and Practice: Exploring Bilingual Pedagogies in a Hong Kong Science Classroom
  47. Coloniality, Postcoloniality, and TESOL. . . Can a spider weave its way out of the web that it is being woven into just as it weaves?
  49. Women Faculty of Color in TESOL: Theorizing Our Lived Experiences
  50. Introducing a critical pedagogical curriculum: A feminist reflexive account
  51. Appropriating English, Expanding Identities, and Re-Visioning the Field: From TESOL to Teaching English for Glocalized Communication (TEGCOM)
  52. Beyond Progressive Liberalism and Cultural Relativism: Towards Critical Postmodernist, Sociohistorically Situated Perspectives in Classroom Studies
  53. The Personal Is Political: What Natasha Lvovich and Karen Ogulnick's Personal Stories Tell Us About Identity, Language Learning, and Sociocultural Positioning
  54. Lively children trapped in an Island of disadvantage: verbal play of Cantonese working-class schoolboys in Hong Kong
  55. Doing-English-Lessons in the Reproduction or Transformation of Social Worlds?
  56. Analyzing the ‘language problem’ discourses in Hong Kong: How official, academic, and media discourses construct and perpetuate dominant models of language, learning, and education
  57. Bilingual Education in Hong Kong
  58. The Child-in-the-World-with-Others: Re-Visioning Lensmire’s Critical Re-Visions of the Writing Workshop
  59. Bilingualism or linguistic segregation1? Symbolic domination, resistance and code switching in Hong Kong schools
  60. "Engagement" or Immersion? "Chaos" or Lack of Capital? African-American Children in Whole Language Classrooms
  61. Codeswitching
  62. Teaching in two tongues
  63. The Ecology of Literacy in Hong Kong
  64. Code‐Switching in the Classroom: Research Paradigms and Approaches