All Stories

  1. SeamSleeve: Robust Arm Movement Sensing through Powered Stitching
  2. GraspUI: Seamlessly Integrating Object-Centric Gestures within the Seven Phases of Grasping
  3. Accelerating XR Innovation through a pan-European Lab Network: An overview of the EMIL project
  4. DeformIO: Dynamic Stiffness Control on a Deformable Force-sensing Display
  5. Pic2Tac: Creating Accessible Tactile Images using Semantic Information from Photographs
  6. SparseIMU: Computational Design of Sparse IMU Layouts for Sensing Fine-grained Finger Microgestures
  7. Design and Fabrication of Body-Based Interfaces (Demo of Saarland HCI Lab)
  8. Robust Microgestures while Grasping Everyday Objects
  9. Polyhedral expression propagation