All Stories

  1. Is the Fifth Generation of Revolution Studies Still Coming?
  2. Revolution and Democracy in the Twenty-First Century
  3. Will Global Aging Change the Rate of Technological Progress and Form a New Consumption Model?
  4. Capitalism’s Unclear Futures
  5. Elections, Type of Regime and Risks of Revolutionary Destabilization
  6. Africa—The Continent of the Future. Demographic and Economic Challenges and Opportunities
  7. Introduction: Terrorism and Political Contention in North Africa and the Sahel Region
  8. Non-beverage alcohol consumption in Russia: new evidence from Jewish Autonomous Oblast
  9. Coupvolution as a Mechanism of Regime Change in the Sahel
  10. Revolutionary History of Niger: From Independence to 2023 Coup
  11. Revolutionary and Quasi-Revolutionary Events in Somalia (1960–2023)
  12. Traditional Clan-Tribal Structures and Modern Political System of Somalia
  13. Arab Spring, Its Aftermath, and James Davies’ Inverted J-Curve
  14. Forthcoming youth bulge in Egypt: possible sociopolitical implications
  15. Революционные события XXI века: предварительный количественный анализ
  16. Aging of the Global Population as an Integral Problem of the Future
  17. Global Aging and our Futures
  18. Education and Revolutions: Why do Revolutionary Uprisings Take Violent or Nonviolent Forms?
  19. Revolutions and Democracy
  20. Africa: The Continent of the Future. Challenges and Opportunities
  21. Conclusion: Reconsidering the Limits – Suggestions (Come On!)
  22. Demography: Toward Optimization of Demographic Processes
  23. Future Political Change. Toward a more Efficient World Order
  24. Global Aging: An Integral Problem of the Future. How to Turn a Problem into a Development Driver?
  25. High-Income and Low-Income Countries. Toward a Common Goal at Different Speeds
  26. Introduction: Hoping for the Future
  27. Macrohistorical Approach
  28. Modeling Social Self-Organization and Historical Dynamics. An Overview
  29. Modeling Social Self-Organization and Historical Dynamics: Africa’s Futures
  30. The Future Society and the Transition to It
  31. Demographic Factors as Predictors of Revolutionary Situations: Experience in Quantitative Analysis
  32. A Troubled Return to the Homeland: Syrian Circassians in Southern Russia
  33. Students and protests: A quantitative cross-national analysis
  34. Machine Learning for Ranking Factors of Global and Regional Protest Destabilization with a Special Focus on Afrasian Instability Macrozone
