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  1. Comments onStructural studies of haemoglobin from pisces species shortfin mako shark (Isurus oxyrinchus) at 1.9 Å resolutionby P. Rameshet al.(2013).J. Synchrotron Rad.20, 843–847
  2. Interactions of gold-based drugs with proteins: crystal structure of the adduct formed between ribonuclease A and a cytotoxic gold(iii) compound
  3. Structural modifications induced by the switch from an endogenous bis-histidyl to an exogenous cyanomet hexa-coordination in a tetrameric haemoglobin
  4. Compositional and thermal treatment effects on Raman gain and bandwidth in nanostructured silica based glasses
  5. Investigating the Ruthenium Metalation of Proteins: X-ray Structure and Raman Microspectroscopy of the Complex between RNase A and AziRu
  6. Reaction of Hg2+ Insertion into Cysteine Pairs Within Bovine Insulin Crystals Followed via Raman Spectroscopy
  7. Role of tertiary structures on the Root effect in fish hemoglobins
  8. Molecular basis of the NO trans influence in quaternary T‐state human hemoglobin: A computational study
  9. An Overview of Biological Macromolecule Crystallization
  10. A novel interdomain interface in crystallins: structural characterization of the βγ-crystallin fromGeodia cydoniumat 0.99 Å resolution
  11. Interaction of Anticancer Ruthenium Compounds with Proteins: High-Resolution X-ray Structures and Raman Microscopy Studies of the Adduct between Hen Egg White Lysozyme and AziRu
  12. The mode of action of anticancer gold-based drugs: a structural perspective
  13. Selective X-ray-induced NO photodissociation in haemoglobin crystals: evidence from a Raman-assisted crystallographic study
  14. Wet Chemical Method for Making Graphene-like Films from Carbon Black
  15. Role of the tertiary and quaternary structure in the formation of bis-histidyl adducts in cold-adapted hemoglobins
  16. Identification of an active dimeric intermediate populated during the unfolding process of the cambialistic superoxide dismutase from Streptococcus mutans
  17. ATP regulation of the ligand-binding properties in temperate and cold-adapted haemoglobins. X-ray structure and ligand-binding kinetics in the sub-Antarctic fish Eleginops maclovinus
  18. Improving Protein Crystal Quality by the Without-Oil Microbatch Method: Crystallization and Preliminary X-ray Diffraction Analysis of Glutathione Synthetase from Pseudoalteromonas haloplanktis
  19. Large Raman Gain in a Stable Nanocomposite Based on Niobiosilicate Glass
  20. Occurrence and formation of endogenous histidine hexa‐coordination in cold‐adapted hemoglobins
  21. Polymerization of hemoglobins in Arctic fish: Lycodes reticulatus and Gadus morhua
  22. Protonation of histidine 55 affects the oxygen access to heme in the alpha chain of the hemoglobin from the Antarctic fish Trematomus bernacchii
  23. Structure and flexibility in cold-adapted iron superoxide dismutases: The case of the enzyme isolated from Pseudoalteromonas haloplanktis
  24. Crystallization, preliminary X-ray diffraction studies and Raman microscopy of the major haemoglobin from the sub-Antarctic fishEleginops maclovinusin the carbomonoxy form
  25. The hemoglobins of sub-Antarctic fishes of the suborder Notothenioidei
  26. Free-Energy Profile for CO Binding to Separated Chains of Human and Trematomus newnesi Hemoglobin: Insights from Molecular Dynamics Simulations and Perturbed Matrix Method
  27. Quaternary Diffusion Coefficients in a Protein−Polymer−Salt−Water System Determined by Rayleigh Interferometry
  28. Correlation between Hemichrome Stability and the Root Effect in Tetrameric Hemoglobins
  29. Combined crystallographic and spectroscopic analysis of Trematomus bernacchii hemoglobin highlights analogies and differences in the peculiar oxidation pathway of Antarctic fish hemoglobins
  30. The hemoglobins of the sub‐Antarctic fish Cottoperca gobio, a phyletically basal species – oxygen‐binding equilibria, kinetics and molecular dynamics
  31. Toward an antitumor form of bovine pancreatic ribonuclease: The crystal structure of three noncovalent dimeric mutants
  32. The bis-histidyl complex in hemoproteins: A detailed conformational analysis of database protein structures and the case of Antarctic fish hemoglobins
  33. Phase behavior and crystallogenesis under counter-diffusion conditions of the collagen-model peptide (Pro–Pro–Gly)10
  34. The Hemoglobins of Fishes Living at Polar Latitudes - Current Knowledge on Structural Adaptations in a Changing Environment
