All Stories

  1. How Can I Know What You Think?:Assessing Representational Similarity in Neural Systems
  2. How Many Mechanisms Are Needed to Analyze Speech? A Connectionist Simulation of Structural Rule Learning in Artificial Language Acquisition
  3. Verbs and Syntactic Frames in Children’s Elicited Actions: A Comparison of Tamil- and English-Speaking Children
  4. Object associations of early-learned light and heavy English verbs
  5. Distribution of object types of “light” and “heavy” early-learned English verbs
  6. The Routledge Companion to Philosophy of Psychology
  7. Pronouns and verbs in adult speech to children: A corpus analysis
  8. Content and cluster analysis: Assessing representational similarity in neural systems
  9. Language equals mimesis plus speech
  10. Pigeons and the problem of other minds
  11. Churchland on Connectionism