  35. Revolutions and democracy. Can democracies stop violence?
  36. Revolutions and democracy. Can democracies stop violence?
  37. The Global Terrorist Threat in the Sahel and the Origins of Terrorism in Burkina Faso
  38. Will capitalism die? Reflections on the Capitalism of the Past, Present and Future
  39. Disentangling the evolutionary drivers of social complexity: A comprehensive test of hypotheses
  40. Developed and developing countries: towards the common target with different speeds
  41. Internet, Political Regime and Terrorism: A Quantitative Analysis
  42. 20th Century revolutions: characteristics, types, and waves
  43. The Future of Revolutions in the 21st Century and the World System Reconfiguration
  44. The impact of values of men and women on their life expectancy
  45. Global Systems for Sociopolitical Instability Forecasting and Their Efficiency
  46. EDUCATION AND REVOLUTIONS. Why do revolutionary uprisings take violent or nonviolent forms?
  47. EDUCATION AND REVOLUTIONS. Why do revolutionary uprisings take violent or nonviolent forms?
  48. Urban Youth and Terrorism: A Quantitative Analysis (Are Youth Bulges Relevant Anymore?)
  49. Cybernetic Revolution, Sixth Long Kondratiev Cycle, and Global Aging
  50. Estimates of the possible economic effect of the demographic dividend for sub-Saharan Africa for the period up to 2036
  51. Волны революций XXI столетия
  52. Charting the evolution of key military technologies over thousands of years
  53. Deprivation, instability, and propensity to attack: how urbanization influences terrorism
  54. Terrorism and Democracy
  55. Global Trends and Forecasts of the 21st Century
  56. Socio-Economic Development and Protests: A Quantitative Reanalysis
  57. Effect of the Arab Spring on Stabilization Capacity of the MENA Monarchies
  58. Доля молодежи в общей численности взрослого населения как фактор интенсивности ненасильственных протестов: опыт количественного анализа
  59. Formal Education and Contentious Politics: The Case of Violent and Non-Violent Protest
  60. Socio-economic Development and Anti-government Protests in Light of a New Quantitative Analysis of Global Databases
  61. Evolution of stability of socioeconomic system functioning: Some approaches to modeling (with an application to the case of Egypt, 2011–2013)
  62. Seven Weaknesses of the U.S., Donald Trump, and the Future of American Hegemony
  63. The 2010 structural-demographic forecast for the 2010–2020 decade: A retrospective assessment
  64. Russia’s Policy towards the Middle East: The Case of Yemen
  65. A quantitative analysis of worldwide long-term technology growth: From 40,000 BCE to the early 22nd century
  66. Evolution of Sociopolitical Institutions in North-East Yemen (The 1st Millennium BCE–The 2nd Millennium CE)
  67. Relative Deprivation as a Factor of Sociopolitical Destabilization: Toward a Quantitative Comparative Analysis of the Arab Spring Events
  68. Variation of Human Values and Modernization: Preliminary Results
  69. Immanuel Maurice Wallerstein (1930–2019)
  70. Religiosity and Aging: Age and Cohort Effects and Their Implications for the Future of Religious Values in High‐Income OECD Countries
  71. Economic Growth, Education, and Terrorism: A Re-Analysis
  72. Contemporary Islamism: an analysis of its functions and features
  73. Echo of the Arab Spring in Eastern Europe: A Quantitative Analysis
  74. Value orientations of the Afrasian zone of instability: gender dimensions
  75. Democracy and Terrorism: A Re-analysis
  76. Human Values and Modernization: A Global Analysis
  77. Политические аспекты современного исламизма
  78. Относительная депривация как фактор социально-политической дестабилизации: опыт количественного анализа
  79. A Big History of Globalization
  80. Great Divergence of the 18th Century?
  81. A Wave of Global Sociopolitical Destabilization of the 2010s: A Quantitative Analysis
  82. Distilled Spirits Overconsumption as the Most Important Factor of Excessive Adult Male Mortality in Europe
  83. Economic Development and Sociopolitical Destabilization: A Re-Analysis
  84. Reply to Tosh et al.: Quantitative analyses of cultural evolution require engagement with historical and archaeological research
  85. Contemporary Trends in Russia’s Fertility Rate and the Impact of State Support Measures
  86. Oil prices, socio-political destabilization risks, and future energy technologies
  88. Economic development, education, and terrorism: A quantitative analysis
  89. Forthcoming changes in world population distribution and global connectivity: implications for global foresight
  90. Unemployment as a Predictor of Socio-Political Destabilization in Western and Eastern Europe
  92. Modeling Social Pressures Toward Political Instability in the United Kingdom after 1960: A Demographic Structural Analysis
  93. Quantitative historical analysis uncovers a single dimension of complexity that structures global variation in human social organization
  94. “Neighbors in values”: A new dataset of cultural distances between countries based on individuals’ values, and its application to the study of global trade
  95. The future of the global economy in the light of inflationary and deflationary trends and long cycles theory
  96. Волна глобальной социально-политической дестабилизации 2011-2015 гг.: количественный анализ
