All Stories

  1. Response to “Comment on ‘Simultaneous density and thermal conductivity depth profile reconstructions from noised thermal-wave amplitude and phase data using a combined integral equation and imperialist competitive algorithm method’” [J. Appl. Phys. 134...
  2. Fourier spectral theory of pulsed photothermal radiometry, signal analysis, and parametric measurements in two-layered media
  3. Detection of Bacteria-Induced Early-Stage Dental Caries Using Three-Dimensional Mid-Infrared Thermophotonic Imaging
  4. Quantitative non-destructive single-frequency thermal-wave-radar imaging of case depths in hardened steels
  5. Review of Scientific Instruments New Products
  6. Optothermally pulsating microbubble-mediated micro-energy harvesting in underwater medium
  7. Publisher’s Note: “Performance and application of heavy ion nuclear microbeam facility at the Nuclear Physics Institute in Řež, Czech Republic” [Rev. Sci. Instrum. 90, 013701 (2019)]
  8. Review of Scientific Instruments New Products
  9. Review of Scientific Instruments New Products
  10. Erratum: “The simplest equivalent circuit of a pulsed dielectric barrier discharge and the determination of the gas gap charge transfer” [Rev. Sci. Instrum. 83, 115112 (2012)]
  11. Review of Scientific Instruments New Products
  12. New dynamic diamond anvil cells for tera-pascal per second fast compression x-ray diffraction experiments
  13. Review of Scientific Instruments New Products
  14. Construction of a simple thermoluminescence and optically stimulated luminescence reader for luminescence dosimetry research
  15. Review of Scientific Instruments New Products
  16. Thermal characterization of thin films via dynamic infrared thermography
  17. Review of Scientific Instruments New Products
  18. Piezospectroscopic measurement of high-frequency vibrations in a pulse-tube cryostat
  19. Review of Scientific Instruments New Products
  20. Uniqueness range optimization of photocarrier transport parameter measurements using combined quantitative heterodyne lock-in carrierography imaging and photocarrier radiometry
  21. Construction of a hybrid clamped cell for high-pressure neutron-diffraction experiments with a large diamond window
  22. Review of Scientific Instruments New Products
  23. Review of Scientific Instruments New Products
  24. Multi-pulse fitting of transition edge sensor signals from a near-infrared continuous-wave source
  25. New Products
  26. Quantitative lock-in thermography imaging of thermal-wave spatial profiles and thermophysical property measurements in solids with inner corner geometries using thermal-wave field theory
  27. Polymer-based X-ray masks patterned by direct laser writing
  28. New Products
  29. Surface Recombination Velocity Imaging of HF-Etched Si Wafers Using Dynamic Heterodyne Lock-In Carrierography
  30. Nanoscale solar cell quality control using quantitative lock‐in carrierography imaging