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  1. Impact of Exercise Interventions on Sustained Brain Health Outcomes in Frail Older Individuals: A Comprehensive Review of Systematic Reviews
  2. Exploración del interletreado: el impacto en la habilidad de lectura y la legibilidad del texto entre estudiantes universitarios portugueses: un estudio piloto
  3. Relationships between Informal Sports Leadership and Emotional Intelligence: A Cross-Sectional Study
  4. The neural bases of sport fan reactions to teams: Evidence from a neuroimaging study
  5. Fostering Organizational Empowerment: Impact of an Intervention Program on Stress Management and Physical Activity Motivation among Teachers in Portugal and Brazil
  6. Contributions of one hypothetical model of predictive relationships between psychological skills and emotional intelligence in university student-athletes: A cross-sectional study
  7. Behavioral Differences And Impact Of Lowercase And Uppercase Letters On Reading Performance
  8. The Influence of Line Length: A Pilot Study
  9. Intrinsic Motivation: Knowledge, Achievement, and Experimentation in Sports Science Students—Relations with Emotional Intelligence
  10. Levels of Somatic Anxiety, Cognitive Anxiety, and Self-Efficacy in University Athletes from a Spanish Public University and Their Relationship with Basic Psychological Needs
  11. Relationships between somatic anxiety, cognitive anxiety, self-efficacy, and emotional intelligence levels in university physical education students
  12. Natural and artificial lighting: Influence on readability
  13. An Initial Comparison of the Psychometric Properties of the Dark Triad Dirty Dozen in Spanish and Portuguese
  14. Digital Competence, Validation and Differential Patterns between Spanish and Portuguese Areas as Assessed from the Latest PISA Report as a Pathway to Sustainable Education and Social Concerns
  15. Digital literacy in the university setting: A literature review of empirical studies between 2010 and 2021
  16. Opinions and options about COVID-19: Personality correlates and sex differences in two European countries
  17. Pre-ordering Music Vynils: The Impact of Price and Number of Band Supporters
  18. COVID-19 and their outcomes: how personality, place, and sex of people play a role in the psychology of COVID-19 beliefs
  19. New clusters of type 2 diabetes mellitus and their outcomes: relation between pharmacological treatment and previous cardiovascular events
  20. Novel clusters of type 2 diabetes mellitus and their outcomes: relationship between pharmacological treatment and microvascular complications
  21. Novel subgroups of adult-onset diabetes and their outcomes: relationship between previous cardiovascular events and microvascular complications
  22. Ventral Caudate and Anterior Insula Recruitment During Value Estimation of Passionate Rewarding Cues
  23. Promoção da literacia para a não-violência e cidadania ativa ao longo do ciclo vital
  24. Impacto da satisfação com o apoio social em atletas
  25. Empregabilidade e satisfação dos diplomados de uma instituição de ensino superior: indicadores preliminares
  26. The role of Prefrontal Cortex in a Battle of the Sexes Dilemma involving a Conflict between Tribal and Romantic love
  27. Impacto da satisfação com apoio social em atletas.
  28. Tribal love: the neural correlates of passionate engagement in football fans
  30. Portuguese version of the Physical Education State Anxiety Scale: psychometric properties and its association with gender, age and extracurricular physical activity