  97. Akamatsu Waves
  98. GDP Per Capita and Protest Activity: A Quantitative Reanalysis
  99. Transition to a new global paradigm of development and the role of the united nations in this process
  100. Technological development and protest waves: Arab spring as a trigger of the global phase transition?
  101. Forthcoming Kondratieff wave, Cybernetic Revolution, and global ageing
  102. Toward Forecasting Global Economic Dynamics of the Forthcoming Years
  103. Circumscription Theory of the Origins of the State: A Cross-Cultural Re-Analysis
  104. Secular Cycles and Millennial Trends
  105. World Order Transformation and Sociopolitical Destabilization
  106. Spring and Its Global Echo: Quantitative Analysis
  107. Экономический рост и социально-политическая дестабилизация: опыт глобального анализа
  108. Economic Development, Sociopolitical Destabilization and Inequality
  109. Olson—Huntington Hypothesis on a Bell-Shaped Relationship Between the Level of Economic Development and Sociopolitical Destabilization: A Quantitative Analysis
  110. The MANBRIC-Technologies in the Forthcoming Technological Revolution
  111. ВЕЛИКАЯ ДИВЕРГЕНЦИЯ XVIII ВЕКА?, "Восток. Афро-Азиатские общества: история и современность"
  112. Romantic Love and Family Organization
  113. Regime Type and Political Destabilization in Cross-National Perspective: A Re-Analysis
  114. Arab Spring as a Global Phase Transition Trigger
  115. Explaining Current Fertility Dynamics in Tropical Africa From an Anthropological Perspective
  116. Alcohol Control Policies and Alcohol-Related Mortality in Russia: Reply to Razvodovsky and Nemtsov
  117. Scenario Demographic Forecasts for the Bric Countries (((((((((( )
  118. Economic Cycles, Crises, and the Global Periphery
  120. Afterword: New Kondratieff Wave and Forthcoming Global Social Transformation
  121. From Kondratieff Cycles to Akamatsu Waves? A New Center-Periphery Perspective on Long Cycles
  122. Interaction between Kondratieff Waves and Juglar Cycles
  123. Introduction. Cyclical and World-Systemic Aspects of Economic Reality with Respect to Contemporary Crisis
  124. Kondratieff Waves and Technological Revolutions
  125. Kondratieff Waves in the World System Perspective
  126. Our Place in the Universe: An Introduction to Big History ed. by Barry Rodrigue, Leonid Grinin, and Andrey Korotayev
  127. MENA Region and the Possible Beginning of World System Reconfiguration
  128. Egyptian coup of 2013: an ‘econometric’ analysis
  129. East Africa in the Malthusian Trap?
  130. Center-Periphery Dissonance as a Possible Factor of the Revolutionary Wave of 2013-2014
  131. Agricultural productivity in past societies: Toward an empirically informed model for testing cultural evolutionary hypotheses
  132. Phases of global demographic transition correlate with phases of the Great Divergence and Great Convergence
  133. Will the explosive growth of China continue?
  134. Effects of Specific Alcohol Control Policy Measures on Alcohol-Related Mortality in Russia from 1998 to 2013
  135. Corrigendum
  136. : (Political Demography of the World Economy: Tropical Africa)
  137. . (Political Demography of Russia. Politics and State Government)
  138. Great Divergence and Great Convergence
  139. Afterword: The Great Convergence and Possible Increase in Global Instability, or the World Without an Absolute Leader
  140. Great Convergence and the Rise of the Rest
  141. Great Divergence and the Rise of the West
  142. Introduction. And Yet the Twain Meet: Great Convergence Brings the East Closer to the West
  143. The Great Convergence and Globalization: How Former Colonies Became the World Economic Locomotives
  144. Globalization Shuffles Cards of the World Pack: In Which Direction is the Global Economic-Political Balance Shifting?
  145. The Importance of Gossip Across Societies
  146. What does global migration network say about recent changes in the world system structure?
  147. On the structure of the present-day convergence
  148. Female Labor Force Participation Rate, Islam, and Arab Culture in Cross-Cultural Perspective
  149. Explosive Population Growth in Tropical Africa: Crucial Omission in Development Forecasts—Emerging Risks and Way Out