  35. Structure and crystallization behavior of mixed potassium-lithium niobiosilicate glasses
  36. Correlation between Raman and X-ray crystallography data of (Pro-Pro-Gly)10
  37. Spectroscopic and Crystallographic Characterization of a Tetrameric Hemoglobin Oxidation Reveals Structural Features of the Functional Intermediate Relaxed/Tense State
  38. Crystallization and Preliminary X-Ray Diffraction Studies of a Psychrophilic Iron Superoxide Dismutase from Pseudoalteromonas haloplanktis
  39. A novel method for detection of selenomethionine incorporation in protein crystalsviaRaman microscopy
  40. Bis-histidyl Ferric Adducts in Tetrameric Haemoglobins
  41. Spectroscopic and Crystallographic Characterization of bis‐Histidyl Adducts in Tetrameric Hemoglobins
  42. Reduction of ferric hemoglobin fromTrematomus bernacchiiin a partial bis-histidyl state produces a deoxy coordination even when encapsulated into the crystal phase
  43. Hemoglobin structure/function and globin-gene evolution in the Arctic fish Liparis tunicatus
  44. Structural Characterization of Ferric Hemoglobins from Three Antarctic Fish Species of the Suborder Notothenioidei
  45. The Root effect – a structural and evolutionary perspective
  46. Sol–gel synthesis and structural characterization of niobium-silicon mixed-oxide nanocomposites
  47. High resolution crystal structure of deoxy hemoglobin from Trematomus bernacchii at different pH values: The role of histidine residues in modulating the strength of the root effect
  48. Lysozyme Mutual Diffusion in Solutions Crowded by Poly(ethylene glycol)
  49. Lessons from crystals grown in the Advanced Protein Crystallisation Facility for conventional crystallisation applied to structural biology
  50. Minimal structural requirements for root effect: Crystal structure of the cathodic hemoglobin isolated from the antarctic fish Trematomus newnesi
  51. Cover Picture: Macromol. Theory Simul. 1/2005
  52. Distinct Diffusion in Macromolecule‐Solvent Mixtures
  53. Multicomponent Diffusion in Crowded Solutions. 2. Mutual Diffusion in the Ternary System Tetra(ethylene glycol)−NaCl−Water
  54. Electrostatic and Excluded Volume Effects on the Transport of Electrolytes in Poly(ethylene glycol)−Water “Mixed Solvents”
  55. Hard-Sphere Hydrodynamics as Reference State in Velocity Cross-Correlation Analysis of Real Systems
  56. Novel Method for Calculating the Diffusion Coefficients of a Ternary System Containing a Polydisperse Component. Applications to the Gouy Interferometry
  57. Precision of Interferometric Diffusion Coefficients in a Four-Component System Relevant to Protein Crystal Growth:  Lysozyme−Tetra(ethylene glycol)−NaCl−H2O
  58. Crystallization of the collagen-like polypeptide (PPG)10aboard the International Space Station. 3. Analysis of residual acceleration-induced motion
  59. Physical aspects of protein crystal growth investigated with the Advanced Protein Crystallization Facility in reduced-gravity environments
  60. Crystallization of the collagen-like polypeptide (PPG)10 aboard the International Space Station. 1. Video observation
  61. Crystallization of the collagen-like polypeptide (PPG)10 aboard the International Space Station. 2. Comparison of crystal quality by X-ray diffraction
  62. ChemInform Abstract: Mutual and Intra Diffusion in Pseudobinary Systems
  63. Mechanism of Protein−Poly(ethylene glycol) Interaction from a Diffusive Point of View
  64. Kirkwood–Buff integrals for polymer–solvent mixtures. Preferential solvation and volumetric analysis in aqueous PEG solutions
  65. Velocity‐correlation analysis in polymer–solvent mixtures
  66. Diffusion Coefficient Matrix in Nonionic Polymer−Solvent Mixtures
  67. Multicomponent Diffusion in Systems Containing Molecules of Different Size. 1. Mutual Diffusion in the Ternary System Poly(ethylene glycol) 2000 + Poly(ethylene glycol) 200 + Water
  68. Multicomponent Diffusion in Crowded Solutions. 1. Mutual Diffusion in the Ternary System Poly(ethylene glycol) 400−NaCl−Water
  69. Multicomponent diffusion in systems containing molecules of different size. Part 3. Mutual diffusion in the ternary system hexa(ethylene glycol)–di(ethylene glycol)–water
  70. Multicomponent Diffusion in Systems Containing Molecules of Different Size. 4. Mutual Diffusion in the Ternary System Tetra(ethylene glycol)−Di(ethylene glycol)−Water
  71. Mechanism of 2,5-Dioxopiperazine Formation