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  1. Association of Cohort and Individual Substance Use With Risk of Transitioning to Drug Use, Drug Use Disorder, and Remission From Disorder
  2. Childhood generalized specific phobia as an early marker of internalizing psychopathology across the lifespan: results from the World Mental Health Surveys
  3. Pre-marital predictors of marital violence in the WHO World Mental Health (WMH) Surveys
  4. A comparison of DSM ‐5 and DSM ‐IV agoraphobia in the World Mental Health Surveys
  5. The association between psychotic experiences and health-related quality of life: a cross-national analysis based on World Mental Health Surveys
  6. Psychotic experiences and general medical conditions: a cross-national analysis based on 28 002 respondents from 16 countries in the WHO World Mental Health Surveys
  7. The associations between psychotic experiences and substance use and substance use disorders: findings from the World Health Organization World Mental Health surveys
  8. Psychotic experiences and religiosity: data from the WHO World Mental Health Surveys
  9. Treatment gap for anxiety disorders is global: Results of the World Mental Health Surveys in 21 countries
  10. Suicidal thoughts and behaviors among college students and same-aged peers: results from the World Health Organization World Mental Health Surveys
  11. Previous Mental Disorders and Subsequent Onset of Chronic Back or Neck Pain: Findings From 19 Countries
  12. The prevalence of depression in primary health care centers in Iraq
  13. Complementary and alternative medicine contacts by persons with mental disorders in 25 countries: results from the World Mental Health Surveys
  14. Trauma and psychotic experiences: transnational data from the World Mental Health Survey
  15. Socio-economic variations in the mental health treatment gap for people with anxiety, mood, and substance use disorders: results from the WHO World Mental Health (WMH) surveys
  16. Civilians in World War II and DSM-IV mental disorders: results from the World Mental Health Survey Initiative
  17. Association Between Psychotic Experiences and Subsequent Suicidal Thoughts and Behaviors
  18. Estimating treatment coverage for people with substance use disorders: an analysis of data from the World Mental Health Surveys
  19. The cross-national epidemiology of social anxiety disorder: Data from the World Mental Health Survey Initiative
  20. The association between psychotic experiences and disability: results from the WHO World Mental Health Surveys
  21. Cross-sectional Comparison of the Epidemiology of DSM-5 Generalized Anxiety Disorder Across the Globe
  22. Fear and distress disorders as predictors of heart disease: A temporal perspective
  23. Posttraumatic stress disorder in the World Mental Health Surveys
  24. Association of DSM-IV Posttraumatic Stress Disorder With Traumatic Experience Type and History in the World Health Organization World Mental Health Surveys
  25. The cross-national epidemiology of specific phobia in the World Mental Health Surveys
  26. Substance dependence among those without symptoms of substance abuse in the World Mental Health Survey
  27. Undertreatment of people with major depressive disorder in 21 countries
  28. The association between childhood adversities and subsequent first onset of psychotic experiences: a cross-national analysis of 23 998 respondents from 17 countries
  29. The descriptive epidemiology of DSM-IV Adult ADHD in the World Health Organization World Mental Health Surveys
  30. The role of religious advisors in mental health care in the World Mental Health surveys
  31. Cross-national epidemiology of panic disorder and panic attacks in the world mental health surveys
  32. The Bidirectional Associations Between Psychotic Experiences and DSM-IV Mental Disorders
  33. The cross-national epidemiology of DSM-IV intermittent explosive disorder
  34. Mental disorders among college students in the World Health Organization World Mental Health Surveys
  35. A Cross-National Examination of Differences in Classification of Lifetime Alcohol Use Disorder Between DSM-IV and DSM-5: Findings from the World Mental Health Survey
  36. Age of Onset and Lifetime Projected Risk of Psychotic Experiences: Cross-National Data From the World Mental Health Survey
  37. Associations between DSM-IV mental disorders and subsequent onset of arthritis
  38. Association of Mental Disorders With Subsequent Chronic Physical Conditions
  39. Associations between DSM-IV mental disorders and subsequent COPD diagnosis
  40. The Epidemiology of Major Depressive Episode in the Iraqi General Population
  41. Psychotic Experiences in the General Population
  42. Corrigendum to associations between DSM-IV mental disorders and subsequent self-reported diagnosis of cancer. J Psychosom Res 76 (2014) 207–212
  43. Anxious and non-anxious major depressive disorder in the World Health Organization World Mental Health Surveys
  44. Proportion of patients without mental disorders being treated in mental health services worldwide
  45. Association between mental disorders and subsequent adult onset asthma
  46. Associations Between Subjective Social Status andDSM-IVMental Disorders
  47. The role of common mental and physical disorders in days out of role in the Iraqi general population: Results from the WHO World Mental Health Surveys
  48. Erratum to: Associations between DSM-IV mental disorders and diabetes mellitus: a role for impulse control disorders and depression
  49. Associations between DSM-IV mental disorders and subsequent self-reported diagnosis of cancer
  50. Associations between mental disorders and subsequent onset of hypertension
  51. Associations between DSM-IV mental disorders and diabetes mellitus: a role for impulse control disorders and depression
  52. Why medical students choose psychiatry - a 20 country cross-sectional survey
  54. Barriers to mental health treatment: results from the WHO World Mental Health surveys
  55. Drop out from out-patient mental healthcare in the World Health Organization's World Menta Health Survey initiative
  56. Barriers to Mental Health Treatment Initiation and Continuation
  57. Cross-national differences in the prevalence and correlates of burden among older family caregivers in the World Health Organization World Mental Health (WMH) Surveys
  58. Parent psychopathology and offspring mental disorders: Results from the WHO World Mental Health Surveys
  59. The prevalence and correlates of intermittent explosive disorder in Iraq
  60. An updated global picture of cigarette smoking persistence among adults