All Stories

  1. Genomic innovations, transcriptional plasticity and gene loss underlying the evolution and divergence of two highly polyphagous and invasive Helicoverpa pest species
  2. Complex modular architecture around a simple toolkit of wing pattern genes
  3. Erratum to: The whole genome sequence of the Mediterranean fruit fly, Ceratitis capitata (Wiedemann), reveals insights into the biology and adaptive evolution of a highly invasive pest species
  4. The whole genome sequence of the Mediterranean fruit fly, Ceratitis capitata (Wiedemann), reveals insights into the biology and adaptive evolution of a highly invasive pest species
  5. Multifaceted biological insights from a draft genome sequence of the tobacco hornworm moth, Manduca sexta
  6. Transcriptome Analysis of the Sydney Rock Oyster, Saccostrea glomerata: Insights into Molluscan Immunity
  7. Identification of interleukin genes in Pogona vitticeps using a de novo transcriptome assembly from RNA-seq data
  8. Expansion of a bitter taste receptor family in a polyphagous insect herbivore
  9. The second era of genome projects
  10. OfftargetFinder: a web tool for species-specific RNAi design
  11. Identification of Putative Nuclear Receptors and Steroidogenic Enzymes in Murray-Darling Rainbowfish (Melanotaenia fluviatilis) Using RNA-Seq and De Novo Transcriptome Assembly
  12. Genomewide transcriptional signatures of migratory flight activity in a globally invasive insect pest
  13. Chemosensory genes identified in the antennal transcriptome of the blowfly Calliphora stygia
  14. Draft Genome of Australian Environmental Strain WM 09.24 of the Opportunistic Human Pathogen Scedosporium aurantiacum
  15. Chemosensory receptor genes in the Oriental tobacco budwormHelicoverpa assulta
  16. Comparative genomics of the mimicry switch in Papilio dardanus
  17. Blue: correcting sequencing errors using consensus and context
  18. Identification and characterization of three chemosensory receptor families in the cotton bollworm Helicoverpa armigera
  19. Novel aquatic silk genes from Simulium (Psilozia) vittatum (Zett) Diptera: Simuliidae
  20. The i5K Initiative: Advancing Arthropod Genomics for Knowledge, Human Health, Agriculture, and the Environment
  21. Trinity: the de-novo transcriptome assembly and analysis platform
  22. Butterfly genome reveals promiscuous exchange of mimicry adaptations among species
  23. A Roadmap for Whitefly Genomics Research: Lessons from Previous Insect Genome Projects
  24. Transcriptome analysis reveals novel patterning and pigmentation genes underlying Heliconius butterfly wing pattern variation
  25. RNA interference in Lepidoptera: An overview of successful and unsuccessful studies and implications for experimental design
  26. The GMOD Drupal Bioinformatic Server Framework
  27. Characterization of a hotspot for mimicry: assembly of a butterfly wing transcriptome to genomic sequence at theHmYb/Sblocus
  28. Next generation transcriptomes for next generation genomes using est2assembly
  29. ButterflyBase: a platform for lepidopteran genomics
  30. Synteny and Chromosome Evolution in the Lepidoptera: Evidence From Mapping in Heliconius melpomene
  31. Butterfly genomics eclosing
  32. Heliconius wing patterns: an evo-devo model for understanding phenotypic diversity
  33. Genomic tools and cDNA derived markers for butterflies
  34. Installing the GMOD Drupal Bioinformatic Server Framework
  35. Feature curation - version beta
  36. Installing the GMOD Drupal Bioinformatics Server Framework
  37. Installing and using the Drupal Bioinformatics Software Bench
  38. How to use the genes4all RNAi experiment module