  150. Global Population Dynamics Drive the Phases of the Great Divergence and Convergence
  151. Measuring globalization
  152. Economic Dynamics of the United States in 1990—2011: Keynesian Analysis
  153. Urbanization Dynamics in Egypt: Factors, Trends, Perspectives
  154. The origins of dragon-kings and their occurrence in society
  155. Does “Arab Spring” Mean The Beginning Of World System Reconfiguration?
  156. On the dynamics of the world demographic transition and financial-economic crises forecasts
  157. The Coming Epoch of New Coalitions: Possible Scenarios of the Near Future
  158. Kondratieff waves in global invention activity (1900–2008)
  159. Huge rise in gold and oil prices as a precursor of a global financial and economic crisis
  160. Cross-Cultural Analysis of Models of Romantic Love Among U.S. Residents, Russians, and Lithuanians
  161. Biological and Social Phases of Big History: Similarities and Differences of Evolutionary Principles and Mechanisms
  162. Relationship between genome size and organismal complexity in the lineage leading from prokaryotes to mammals
  163. Social Macroevolution: Growth of the World System Integrity and a System of Phase Transitions
  164. Book review: Akop P. Nazaretyan, Anthropology of violence and culture of self-organization. Essays in evolutionary historical psychology, 2nd edition, Moscow, URSS, 2008, 256 pages (in Russian)
  165. Potential for Alcohol Policy to Decrease the Mortality Crisis in Russia
  166. Globalization as Evolutionary Process
  167. Phanerozoic marine biodiversity follows a hyperbolic trend
  168. Wife–Husband Intimacy and Female Status in Cross-Cultural Perspective
  169. Return of the White Raven: Postdiluvial Reconnaissance Motif A2234.1.1 Reconsidered
  170. Ethnographic Atlas XXXI: Peoples of Easternmost Europe
  171. A Cross-Cultural Investigation of the Role of Foot Size in Physical Attractiveness
  172. Valuing thinness or fatness in women
  173. A Compact Macromodel of World System Evolution
  174. Community, Identity and the State
  175. Ethnographic Atlas XXX: Peoples of Siberia
  176. Civilisational Models of Politogenesis ed. by Dmitri M. Bondarenko, Andrey V. Korotayev
  177. Division of Labor by Gender and Postmarital Residence in Cross-Cultural Perspective: A Reconsideration
  178. Evolutionary Implications of Cross-Cultural Correlations
  179. "Galton's Asset" and "Flower's Problem Cultural Networks and Cultural Units in Cross-Cultural Research Ml (Or, Male Genital Mutilations and Polygyny in Cross-Cultural Perspective)
  180. Form of Marriage, Sexual Division of Labor, and Postmarital Residence in Cross-Cultural Perspective: A Reconsideration
  181. “Early State” in Cross-Cultural Perspective: A Statistical Reanalysis of Henri J. M. Claessen’s Database
  182. Factors of Sexual Freedom Among Foragers in Cross-Cultural Perspective
  183. Monopolization of Information and Female Status: A Cross-Cultural Test
  184. Status of Women, Female Contribution to Subsistence, and Monopolization of Information: Further Cross-Cultural Comparisons
  185. Unilineal Descent Organization and Deep Christianization: A Cross-Cultural Comparison
  186. Origins and evolution of chiefdoms
  187. Regions Based on Social Structure: A Reconsideration (or Apologia for Diffusionism)
  188. Polygyny and Democracy: A Cross-Cultural Comparison
  189. Family Size and Community Organization: A Cross-Cultural Comparison
  190. Parallel-Cousin (FBD) Marriage, Islamization, and Arabization
  191. Cultural Units in Cross-Cultural Research
  192. Sexual Equality and Romantic Love: A Reanalysis of Rosenblatt’s Study on the Function of Romantic Love
  193. The earliest Sabaeans in the Jawf: A reconsideration
  194. Aramaeans in a Late Sabaic Inscription
  195. Inventaire des inscriptions sudarabiques. Tome I. Inabba’, Haram, Al-Kāfir, Kamna Et Al-Ḥarāshif. Fascicule A. Les Documents. Fascicule B. Les Planches. By Christian Robin, pp. 221, 60 pi. Paris, Académie des Inscriptions et Belles-Lettres; Rome, Istit...
  196. Apologia for ‘the Sabaean cultural-political area’
  197. Internal structure of Middle Sabaean bayt
  198. Middle Sabaean Cultural-Political Area
  200. Middle Sabaean Cultural-Political Area
  201. Mathematical models of world-system development
  202. The Afroeurasian world-system
  203. SASci 2007 Annual Meeting Panel Proposal: Sociocultural and Political Evolution: patterns, trends, mechanisms, and mathematical models